diff --git a/src/semantic_parser/FactorArgumentAutomaton.h b/src/semantic_parser/FactorArgumentAutomaton.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..822e34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/semantic_parser/FactorArgumentAutomaton.h
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Andre Martins
+// All Rights Reserved.
+// This file is part of TurboParser 2.1.
+// TurboParser 2.1 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// TurboParser 2.1 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with TurboParser 2.1. If not, see .
+#include "SemanticPart.h"
+#include "ad3/GenericFactor.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+namespace AD3 {
+typedef std::tr1::unordered_map HashMapIntInt;
+class FactorArgumentAutomaton : public GenericFactor {
+ public:
+ FactorArgumentAutomaton() {}
+ virtual ~FactorArgumentAutomaton() { ClearActiveSet(); }
+ // Print as a string.
+ void Print(ostream& stream) {
+ Factor::Print(stream);
+#if 0
+ // Print number of senses.
+ stream << " " << GetNumSenses();
+ int total = 0; // Delete this later.
+ for (int s = 0; s < GetNumSenses(); ++s) {
+ for (int a1 = 0; a1 < index_siblings_[s].size(); ++a1) {
+ for (int a2 = a1+1; a2 <= index_siblings_[s][a1].size(); ++a2) {
+ CHECK_GE(index_siblings_[s][a1][a2], 0);
+ int index = index_siblings_[s][a1][a2];
+ ++total;
+ stream << " " << setprecision(9)
+ << additional_log_potentials_[index];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ stream << endl;
+ CHECK_EQ(additional_log_potentials_.size(), total);
+ }
+ int GetLength() const { return index_arcs_.size(); }
+ int GetNumSenses(int p) const {
+ if (p == 0 || p == GetLength()) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return index_arcs_[p].size();
+ }
+ }
+ double GetPredicateScore(
+ int predicate,
+ int sense,
+ const vector &variable_log_potentials,
+ const vector &additional_log_potentials) const {
+ int index_sense = index_senses_[predicate][sense];
+ int index = index_arcs_[predicate][sense];
+ return variable_log_potentials[index_sense] +
+ variable_log_potentials[index];
+ }
+ double GetCoparentScore(
+ int first_predicate,
+ int first_sense,
+ int second_predicate,
+ int second_sense,
+ const vector &variable_log_potentials,
+ const vector &additional_log_potentials) const {
+ int index = index_coparents_[first_predicate][first_sense]
+ [second_predicate][second_sense];
+ return additional_log_potentials[index];
+ }
+ void AddPredicatePosterior(int predicate,
+ int sense,
+ double weight,
+ vector *variable_posteriors,
+ vector *additional_posteriors) const {
+ int index_sense = index_senses_[predicate][sense];
+ int index = index_arcs_[predicate][sense];
+ (*variable_posteriors)[index_sense] += weight;
+ (*variable_posteriors)[index] += weight;
+ }
+ void AddCoparentPosterior(int first_predicate,
+ int first_sense,
+ int second_predicate,
+ int second_sense,
+ double weight,
+ vector *variable_posteriors,
+ vector *additional_posteriors) const {
+ int index = index_coparents_[first_predicate][first_sense]
+ [second_predicate][second_sense];
+ (*additional_posteriors)[index] += weight;
+ }
+ // Compute the score of a given assignment.
+ void Maximize(const vector &variable_log_potentials,
+ const vector &additional_log_potentials,
+ Configuration &configuration,
+ double *value) {
+#if 0
+ // Decode maximizing over the senses and using the Viterbi algorithm
+ // as an inner loop.
+ // If sense=-1, the final score is zero (so take the argmax at the end).
+ int num_senses = GetNumSenses();
+ int best_sense = -1;
+ vector best_path;
+ *value = 0.0;
+ // Run Viterbi for each possible grandparent.
+ for (int s = 0; s < num_senses; ++s) {
+ int length = GetLength(s);
+ vector > values(length);
+ vector > path(length);
+ CHECK_GE(length, 1);
+ // The start state is a1 = 0.
+ values[0].resize(1);
+ values[0][0] = 0.0;
+ path[0].resize(1);
+ path[0][0] = 0;
+ for (int a = 1; a < length; ++a) {
+ // a+1 possible states: either keep the previous state (no arc added)
+ // or transition to a new state (arc between p and a).
+ values[a].resize(a+1);
+ path[a].resize(a+1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < a; ++i) {
+ // In this case, the previous state must also be i.
