- Implement melee.
- Implement assassinations.
- Fix bug with picking up weapons not always working based on distance. (Server de-sync.?)
- Set is fire pressed to false when switching weapons.
- Implement winning/losing, and game restarts.
- Improve networked shot intervals (send time shot)
- Improve map.
- Do something about the bottom of the map
- Add more weapons.
- plasma pistol?
- needler?
- sword?
- plasma rifle?
- Add sanity checking for shot rays.
- Implement radar.
- Implement crouching.
- Implement assists.
- Implement FFA/teams.
- Fix destroy errors on close in editor.
- Handle message send errors when disconnecting gracefully
- Make game look the same in the editor and the standalone player.
- Add listen servers.
- Make sure systems aren't updated twice.
- Make sure changes to the game state aren't done twice.
- Improve server-side verification (use round trip time).
- Remove ECS system instances.
- Implement dead bodies.
- Pick up weapons when in range if already holding key and didn't just drop them.
- Show dead/alive players in scoreboard.B