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Contact Forms

Pritpal Chauhan edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 12 revisions


There are three contact forms: Request for Patients, Request for Volunteers, and General Inquiry. All three forms are displayed on the contact us page. The site admin can control which of the forms are displayed via custom fields for each form. They are visible when the contact us page is edited.

For developers:

The forms are customized via the Contact Forms 7 plugin. This plugin must be installed and enabled in the user's WordPress installation. Additionally, the forms themselves are saved in an XML file, and must be imported via Tools -> Import -> WordPress Importer. After import, ensure that the e-mail addresses listed for all three forms are correct and up-to-date. Navigation between the three forms is accomplished using the nav-tabs feature in Bootstrap.

The current code for the three forms is:

Request for Patients form code

<div class="container-fluid m-0 mt-3">
  <h4>Basic Information</h4>

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="full-name">Name*</label>
      [text* full-name class:form-control id:full-name placeholder "Full Name (Ex. John Doe)"]
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="organization">Organization*</label>
      [text* organization class:form-control id:organization placeholder "Organization Name"]

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="phone-number">Phone Number</label>
      [tel phone-number class:form-control id:phone-number placeholder "Phone Number (Ex. 123-456-7890)"]
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="email-address">Email Address*</label>
      [email* email-address class:form-control id:email-address placeholder "Email Address (Ex. [email protected])"]
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="website">Website Link</label>
      [url website class:form-control id:website placeholder "Organization Website"]
  <h4>Request Information</h4>

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="number-of-patients-needed">Number of Patients/Clients needed*</label>
      [number* number-of-patients-needed min:1 class:form-control id:number-of-patients-needed "0"]
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="aim-and-objectives">Aim/Learning Objectives*</label>
      [text* aim-and-objectives class:form-control id:aim-and-objectives]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="activity-type">Please select the type of engagement that best reflects your activity*</label>
    [checkbox* activity-type id:activity-type use_label_element "Patients create learning material: patients involved in creating learning materials used by faculty." "Standardized or Volunteer Patients: standardized volunteer patients in a clinical setting teach and assess communication and clinical skills." "Patient shares their experience: patient shares their experience with students within a faculty-directed curriculum." "Patients teach & assess students: patient-teacher(s) are involved in teaching or evaluating students." "Patients as equal partners: patient-teacher(s) as equal partners in student education, evaluation and curriculum development." "Institutional decision making: patients involved at institutional level in addition to sustained involvement as patient-teacher(s) in education, evaluation and curriculum development."]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="participation">Participation (What will they be asked to do?)*</label>
    [textarea* participation 50x6 class:form-control id:participation]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="background">Background (What skills, experience, health conditions are required to participate?)*</label>
    [textarea* background 50x6 class:form-control id:background]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="commitment-and-time">Commitment/Time (e.g. specify dates/times they are needed)*</label>
    [textarea* commitment-and-time 50x6 class:form-control id:commitment-and-time]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="reimbursement">Reimbursement (Please indicate if you are able to provide anything to the volunteers in return for their participation such as honoraria, refreshments, parking, etc.)*</label>
    [textarea* reimbursement 50x6 class:form-control id:reimbursement]
  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="fit-info">What information would you like applicants to provide to help you determine if they are a good fit?*</label>
    [checkbox* fit-info id:fit-info free_text use_label_element "Any health or other issues that would require special accommodation" "Prior relevant experience" "Other:"]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="deadline">Deadline for volunteers to apply*</label>
    [date* deadline min:2019-01-01 class:form-control id:deadline]

  [submit class:btn class:btn-primary]
  • Subject
    New Request for Patients from [full-name]
  • Additional Headers
    Reply-To: [email-address]
  • Message Body
    Basic Information
    Name: [full-name]
    Organization: [organization]
    Phone Number: [phone-number]
    Email: [email-address]
    Website: [website]
    Request Information
    Number of Patients/Clients needed: [number-of-patients-needed]
    Aim/Learning Objectives: [aim-and-objectives]
    Type of engagement: [activity-type]
    Participation (What will they be asked to do?): [participation]
    Background (What skills, experience, health conditions are required to participate?): [background]
    Commitment/Time (e.g. specify dates/times they are needed): [commitment-and-time]
    Reimbursement (Please indicate if you are able to provide anything to the volunteers in return for their participation such as honoraria, refreshments, parking, etc.): [reimbursement]
    What information would you like applicants to provide to help you determine if they are a good fit?: [fit-info]
    Deadline for volunteers to apply: [deadline]
    This e-mail was sent from the request for patients form on the Patients in Education website.
Additional Settings
flamingo_email: "[email-address]"
flamingo_name: "[full-name]"
flamingo_subject: "New Request for Patients"