+ values[a][i] = values[a-1][i];
+ path[a][i] = i;
+ }
+ // For the a-th state, the previous state can be anything up to a-1.
+ path[a][a] = -1;
+ for (int j = 0; j < a; ++j) {
+ double score = values[a-1][j];
+ score += GetSiblingScore(s, j, a, variable_log_potentials,
+ additional_log_potentials);
+ if (path[a][a] < 0 || score > values[a][a]) {
+ values[a][a] = score;
+ path[a][a] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ values[a][a] += GetArgumentScore(s, a, variable_log_potentials,
+ additional_log_potentials);
+ }
+ // The end state is a = length.
+ int best_last_state = -1;
+ double best_score = -1e12;
+ for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j) {
+ int index = index_siblings_[s][j][length];
+ CHECK_GE(index, 0);
+ double score = values[length-1][j] +
+ GetSiblingScore(s, j, length, variable_log_potentials,
+ additional_log_potentials);
+ if (best_last_state < 0 || score > best_score) {
+ best_score = score;
+ best_last_state = j;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the score of the predicate sense s.
+ // Note: we're allowing senses != -1 with no argument frame.
+ best_score += GetSenseScore(s, variable_log_potentials,
+ additional_log_potentials);
+ // Only backtrack if the solution is the best so far.
+ if (best_score > *value) {
+ // This is the best sense so far.
+ best_sense = s;
+ *value = best_score;
+ best_path.resize(length);
+ best_path[length-1] = best_last_state;
+ // Backtrack.
+ for (int a = length-1; a > 0; --a) {
+ best_path[a-1] = path[a][best_path[a]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now write the configuration.
+ vector *sense_arguments =
+ static_cast*>(configuration);
+ sense_arguments->push_back(best_sense);
+ int length = (best_sense >= 0)? GetLength(best_sense) : 0;
+ for (int a = 1; a < length; ++a) {
+ if (best_path[a] == a) {
+ sense_arguments->push_back(a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the score of a given assignment.
+ void Evaluate(const vector &variable_log_potentials,
+ const vector &additional_log_potentials,
+ const Configuration configuration,
+ double *value) {
+ const vector *predicates_senses =
+ static_cast*>(configuration);
+ *value = 0.0;
+ // Predicates belong to {1,2,...}
+ // Senses belong to {0,1,...}
+ CHECK_EQ(predicates_senses->size() % 2, 0);
+ int num_predicates = predicates_senses->size() / 2;
+ int p1 = 0; // Start position.
+ int s1 = 0; // First predicate sense is 0 by convention.
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_predicates; ++i) {
+ int p2 = (*predicates_senses)[i];
+ int s2 = (*predicates_senses)[num_predicates + i];
+ *value += GetPredicateScore(p2, s2, variable_log_potentials,
+ additional_log_potentials);
+ *value += GetCoparentScore(p1, s1, p2, s2, variable_log_potentials,
+ additional_log_potentials);
+ p1 = p2;
+ s1 = s2;
+ }
+ int p2 = GetLength(); // Stop position.
+ int s2 = 0; // Last predicate sense is 0 by convention.
+ *value += GetCoparentScore(p1, s1, p2, s2, variable_log_potentials,
+ additional_log_potentials);
+ }
+ // Given a configuration with a probability (weight),
+ // increment the vectors of variable and additional posteriors.
+ void UpdateMarginalsFromConfiguration(
+ const Configuration &configuration,
+ double weight,
+ vector *variable_posteriors,
+ vector *additional_posteriors) {
+ const vector *predicates_senses =
+ static_cast*>(configuration);
+ // Predicates belong to {1,2,...}
+ // Senses belong to {0,1,...}
+ CHECK_EQ(predicates_senses->size() % 2, 0);
+ int num_predicates = predicates_senses->size() / 2;
+ int p1 = 0; // Start position.
+ int s1 = 0; // First predicate sense is 0 by convention.
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_predicates; ++i) {
+ int p2 = (*predicates_senses)[i];
+ int s2 = (*predicates_senses)[num_predicates + i];
+ AddPredicatePosterior(p2, s2, weight, variable_posteriors,
+ additional_posteriors);
+ AddCoparentPosterior(p1, s1, p2, s2, weight, variable_posteriors,
+ additional_posteriors);
+ p1 = p2;
+ s1 = s2;
+ }
+ int p2 = GetLength(); // Stop position.
+ int s2 = 0; // Last predicate sense is 0 by convention.
