- Empathize
- Define
- Ideate
- Prototype
- Test
John Fowler was born into a wealthy Quaker Family. He was a mechanical Engg. He loved working even though he was rich and didn't need to.
One day, on his travel to ireland, he saw a major crises of potato famine. There was suffering. He wanted to help them. He resigned his job. He studied about famine. He learning the ploughing mechanism were the root cause of the problem. He started designing a device for ploughing. But it was hard for the bull to pull.
From his experience with steam engine.
He combined it with a steam engine.
And created the first
tracktor on the process.
Go EAST for desing thinking
E - Empathize
A - Analyse
S - Solve
T - Test
Truth of Suffering
Find Cause of Suffering
Solution for Suffering
Implementing the Solution
involves understanding and thinking