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DRAEM : A discriminatively trained reconstruction embedding for surface anomaly detection

Topic: 결함 탐지, 컴퓨터 비전 Year: 2021

0. Abstract

Recent surface anomaly detection methods

generative models

  1. to accurately reconstruct the normal areas
  2. to fail on anomalies

we cast surface anomaly detection primarily as a discriminative problem

and propose a **discriminatively trained reconstruction anomaly embedding model** (DRÆM)

DRÆM learn the contents below

  1. a joint representation of an anomalous image
  2. its anomaly-free reconstruction
  3. a decision boundary between normal and anomalous examples

The method enables the contents below

  1. direct anomaly localization without the need for additional complicated post-processing of the network output
  2. can be trained using simple and general anomaly simulations

1. Introduce

general anomaly detection problem

⇒ considers anomalies as entire images that significantly differ from the non-anomalous training set images

surface anomaly detection problems(ours)

⇒ the anomalies occupy only *a small fraction* of image pixels and are typically close to the training set distribution

Reconstructive Methods

Reconstructive methods, such as Autoencoders [5, 1, 2, 26] and GANs [24, 23], have been extensively explored since they enable learning of a powerful reconstruction subspace, using only anomaly-free images.

Relying on poor re-construction capability of anomalous regions, not observed in training,

the anomalies can then be detected by thresholding the difference between the input image and its reconstruction.


determining the presence of anomalies that are not substantially different from normal appear- ance remains challenging, since these are often well reconstructed.

Recent improvements

  1. The difference by thresholding the difference between the input image and its reconstruction.

    ⇒ the difference between deep features extracted from a general-purpose network and a network specialized for anomaly-free images

  2. Discrimination : Discrimination can also be formulated as a deviation from a dense clustering of non-anomalous textures within the deep subspace

    💡 the deep subspace : as forming such a compact subspace prevents anomalies from being mapped close to anomaly-free samples.


We hypothesize that over-fitting can be substantially reduced by training a discriminative model over the joint, reconstructed and original, appearance along with the reconstruction subspace.

간단히 말해, 모델은 원래 데이터와 그 데이터의 재구성 버전 사이의 '거리'를 학습하여, 이를 통해 실제 세계에서 다양한 이상 현상을 더 잘 이해하고 분류할 수 있게 됩니다. 이렇게 하면 모델이 합성 데이터에 과적합되는 문제를 피할 수 있습니다.

2. Related work

Instead of the commonly used image space reconstruction, the reconstruction of pretrained network features can also be used for surface anomaly detection

Unsupervised anomaly segmentation via deep feature reconstruction

Anomalies are detected based on the assumption that features of a pre-trained network will not be faithfully reconstructued by another network trained only on anomaly-free images.

비정상들은 사전학습된 network의 피쳐들이 anomaly-free 이미지들로만 학습된 다른 network로부터 정확하게 재구성되지 않을 것이라는 가정에 기반하여 탐지된다.

Recently Patch-based one-class classification methods have been considered for surface anomaly detection.


The anomaly detection process of the proposed method

1) The reconstructive Sub network

Untitled 1
The reconstructive sub-network is trained to implicitly detect and reconstruct the anomalies with semantically plausible anomaly-free content, while keeping the non-anomalous regions of the input image unchanged.

$I$ original image
$I_a$ an artificially corrupted version


  1. SSIM(Structural Similrity Index) loss

    • 주어진 2개의 이미지의 similarity(유사도)를 계산하는 측도로 사용
    • SSIM은 두 이미지의 단순 유사도를 측정하는데 사용
    • 두 이미지가 유사해지도록 만들어야 되는 문제일 때 SSIM을 Loss Function 형태로 사용하기도 합니다. 왜냐하면 SSIM이 gradient-based로 구현되어 있기 때문입니다. Untitled 2

    $H, W$ 이미지 $I$의 높이 넓이
    $N_p$ 이미지 $I$의 pixel 수
    $I_r$ reconstructed $I$(output)
    $SSIM(I, I_r)_{(i, j)}$ SSIM value for patch of $I$ and $I_r$
  2. The reconstruction loss Untitled 3

    $\lambda$ loss balancing hyper-parameter


  1. Train

    Input / Target noise 처리된 정상 / raw 정상
    Output reconstructed 된 정상
    What is trained noise(가상결함)을 정상으로 복원하는 것
    Evaluate cost
    (L2 + SSIM loss)
    reconstruction loss(Target과 Output으로 계산됨)
    👉 최소화 하는 것이 목표
  2. Classification

    input raw 비정상
    output 정상으로 reconstructed 된 비정상
    Classification anomalies를 정상부위로 바꿈으로서
    👉 reconstruction loss 높아짐
    👉 결함 판별

2) The discriminative sub-network

Untitled 4

the discriminative sub-network learns a joint reconstruction-anomaly embedding and produces accurate anomaly segmentation maps from the concatenated reconstructed and original appearance.