Request for Volunteers form code

<div class="container-fluid m-0 mt-3">
  <h4>Basic Information</h4>

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="full-name">Name*</label>
      [text* full-name class:form-control id:full-name placeholder "Full Name (Ex. John Doe)"]
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="organization">Organization*</label>
      [text* organization class:form-control id:organization placeholder "Organization Name"]

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="phone-number">Phone Number</label>
      [tel phone-number class:form-control id:phone-number placeholder "Phone Number (Ex. 123-456-7890)"]
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="email-address">Email Address*</label>
      [email* email-address class:form-control id:email-address placeholder "Email Address (Ex. [email protected])"]
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="website">Website Link</label>
      [url website class:form-control id:website placeholder "Organization Website"]
  <h4>Request Information</h4>

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="number-of-volunteers-needed">Number of volunteers needed*</label>
      [number* number-of-volunteers-needed min:1 class:form-control id:number-of-volunteers-needed "0"]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="participation">Participation (What will they be asked to do?)*</label>
    [textarea* participation 50x6 class:form-control id:participation]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="background">Background (What skills, experience, health conditions are required to participate?)*</label>
    [textarea* background 50x6 class:form-control id:background]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="commitment-and-time">Commitment/Time (e.g. specify dates/times they are needed)*</label>
    [textarea* commitment-and-time 50x6 class:form-control id:commitment-and-time]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="reimbursement">Reimbursement (Please indicate if you are able to provide anything to the volunteers in return for their participation such as honoraria, refreshments, parking, etc.)*</label>
    [textarea* reimbursement 50x6 class:form-control id:reimbursement]
  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="location">Location*</label>
    [checkbox* location id:location free_text use_label_element "UBC, Vancouver Campus" "Diamond Health Care Centre" "Vancouver General Hospital" "Other:"]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="fit-info">What information would you like applicants to provide to help you determine if they are a good fit?*</label>
    [checkbox* fit-info id:fit-info free_text use_label_element "Any health or other issues that would require special accommodation" "Prior relevant experience" "Other:"]

  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="deadline">Deadline for volunteers to apply*</label>
    [date* deadline min:2019-01-01 class:form-control id:deadline]

  [submit class:btn class:btn-primary]
  • Subject
    New Request for Volunteers from [full-name]
  • Additional Headers
    Reply-To: [email-address]
  • Message Body
    Basic Information
    Name: [full-name]
    Organization: [organization]
    Phone Number: [phone-number]
    Email: [email-address]
    Website: [website]
    Request Information
    Number of volunteers needed: [number-of-volunteers-needed]
    Participation (What will they be asked to do?): [participation]
    Background (What skills, experience, health conditions are required to participate?): [background]
    Commitment/Time (e.g. specify dates/times they are needed): [commitment-and-time]
    Reimbursement (Please indicate if you are able to provide anything to the volunteers in return for their participation such as honoraria, refreshments, parking, etc.): [reimbursement]
    Location: [location]
    What information would you like applicants to provide to help you determine if they are a good fit?: [fit-info]
    Deadline for volunteers to apply: [deadline]
    This e-mail was sent from the request for volunteers form on the Patients in Education website.
Additional Settings
flamingo_email: "[email-address]"
flamingo_name: "[full-name]"
flamingo_subject: "New Request for Volunteers"

General Inquiry form code

<div class="container-fluid m-0 mt-3">
  <h4>General Inquiry</h4>

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="full-name">Name*</label>
      [text* full-name class:form-control id:full-name placeholder "Full Name (Ex. John Doe)"]
    <div class="col-12 col-md-6 my-3">
      <label for="phone-number">Phone Number</label>
      [tel phone-number class:form-control id:phone-number placeholder "Phone Number (Ex. 123-456-7890)"]

  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="col-12 my-3">
      <label for="email-address">Email Address*</label>
      [email* email-address class:form-control id:email-address placeholder "Email Address (Ex. [email protected])"]
  <div class="form-group my-4">
    <label for="inquiry">Your inquiry*</label>
    [textarea* inquiry 50x6 class:form-control id:inquiry]

  [submit class:btn class:btn-primary]
  • Subject
    New General Inquiry from [full-name]
  • Additional Headers
    Reply-To: [email-address]
  • Message Body
    From: [full-name] <[email-address]> <[phone-number]>
    Subject: New General Inquiry
    Message Body:
    This e-mail was sent from the general inquiry form on the Patients in Education website.
Additional Settings
flamingo_email: "[email-address]"
flamingo_name: "[full-name]"
flamingo_subject: "New Inquiry"

General Documentation

Page Specific Documentation

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