diff --git a/Source/CombatExtended/CombatExtended/AmmoUtility.cs b/Source/CombatExtended/CombatExtended/AmmoUtility.cs
index ae81397841..4d3b0e76cb 100644
--- a/Source/CombatExtended/CombatExtended/AmmoUtility.cs
+++ b/Source/CombatExtended/CombatExtended/AmmoUtility.cs
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
-using System.Text;
-using RimWorld;
-using Verse;
-namespace CombatExtended
- public static class AmmoUtility
- {
- ///
- /// Multiplier used to scale the armor penetration of a given projectile's explosion
- ///
- private const float ExplosiveArmorPenetrationMultiplier = 0.4f;
- ///
- /// Generates a readout text for a projectile with the damage amount, type, secondary explosion and other CE stats for
- /// display in info-box
- ///
- /// The projectile's ThingDef
- /// Formatted string listing projectile stats
- public static string GetProjectileReadout(this ThingDef projectileDef, Thing weapon)
- {
- // Append ammo stats
- var props = projectileDef?.projectile as ProjectilePropertiesCE;
- if (props == null)
- {
- Log.Warning("CE tried getting projectile readout with null props");
- return "CE_UnpatchedWeaponShort".Translate();
- }
- var multiplier = weapon?.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_DamageMultiplier) ?? 1f;
- var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- // Damage type/amount
- var dmgList = " " + "CE_DescDamage".Translate() + ": ";
- if (!props.secondaryDamage.NullOrEmpty())
- {
- // If we have multiple damage types, put every one in its own line
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(dmgList);
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + GenText.ToStringByStyle(props.GetDamageAmount(weapon), ToStringStyle.Integer) + " (" + props.damageDef.LabelCap + ")");
- foreach (var sec in props.secondaryDamage)
- {
- var secondaryChance = sec.chance >= 1.0f ? "" : $"({GenText.ToStringByStyle(sec.chance, ToStringStyle.PercentZero)} {"CE_Chance".Translate()})";
- stringBuilder.AppendLine($" {GenText.ToStringByStyle(sec.amount, ToStringStyle.Integer)} ({sec.def.LabelCap}) {secondaryChance}");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(dmgList + GenText.ToStringByStyle(props.GetDamageAmount(weapon), ToStringStyle.Integer) + " (" + props.damageDef.LabelCap + ")");
- }
- // Explosion radius
- if (props.explosionRadius > 0)
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescExplosionRadius".Translate() + ": " + props.explosionRadius.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatOne));
- }
- // Thermal/Electric Penetration
- if ((props.damageDef.armorCategory == CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Heat
- || props.damageDef.armorCategory == CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Electric) && props.damageDef.defaultArmorPenetration > 0f)
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescAmbientPenetration".Translate() + ": " + (props.damageDef.defaultArmorPenetration).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.PercentZero));
- }
- // Sharp / blunt AP
- if (props.damageDef.armorCategory != CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Heat
- && props.damageDef.armorCategory != CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Electric
- && props.damageDef != DamageDefOf.Stun
- && props.damageDef != DamageDefOf.Extinguish
- && props.damageDef != DamageDefOf.Smoke
- && props.GetDamageAmount(weapon) != 0)
- {
- if (props.explosionRadius > 0)
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescBluntPenetration".Translate() + ": " + props.GetExplosionArmorPenetration() + " " + "CE_MPa".Translate());
- }
- else
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescSharpPenetration".Translate() + ": " + (props.armorPenetrationSharp * multiplier).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_mmRHA".Translate());
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescBluntPenetration".Translate() + ": " + (props.armorPenetrationBlunt * multiplier).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_MPa".Translate());
- }
- }
- // Secondary explosion
- var secExpProps = projectileDef.GetCompProperties();
- if (secExpProps != null)
- {
- if (secExpProps.explosiveRadius > 0)
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescSecondaryExplosion".Translate() + ":");
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + "CE_DescDamage".Translate() + ": " + secExpProps.damageAmountBase.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.Integer) + " (" + secExpProps.explosiveDamageType.LabelCap + ")");
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + "CE_DescExplosionRadius".Translate() + ": " + secExpProps.explosiveRadius.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatOne));
- }
- }
- // Pellets
- if (props.pelletCount > 1)
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescPelletCount".Translate() + ": " + GenText.ToStringByStyle(props.pelletCount, ToStringStyle.Integer));
- }
- if (props.spreadMult != 1)
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescSpreadMult".Translate() + ": " + props.spreadMult.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.PercentZero));
- }
- // Fragments
- var fragmentComp = projectileDef.GetCompProperties();
- if (fragmentComp != null)
- {
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescFragments".Translate() + ":");
- foreach (var fragmentDef in fragmentComp.fragments)
- {
- var fragmentProps = fragmentDef?.thingDef?.projectile as ProjectilePropertiesCE;
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + fragmentDef.LabelCap);
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + " " + "CE_DescDamage".Translate() + ": " + fragmentProps?.damageAmountBase.ToString() + " (" + fragmentProps?.damageDef.LabelCap.ToString() + ")");
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + " " + "CE_DescSharpPenetration".Translate() + ": " + fragmentProps?.armorPenetrationSharp.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_mmRHA".Translate());
- stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + " " + "CE_DescBluntPenetration".Translate() + ": " + fragmentProps?.armorPenetrationBlunt.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_MPa".Translate());
- }
- }
- return stringBuilder.ToString();
- }
- ///
- /// Determine the armor penetration value of a given projectile type's explosion.