정상으로 복원하는 The reconstruction network의 특징 때문에

  • Anomalous images의 $I_r$$I$와 크게 차이 난다.
  • 그리고 anomaly segmentation에 필수적인 정보를 제공함
Input $I_c$ : $I_r$$I$의 채널별 concatenation
Output $M_o$ : a pixel-level anomaly detection mask

Loss : focal loss

Focal Loss($L_{seg}$) is applied on the discriminative sub-network output to increase robustness towards accurate segmentation of hard examples.

Focal Loss는 Easy Example의 weight를 줄이고 Hard Negative Example에 대한 학습에 초점을 맞추는 Cross Entropy Loss 함수의 확장판이다.

👉 data imbalanceing Untitled 5

$\alpha$ 전체적인 Loss 값을 조절하는 값
$(1 - p_t)^\gamma$ $\gamma \geq 0$ 의 값을 조절해야 좋은 성능 얻을 수 있음
$\gamma$ focusing parameter,
Easy Example에 대한 Loss의 비중을 낮추는 역할

Untitled 6

$\lambda = 0$ : Cross entropy loss와 같음

Total Loss

Untitled 7

$M_a$ ground truth
$M$ output segmentation masks

3) Simulated anomaly generation

A noise image

Untitled 8

Figure 4. Simulated anomaly generation process. The binary anomaly mask Ma is generated from Perlin noise P . The anomalous regions are sampled from A according to Ma and placed on the anomaly free image I to generate the anomalous image $I_a$.

DRÆM은 대상 영역의 실제 이상 현상을 현실적으로 반영하기 위해 시뮬레이션을 요구하지 않고, 막 분포가 끝난 모양을 생성하여 정상으로부터의 편차를 통해 이상 현상을 인식할 수 있는 적절한 거리 함수를 학습할 수 있도록 합니다.

  • 시뮬레이션을 요구안함 적절한 거리 함수를 학습할
  • 정상으로부터의 편차를 통해 이상 현상을 인식할 수 있음

A noise image is generated by a Perlin noise generator to capture a variety of anomaly shapes (Figure 4, P ) and binarized by a threshold sampled uniformly at random (Figure 4, Ma) into an anomaly map $M_a$.

💡 다양한 anomaly shape을 포착하기 위해 Perlin noise generator 사용

$M_a$ 는 무작위로 균일하게 샘플링된 threshold 로 인해 이진화됨

The anomaly texture source image A is sampled from an anomaly source image dataset which is unrelated to the input image distribution

 {posterize, sharpness, solarize, equalize, brightness change, color change, auto-contrast} 중 3개가 랜덤으로 적용되어 Augmentation 된다.

이렇게 Augmented 된 texture image $A$는 the anomaly map $M_a$ 에 마스킹 된 후 $I$ 위에 합성된다.
= $I_a$ Untitled 9

$\overline{M}_a$ inverse of $M_a$
$\odot$ the element-wise multiplication operation
$\beta$ the opacity parameter in blending.
sampled uniforms from an interval , $i.e., \beta \in [0.1, 1.0]$

3.4 Surface anomaly localization and detection

Untitled 10

  1. Local Average Pooling

    $M_o$ is smoothed by a mean filter convolution layer to aggregate the local anomaly response information.

  2. Global max pooling

  3. Compute anomaly score map

    The final image-level anomaly score $\eta$ is computed by taking the maximum value of the smoothed anomaly score map: Untitled 11

    $f_{(s_f \times s_f)}$ a mean filter of size $s_f \times s_f$
    = Local Average Pooling 레이어의 필터 크기
    $*$ the convolution operator
    out_mask_averaged = torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d(out_mask_sm[: ,1: ,: ,:], 21, stride=1,
                                                     padding=21 // 2).cpu().detach().numpy()
    image_score = np.max(out_mask_averaged)

    Threshold 는 우리가 정의해야 함

💡 여기까지 Architecture 를 간단하게 정리하면
  1. Making artificial anomalies image

    • a Perlin noise
    • binarized by a threshold sampled uniformly at random
  2. The reconstructive Sub network

    인공적으로 만든 anomalies image를 anomaly-free image로 복원시키도록 학습

  3. The discriminative sub-network

    anomaly detection mask, $M_o$ 를 출력하도록 학습

  4. Surface anomaly localization and detection

    discriminative network에서 출력된 $M_o$ 가 2개의 Layer 거친 후 anomaly score 산출

4. Experiments

Untitled 12

Figure 8. Qualitative examples. The original image, the anomaly map overlay, the anomaly map and the ground truth map are shown.