Releases: CmlLib/CmlLib.Core
release 3.3.1
CmlLib.Core.dll for .NET 5.0 / .NET Framework 4.6.2 / .NET Core 3.1
or use Nuget package 'CmlLib.Core'
Simple console sample launcher using .NET Core. unzip file and run CmlLibCoreSample.exe
GUI sample launcher using .NET Framework. unzip file and run CmlLibWinFormSample.exe
Minor changes:
- fix the default value of JavaChecker.CheckHash was false. now the default value of JavaChecker.CheckHash is true.
release 3.3.0
CmlLib.Core.dll for .NET 5.0 / .NET Framework 4.6.2 / .NET Core 3.1
or use Nuget package 'CmlLib.Core'
Simple console sample launcher using .NET Core. unzip file and run CmlLibCoreSample.exe
GUI sample launcher using .NET Framework. unzip file and run CmlLibWinFormSample.exe
Major changes:
Add JavaChecker
- Support new java (java 16) to launch 1.17
Minor changes:
- fix LocalVersionLoader throws exception when directory does not exists
- allow empty GameOptionsFile
- do not use any proxy settings to improve performance
CmlLib.Core.dll for .NET 5.0 / .NET Framework 4.6.2 / .NET Core 3.1
or use Nuget package 'CmlLib.Core'
Simple console sample launcher using .NET Core. unzip file and run CmlLibCoreSample.exe
GUI sample launcher using .NET Framework. unzip file and run CmlLibWinFormSample.exe
Major changes:
Improve performance (much faster)
- Add async apis (you don't need Thread anymore)
- Use AsyncParallelDownloader as default downloader
Add IFileChecker, IDownloader
- Seperate file checking / downloading
- Add IFileChecker (AssetChecker, ClientChecker, LibraryChecker)
- Add FileCheckerCollection
- Add IDownloader (SequenceDownloader, AsyncParallelDownloader)
Customizable MinecraftPath
- Now MinecraftPath does not create directories when it initialized.
- Allow inheritance
Add new version system
- Move namespace: CmlLib.Core.Files -> CmlLib.Core.Version, CmlLib.Core.VersionLoader
- Add IVersionLoader (DefaultVersionLoader, LocalVersionLoader, MojangVersionLoader)
- Update MVersionCollection
Minor changes:
- Enable nullable
- Update Changelogs: 80+ versions available
- Update GameOptionsFile
- Fire ChangeProgress event in AsyncParallelDownloader
- Obsolete ParallelDownloader (use AsyncParallelDownloader)
- Obsolete CmlLib.Core.Mojang.MojangAPI (use MojangAPI library)
- Set WebRequest timeout to 20 seconds
release 3.2.0-pre2
CmlLib.Core.dll for .NET Framework 4.6.2, .NET 5.0, and .NET Core 3.1
or use Nuget package 'CmlLib.Core'
Simple console sample launcher using .NET Core. unzip file and run CmlLibCoreSample.exe
GUI sample launcher using .NET Framework. unzip file and run CmlLibWinFormSample.exe
Changelog 3.1.1
Add MLogin.TryAutoLoginFromMojangLauncher method
Add logo
Normalize game path when MinecraftPath is initialized
Make MLogin.SaveSession public
release 3.1.0
CmlLib.Core.dll for .NET Framework 4.6.2, .NET 5.0, and .NET Core 3.1
or use Nuget package 'CmlLib.Core'
Simple console sample launcher using .NET Core. unzip file and run CmlLibCoreSample.exe
GUI sample launcher using .NET Framework. unzip file and run CmlLibWinFormSample.exe
Changelog 3.1.0
Support .NET 5.0
Add Feature : Microsoft Xbox Minecraft Login (see wiki)
Add Feature : Mojang APIs (see wiki)
Add XboxLoginTest project
Add feature : Mojang launcher files (launcher_profiles.json, launcher_accounts.json)
Make set properties public in MSession
Improve parallel downloaders
Protected and Virtual methods in MinecraftPath. you can change game dir structure
Instant methods in MVersionLoader
release 3.0.0
CmlLib.Core.dll for .NET Framework 4.6.2 and .NET Core 3.1
or use Nuget package 'CmlLib.Core'
Simple console sample launcher using .NET Core. unzip file and run CmlLibCoreSample.exe
GUI sample launcher using .NET Framework. unzip file and run CmlLibWinFormSample.exe
Changelog 3.0.0
Change name: Profile to Version
- MProfile to MVersion
- MProfileMetadata to MVersionMetadata
- MProfileType to MVersionType
- GetProfiles, UpdateProfiles to GetAllVersion, UpdateVersion
It prevents confusion between MLauncherProfile and MProfile
Make Namespaces:
- CmlLib.Core.Auth
- CmlLib.Core.Downloader
- CmlLib.Core.LauncherProfile
- CmlLib.Core.Version
Change name: Minecraft class to MinecraftPath class
Add MLoginResponse class and now MLogin methods return this object
Add IsLocalProfile and obsolete IsWeb field in MVersionMetadata
Add MVersionMetadataCollection class and MVersionLoader return this
Support new Forge Installer
Do not fire DownloadFileChangedEvent when file size is under 1MB. to improve performance
Throw MDownloadFileException when MDownloader failed to download file. and this exception contains file information
Improve version json parser: handle null classifiers, null assetIndex
Make the constructor of MSession public
Add MParallelDownloader class.
Add MLauncherProfile
Add MVersionMetadataCollection and parse LatestReleaseVersion and LatestSnapshotVersion
Add MojangServerStatus class
Add GameOptionsFile class
Add PackageName class
Add ProcessUtil class
Add JarFile class
pre-release 3.0.0-alpha3
pre release 3.0.0 alpha 3