+ AddCoparentPosterior(p1, s1, p2, s2, weight, variable_posteriors,
+ additional_posteriors);
+ }
+ // Count how many common values two configurations have.
+ int CountCommonValues(const Configuration &configuration1,
+ const Configuration &configuration2) {
+ const vector *values1 = static_cast*>(configuration1);
+ const vector *values2 = static_cast*>(configuration2);
+ CHECK_EQ(values1->size() % 2, 0);
+ CHECK_EQ(values2->size() % 2, 0);
+ int length1 = values1->size() / 2;
+ int length2 = values2->size() / 2;
+ int count = 0;
+ int j = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < length1; ++i) {
+ for (; j < length2; ++j) {
+ if ((*values2)[j] >= (*values1)[i]) break;
+ }
+ if (j < values2->size() && (*values2)[j] == (*values1)[i]) {
+ // Matched predicate index; check predicate sense.
+ int sense1 = (*values1)[length1 + i];
+ int sense2 = (*values2)[length2 + j];
+ if (sense1 == sense2) count += 2; // Matched arc and predicate sense.
+ ++j;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ // Check if two configurations are the same.
+ bool SameConfiguration(
+ const Configuration &configuration1,
+ const Configuration &configuration2) {
+ const vector *values1 = static_cast*>(configuration1);
+ const vector *values2 = static_cast*>(configuration2);
+ if (values1->size() != values2->size()) return false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < values1->size(); ++i) {
+ if ((*values1)[i] != (*values2)[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Delete configuration.
+ void DeleteConfiguration(
+ Configuration configuration) {
+ vector *values = static_cast*>(configuration);
+ delete values;
+ }
+ Configuration CreateConfiguration() {
+ // The first half of this array contains the indices of the predicates.
+ // The second half contains the predicate senses.
+ vector* predicates_senses = new vector;
+ return static_cast(predicates_senses);
+ }
+ public:
+ // Predicate senses are of the form (p,s) for each p and s.
+ // Incoming arcs are of the form (p,s,a) for each p and s.
+ // The variables linked to this factor must be in the same order as
+ // the predicate senses, followed by the incoming arcs.
+ // "Right" indicates the attachment direction (if true, then p <= a1 < a2).
+ void Initialize(int argument,
+ bool right,
+ const vector &predicate_senses,
+ const vector &incoming_arcs,
+ const vector &coparents) {
+ // Get argument index.
+ int a = argument;
+ // Build map of senses.
+ vector map_senses;
+ int num_senses = predicate_senses.size();
+ CHECK_GT(num_senses, 0);
+ for (int k = 0; k < predicate_senses.size(); ++k) {
+ int p = predicate_senses[k]->predicate();
+ int s = predicate_senses[k]->sense();
+ int position = (right)? p-a : a-p;
+ ++position; // Position 0 is reserved for the case a1=-1.
+ CHECK_GE(position, 1);
+ if (position >= map_senses.size()) {
+ map_senses.resize(position+1);
+ }
+ CHECK(map_senses[position].find(s) == map_senses[position].end());
+ // This will be replaced by the index of the sense.
+ map_senses[position][s] = k;
+ }
+ index_senses_.clear();
+ // Always put something in the zero position (which is special).
+ // In this case, there are no senses.
+ index_senses_.push_back(vector(0));
+ for (int position = 1; position < map_senses.size(); ++position) {
+ int num_senses = map_senses[position].size();
+ int trimmed_position = index_senses_.size();
+ if (num_senses == 0) continue;
+ index_senses_.push_back(vector(num_senses, -1));
+ int sense = 0;
+ for (HashMapIntInt::iterator it = map_senses[position].begin();
+ it != map_senses[position].end(); ++it) {
+ int index = it->second;
+ CHECK_GE(index, 0);
+ // Replace map_senses[position][sense] by the index of the sense.
+ map_senses[position][it->first] = sense;
+ // Index of outgoing arc in the variables array.
+ index_senses_[trimmed_position][sense] = index;
+ ++sense;
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a temporary list of arguments.
+ // Each argument position will be mapped to a one-based array, in
+ // which sense_arguments[s][1] = p, sense_arguments[s][2] = p+1 (p-1),
+ // etc. for the right (left) automaton case. Self-loops are possible.
+ // The zero position is reserved to denote a a1 = -1 (in a2 will be the
+ // first argument of the predicate).
+ // E.g. for a right automaton with p=3, the argument a1=7 will be stored in
+ // position 7-3+1=5.