- ///
- public static float GetExplosionArmorPenetration(this ProjectileProperties props) => props.damageAmountBase * ExplosiveArmorPenetrationMultiplier;
- ///
- /// Determine the armor penetration value of a given explosive type's explosion.
- ///
- public static float GetExplosionArmorPenetration(this CompProperties_ExplosiveCE props) => props.damageAmountBase * ExplosiveArmorPenetrationMultiplier;
- public static bool IsShell(ThingDef def)
- {
- var ammo = ThingDefOf.Turret_Mortar.building.turretGunDef.GetCompProperties();
- return ammo?.ammoSet.ammoTypes.Any(l => l.ammo == def) ?? false;
- }
- public static bool IsAmmoSystemActive(AmmoDef def)
- {
- if (Controller.settings.EnableAmmoSystem)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return (def != null && def.isMortarAmmo);
- }
- public static bool IsAmmoSystemActive(AmmoSetDef ammoSet)
- {
- if (Controller.settings.EnableAmmoSystem)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return (ammoSet != null && ammoSet.isMortarAmmoSet);
- }
- }
+using System.Text;
+using RimWorld;
+using Verse;
+namespace CombatExtended
+ public static class AmmoUtility
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Multiplier used to scale the armor penetration of a given projectile's explosion
+ ///
+ private const float ExplosiveArmorPenetrationMultiplier = 0.4f;
+ ///
+ /// Generates a readout text for a projectile with the damage amount, type, secondary explosion and other CE stats for
+ /// display in info-box
+ ///
+ /// The projectile's ThingDef
+ /// Formatted string listing projectile stats
+ public static string GetProjectileReadout(this ThingDef projectileDef, Thing weapon)
+ {
+ // Append ammo stats
+ var props = projectileDef?.projectile as ProjectilePropertiesCE;
+ if (props == null)
+ {
+ Log.Warning("CE tried getting projectile readout with null props");
+ return "CE_UnpatchedWeaponShort".Translate();
+ }
+ var multiplier = weapon?.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_DamageMultiplier) ?? 1f;
+ var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+ // Damage type/amount
+ var dmgList = " " + "CE_DescDamage".Translate() + ": ";
+ if (!props.secondaryDamage.NullOrEmpty())
+ {
+ // If we have multiple damage types, put every one in its own line
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(dmgList);
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + GenText.ToStringByStyle(props.GetDamageAmount(weapon), ToStringStyle.Integer) + " (" + props.damageDef.LabelCap + ")");
+ foreach (var sec in props.secondaryDamage)
+ {
+ var secondaryChance = sec.chance >= 1.0f ? "" : $"({GenText.ToStringByStyle(sec.chance, ToStringStyle.PercentZero)} {"CE_Chance".Translate()})";
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine($" {GenText.ToStringByStyle(sec.amount, ToStringStyle.Integer)} ({sec.def.LabelCap}) {secondaryChance}");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(dmgList + GenText.ToStringByStyle(props.GetDamageAmount(weapon), ToStringStyle.Integer) + " (" + props.damageDef.LabelCap + ")");
+ }
+ // Explosion radius
+ if (props.explosionRadius > 0)
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescExplosionRadius".Translate() + ": " + props.explosionRadius.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatOne));
+ }
+ // Thermal/Electric Penetration
+ if ((props.damageDef.armorCategory == CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Heat
+ || props.damageDef.armorCategory == CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Electric) && props.damageDef.defaultArmorPenetration > 0f)
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescAmbientPenetration".Translate() + ": " + (props.damageDef.defaultArmorPenetration).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.PercentZero));
+ }
+ // Sharp / blunt AP
+ if (props.damageDef.armorCategory != CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Heat
+ && props.damageDef.armorCategory != CE_DamageArmorCategoryDefOf.Electric
+ && props.damageDef != DamageDefOf.Stun
+ && props.damageDef != DamageDefOf.Extinguish
