This assignment will teach you the following:
- Repositories
- Commits
- History
- GitHub
Fork this GitHub repository to create your own working version:
On the new screen be sure your GitHub username is selected then click the green Create Fork button:
You should be directed to your forked GitHub repository. You'll know it's yours because your GitHub username will be in the top left instead of Code-the-Dream-School:
Click the "Code" button (1) make sure you have HTTPS selected (2) and copy the URL (3) for your repository:
Clone this repository so that the code is available on your local machine:
Hint: Run this command from the directory where you want to store your code
Note: Replace
with the URL you copied in the previous step
git clone <url>
Navigate to the directory you just cloned in your terminal:
cd intro-to-programming
Create a new local branch to work on separate from the main
git checkout -b lesson-2-1
Now, open the project directory in your code editor and continue to the next section.
- Create a file called
- Type your name into the file and save
Check the status of your local repository to double-check the changes you made:
git status
Stage the file(s) that you edited:
git add .
Check the status again and notice that the changes from before are now staged:
git status
Create a commit for the changes you made and add a message describing the changes you made:
Note: Replace
with your message (example - "created index.html file")
git commit -m "<message>"
Push your commit to the remote repository (visible in GitHub):
git push
Check the log to make sure your commit has been published:
git log --oneline
Create a pull request and submit:
Created by Code the Dream