- .NET 8.0 Migration
- Remove Twitter Crawler Stuff
- Downgrade JSON.NET to 11.02 for Azure Functions
- FeedCrawler with "FilterByCategories" config setting
- csproj files with PackageLicenseExpression (MIT)
- Enable SourceLink https://blog.nuget.org/20180827/Introducing-Source-Code-Link-for-NuGet-packages.html
.NET Standard 2.0 Implementation
GitHub Issue Crawler
Feed - TruncateSummary feature
GitHub Event Filter
SloaderConfigLocator introduces to load multiple yml files from GitHub
IncludeRawContent introduced - raw content saving is now optional
Fixed NuGet Package (dll...)
Fixed NuGet Package
GitHubEvent Crawler added
Trace Information added
- Thumbnail in FeedItems
- Downgrade JSON.NET to 11.02 for Azure Functions
- csproj files with PackageLicenseExpression (MIT)
- Enable SourceLink https://blog.nuget.org/20180827/Introducing-Source-Code-Link-for-NuGet-packages.html
.NET Standard 2.0 Implementation
GitHub Issue Crawler result
GitHub Results enhanced (with RelatedBody)
Fixed NuGet Package (dll...)
Fixed NuGet Package
GitHubEvent Crawler added
- FeedCrawler bugfix for publish date
- FeedCrawler detects Thumbnail images
- Downgrade JSON.NET to 11.02 for Azure Functions
- FeedCrawler with "FilterByCategories"
- AutoRun will try to search for a local Sloader.yml file in the same folder as the executable
- Fix GitHubIssue crawler to avoid "null" states when fetching data.
- Single HttpClient instance is now used
Look for secrets in environment variables to support Azure Functions
.NET Standard 2.0 Implementation
White list some control chars and ban the rest
Remove special chars from strings that may break Jeykll and co.
GitHub Issue Crawler
Feedcrawler with TruncateAt Feature for Summary
New RSS/Atom Feedcrawler implementation
GitHub Event filtering
Dependencies updated
GitHub CommitCommentEvent now included
GitHub merged PRs are now handled as 'merged' in related action (instead of closed)
IncludeRawContent introduced - raw content saving is now optional
GitHub Crawler CreateEvent for Branch mit related url
GitHub Crawler RelatedDescription and Body enhanced
Fixed NuGet Package (dll...)
Fixed NuGet Package
GitHubCrawler with PushEvent now points to GitHub Compare-View
Fixed NuGet Package
GitHubEvent Crawler added
Trace Information added