+ && props.damageDef != DamageDefOf.Smoke
+ && props.GetDamageAmount(weapon) != 0)
+ {
+ if (props.explosionRadius > 0)
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescBluntPenetration".Translate() + ": " + props.GetExplosionArmorPenetration() + " " + "CE_MPa".Translate());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescSharpPenetration".Translate() + ": " + (props.armorPenetrationSharp * multiplier).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_mmRHA".Translate());
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescBluntPenetration".Translate() + ": " + (props.armorPenetrationBlunt * multiplier).ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_MPa".Translate());
+ }
+ }
+ // Secondary explosion
+ var secExpProps = projectileDef.GetCompProperties();
+ if (secExpProps != null)
+ {
+ if (secExpProps.explosiveRadius > 0)
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescSecondaryExplosion".Translate() + ":");
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + "CE_DescDamage".Translate() + ": " + secExpProps.damageAmountBase.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.Integer) + " (" + secExpProps.explosiveDamageType.LabelCap + ")");
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + "CE_DescExplosionRadius".Translate() + ": " + secExpProps.explosiveRadius.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatOne));
+ }
+ }
+ // Pellets
+ if (props.pelletCount > 1)
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescPelletCount".Translate() + ": " + GenText.ToStringByStyle(props.pelletCount, ToStringStyle.Integer));
+ }
+ if (props.spreadMult != 1)
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescSpreadMult".Translate() + ": " + props.spreadMult.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.PercentZero));
+ }
+ // Fragments
+ var fragmentComp = projectileDef.GetCompProperties();
+ if (fragmentComp != null)
+ {
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + "CE_DescFragments".Translate() + ":");
+ foreach (var fragmentDef in fragmentComp.fragments)
+ {
+ var fragmentProps = fragmentDef?.thingDef?.projectile as ProjectilePropertiesCE;
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + fragmentDef.LabelCap);
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + " " + "CE_DescDamage".Translate() + ": " + fragmentProps?.damageAmountBase.ToString() + " (" + fragmentProps?.damageDef.LabelCap.ToString() + ")");
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + " " + "CE_DescSharpPenetration".Translate() + ": " + fragmentProps?.armorPenetrationSharp.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_mmRHA".Translate());
+ stringBuilder.AppendLine(" " + " " + " " + "CE_DescBluntPenetration".Translate() + ": " + fragmentProps?.armorPenetrationBlunt.ToStringByStyle(ToStringStyle.FloatTwo) + " " + "CE_MPa".Translate());
+ }
+ }
+ return stringBuilder.ToString();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Determine the armor penetration value of a given projectile type's explosion.
+ ///
+ public static float GetExplosionArmorPenetration(this ProjectileProperties props) => props.damageAmountBase * ExplosiveArmorPenetrationMultiplier;
+ ///
+ /// Determine the armor penetration value of a given explosive type's explosion.
+ ///
+ public static float GetExplosionArmorPenetration(this CompProperties_ExplosiveCE props) => props.damageAmountBase * ExplosiveArmorPenetrationMultiplier;
+ public static bool IsShell(ThingDef def)
+ {
+ var ammo = ThingDefOf.Turret_Mortar.building.turretGunDef.GetCompProperties();
+ return ammo?.ammoSet.ammoTypes.Any(l => l.ammo == def) ?? false;
+ }
+ public static bool IsAmmoSystemActive(AmmoDef def)
+ {
+ if (Controller.settings.EnableAmmoSystem)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (def != null && def.isMortarAmmo);
+ }
+ public static bool IsAmmoSystemActive(AmmoSetDef ammoSet)
+ {
+ if (Controller.settings.EnableAmmoSystem)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return (ammoSet != null && ammoSet.isMortarAmmoSet);
+ }
+ }