diff --git a/Patches/Thrumbo Plushie/ThrumboPlushie.xml b/Patches/Thrumbo Plushie/ThrumboPlushie.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e654cbc438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Patches/Thrumbo Plushie/ThrumboPlushie.xml	
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+	<Operation Class="PatchOperationFindMod">
+		<mods>
+			<li>Thrumbo Plushie</li>
+		</mods>
+		<match Class="PatchOperationSequence">
+			<operations>
+			<!-- ========== Thrumbo Plushie ========== -->
+			<li Class="PatchOperationReplace">
+				<xpath>Defs/ThingDef[defName="ThrumboPlushie"]/tools</xpath>
+				<value>
+					<tools>
+						<li Class="CombatExtended.ToolCE">
+							<label>base</label>
+							<capacities>
+								<li>Blunt</li>
+							</capacities>
+							<power>1</power>
+							<cooldownTime>2</cooldownTime>
+							<armorPenetrationBlunt>0.05</armorPenetrationBlunt>
+							<linkedBodyPartsGroup>Base</linkedBodyPartsGroup>
+						</li>
+					</tools>
+				</value>
+			</li>
+			<li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
+				<xpath>Defs/ThingDef[defName="ThrumboPlushie"]/statBases</xpath>
+				<value>
+					<Bulk>2</Bulk>
+				</value>
+			</li>
+			<li Class="PatchOperationConditional">
+				<xpath>Defs/ThingDef[defName="ThrumboPlushie"]/weaponTags</xpath>
+				<nomatch Class="PatchOperationAdd">
+					<xpath>Defs/ThingDef[defName="ThrumboPlushie"]</xpath>
+					<value>
+						<weaponTags />
+					</value>
+				</nomatch>
+			</li>
+			<li Class="PatchOperationAdd">
+				<xpath>Defs/ThingDef[defName="ThrumboPlushie"]/weaponTags</xpath>
+				<value>
+					<li>CE_OneHandedWeapon</li>
+				</value>
+			</li>
+			</operations>
+		</match>
+	</Operation>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/SupportedThirdPartyMods.md b/SupportedThirdPartyMods.md
index bb46634418..d9bbf6671c 100644
--- a/SupportedThirdPartyMods.md
+++ b/SupportedThirdPartyMods.md
@@ -470,6 +470,7 @@ The Joris Experience	|
 The Tuffalo |
 Thog's Armor    |
 Thog's Guns - More Brukka Pack  |
+Thrumbo Plushie |
 Toolmetrics Redux (Continued)   |
 TouhouStyle	|
 Trading Economy	|