This tool can create users in different platforms given credential configurations and user configurations.
This example will show how to create a user in Google Apps.
First, to turn on Google Directory API follow step 1 at this quickstart tutorial
Second, write user parameters in a json format to represent and save it. For this quickstart tutorial we'll use a simple set of parameters:
"name": {
"familyName": "Surname",
"givenName": "Firstname"
"password": "Aa123456!@#",
"primaryEmail": ""
Now here comes the fun part. Run the command spuc googleapps create -p "/path/to/client_secret.json" -u "/path/to/google_user.json"
If you haven't authenticated for a while, spuc will open a browser window and will ask you to log in. Once you've logged in, the user will be created and spuc will print the user configuration in a json format.