+ int offset_incoming_arcs = num_senses;
+ vector > predicates(1, vector(0));
+ for (int k = 0; k < incoming_arcs.size(); ++k) {
+ CHECK_EQ(a, incoming_arcs[k]->argument());
+ int p = incoming_arcs[k]->predicate();
+ int s = incoming_arcs[k]->sense();
+ int position = (right)? p-a : a-p;
+ ++position; // Position 0 is reserved for the case a1=-1.
+ CHECK_GE(position, 1) << p << " " << a;
+ CHECK(map_senses[position].find(s) != map_senses[position].end());
+ int sense = map_senses[position][s];
+ if (position >= predicates.size()) {
+ predicates.resize(position+1);
+ }
+ if (sense >= predicates[position].size()) {
+ predicates[position].resize(sense+1, -1);
+ }
+ // This will be replaced by the index of the argument.
+ CHECK_LT(predicates[position][sense], 0);
+ predicates[position][sense] = offset_incoming_arcs + k;
+ }
+ // TODO: need to make index_senses_ too!!!
+ index_arcs_.clear();
+ // Always put something in the zero position (which is special).
+ // In this case, there are no senses.
+ index_arcs_.push_back(vector(0));
+ for (int position = 1; position < predicates.size(); ++position) {
+ int num_senses = predicates[position].size();
+ int trimmed_position = index_arcs_.size();
+ if (num_senses == 0) continue;
+ index_arcs_.push_back(vector(num_senses, -1));
+ for (int sense = 0; sense < num_senses; ++sense) {
+ int index = predicates[position][sense];
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ // Replace predicates[sense][position] by the index of the arc.
+ predicates[position][sense] = trimmed_position;
+ // Index of outgoing arc in the variables array.
+ index_arcs_[trimmed_position][sense] = index;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Construct index of siblings.
+ int num_predicates = GetLength();
+ index_coparents_.assign(num_predicates, vector > >(0));
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_predicates; ++i) {
+ // Pretend there is a sense 0 for the first predicate.
+ int num_senses1 = GetNumSenses(i); //(i == 0)? 1 : index_arcs_[i].size();
+ index_coparents_[i].assign(num_senses1,
+ vector >(num_predicates+1));
+ for (int sense1 = 0; sense1 < num_senses1; ++sense1) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < num_predicates+1; ++j) {
+ // Pretend there is a sense 0 for the last predicate.
+ int num_senses2 = GetNumSenses(j); // (j == num_predicates)? 1 : index_arcs_[j].size();
+ index_coparents_[i][sense1][j].assign(num_senses2, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < coparents.size(); ++k) {
+ CHECK_EQ(a, coparents[k]->argument());
+ int p1 = coparents[k]->first_predicate();
+ int s1 = coparents[k]->first_sense();
+ int p2 = coparents[k]->second_predicate();
+ int s2 = coparents[k]->second_sense();
+ int position1 = right? p1-a : a-p1;
+ int position2 = right? p2-a : a-p2;
+ if (p1 < 0) position1 = -1; // To handle p1=-1.
+ CHECK(map_senses[p1].find(s1) != map_senses[p1].end());
+ int sense1 = map_senses[p1][s1];
+ CHECK(map_senses[p2].find(s2) != map_senses[p2].end());
+ int sense2 = map_senses[p2][s2];
+ ++position1; // Position 0 is reserved for the case p1=-1.
+ ++position2;
+ CHECK_GE(position1, 0);
+ CHECK_GE(position2, 1);
+ CHECK_LT(position1, predicates.size());
+ CHECK_LT(position2, predicates.size()+1); // Was commented?
+ int first_predicate = (position1 > 0)?
+ predicates[position1][sense1] : 0;
+ int second_predicate = (position2 < predicates.size())?
+ predicates[position2][sense2] : GetLength();
+ CHECK_GE(first_predicate, 0);
+ CHECK_GE(second_predicate, 1);
+ CHECK_LT(first_predicate, index_coparents_.size());
+ CHECK_LT(second_predicate,
+ index_coparents_[first_predicate][sense1].size());
+ // Index of co-parents in the additional_variables array.
+ index_coparents_[first_predicate][sense1][second_predicate][sense2] = k;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ vector > index_senses_; // Indexed by p, s.
+ vector > index_arcs_; // Indexed by p, s.
+ // Indexed by p1, s1, p2, s2.
+ vector > > > index_coparents_;
+} // namespace AD3