From 49254118fe7644cdf04c181a379d210ed38da559 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pedro Kretzschmar <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 10:23:30 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] refactor: new interface to BrightDAO

 src/components/modals/AddProposal.tsx      | 12 +++---
 src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx |  8 ++--
 src/pages/learn/3.tsx                      | 45 +++++++++++-----------
 src/pages/learn/4.tsx                      | 15 ++++----
 4 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/modals/AddProposal.tsx b/src/components/modals/AddProposal.tsx
index 0ae93e7..def8832 100644
--- a/src/components/modals/AddProposal.tsx
+++ b/src/components/modals/AddProposal.tsx
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ function AddProposal({ isOpen, handleClose, onClick }: AddProposalProps) {
           onChange={(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
-          placeholder="wxDAI"
+          placeholder="BRIGHT"
         <p className="font-inter text-neon-light pt-3">
-          How much wxDAI is being governed by Conviction Voting
+          How much BRIGHT is being governed by Conviction Voting
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ function AddProposal({ isOpen, handleClose, onClick }: AddProposalProps) {
           onChange={(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
-          placeholder="wxDAI"
+          placeholder="BRIGHT"
         <p className="font-inter text-neon-light pt-3">
-          How many TEC tokens are Actively Voting in Conviction Voting?
+          How many BRIGHT are Actively Voting in Conviction Voting?
         <p className="font-inter text-gray-200 text-xs pt-3 pb-1">
-          Hatchers will have ~2 million TEC tokens they can vote with.
+          Hatchers will have ~2 million BRIGHT they can vote with.
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function AddProposal({ isOpen, handleClose, onClick }: AddProposalProps) {
           onChange={(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) =>
-          placeholder="TEC"
+          placeholder="BRIGHT"
diff --git a/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx b/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx
index 5ca9015..18f9a00 100644
--- a/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx
+++ b/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx
@@ -23,24 +23,24 @@ function ConvictionVotingTable({
             tooltipText="A simluted funding request using Conviction Voting"
-            headerText="requested amount (wxdai)"
+            headerText="requested amount (BRIGHT)"
             tooltipText="The amount of funds being asked for from the Common Pool"
-            headerText="common pool (wxdai)"
+            headerText="common pool (BRIGHT)"
             tooltipText="The amount of funds currently in the Common Pool"
-            headerText="effective supply (tec)"
+            headerText="effective supply (BRIGHT)"
             tooltipText="The cumulative total of all TEC tokens staked on all proposals in Conviction Voting"
             headerText={`min tokens needed to pass in ${
               timePeriod || '2 weeks'
-            } (tec)`}
+            } (BRIGHT)`}
             tooltipText="The minimum amount of tokens needed to pass this funding request in the given timeframe"
diff --git a/src/pages/learn/3.tsx b/src/pages/learn/3.tsx
index f82f6dd..c150992 100644
--- a/src/pages/learn/3.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/learn/3.tsx
@@ -12,36 +12,37 @@ function LearnThree() {
       <div className="font-inter">
         <br />
-          As your Commons evolves so should its configuration. Parameters within
-          the different Commons components will be able to be modified after
-          they have been implemented. In this module you will need to define the
-          voting requirements for any proposal to alter the Commons
+          As the BrightDAO evolves so should its configuration. Parameters
+          within the BrightDAO components will be able to be modified during
+          deployment. In this module you will need to define the voting
+          requirements for any proposal to alter the BrightDAO on-chain
         <br />
-        <p className="font-bold">Modifying the Commons</p>
+        <p className="font-bold">Modifying BrightDAO</p>
         <br />
-          Tao Voting is the voting process by which the Commons can modify its
-          economic and governance settings post-upgrade. It is a very powerful
-          voting application that is capable of performing many high-impact
-          functions, for example:
+          Tao Voting is the voting application by which the BRIGHT holders can
+          modify the economic and governance settings of BrightDAO. It is a very
+          powerful voting application that is capable of performing many
+          high-impact Decisions, for example:
         <br />
         <ul className="list-disc list-inside">
-          <li>Mint and burn TEC tokens</li>
-          <li>Install and remove Applications (Modules) in the Commons</li>
-          <li>Modify the parameters of all existing Applications (Modules)</li>
+          <li>Install and remove Aragon Applications</li>
+          <li>Modify the parameters of all existing Applications</li>
+          <li>Remove BRIGHT from the Common Pool</li>
         <br />
-          Since there is only one set of voting parameters for all Commons
-          components, strong thresholds for passing proposals in Tao Voting are
-          critical to ensure the Commons architecture remains uncompromised.
+          Since there is only one set of voting parameters for all BrightDAO
+          components, well thought out thresholds for passing proposals in Tao
+          Voting are critical to ensure the BrightDAO architecture remains
+          uncompromised.
         <br />
-          Tao Voting is an upgraded version of Dandelion Voting with familiar
+          Tao Voting is an upgraded version of DAO Voting app with familiar
           parameters such as <strong>Support Required</strong>,{' '}
           <strong>Minimum Quorum</strong>, <strong>Execution Delay</strong>
           and <strong>Vote Duration</strong>.
@@ -55,9 +56,9 @@ function LearnThree() {
         <p className="font-bold">Delegation</p>
         <br />
-          TEC Token holders can delegate their Tao Voting powers to another
-          member who will cast votes on their behalf, these members become
-          delegates. Delegates can only vote during the{' '}
+          BRIGHT holders can delegate their Tao Voting powers to another member
+          who will cast votes on their behalf, these members become delegates.
+          Delegates can only vote during the{' '}
           <strong>Delegate Voting Period</strong>, which is a specified amount
           of time at the beginning of the voting process. If a delegate votes
           contrary to their delegator the delegator can veto the delegated vote
@@ -80,9 +81,9 @@ function LearnThree() {
         <br />
         <p className="font-bold leading-loose">You decide:</p>
         <ul className="list-disc list-inside">
-          <li>Legacy Dandelion Voting settings</li>
-          <li>The amount of time Delegates are allowed to vote</li>
-          <li>How long to listen for a change of outcome</li>
+          <li>Normal DAO Voting settings </li>
+          <li>The amount of time Delegates are allowed to vote </li>
+          <li>How long to listen for a change of outcome </li>
           <li>The amount of time that can be added for voting</li>
         <p className="font-bj font-bold text-lg my-6">
diff --git a/src/pages/learn/4.tsx b/src/pages/learn/4.tsx
index ed3a91a..dc902cc 100644
--- a/src/pages/learn/4.tsx
+++ b/src/pages/learn/4.tsx
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ function LearnFour() {
       <div className="font-inter">
         <br />
-          Conviction Voting is the governance system in which Commons Members
-          create proposals to request funds from the Common Pool.
+          Conviction Voting is the governance system in which BrightDAO Members
+          create proposals to request funds from the BrightDAO.
         <br />
-          TEC tokens can be staked on these proposals to signal approval of the
+          BRIGHT can be staked on these proposals to signal approval of the
           request. Staked tokens accrue voting power, or Conviction,
           continuously over time. The amount of tokens currently voting on all
           proposals in Conviction Voting is represented by the term{' '}
@@ -27,15 +27,16 @@ function LearnFour() {
         <br />
-          This is the real power behind the TEC token. TEC holders have a direct
-          impact on funding Token Engineering by reviewing projects and voting
-          on which initiatives get funded and how much funding they receive.
+          This is the real power behind the BRIGHT token. BRIGHT holders have a
+          direct impact on funding BrightDAO ecosystem by reviewing projects and
+          voting on which initiatives get funded and how much funding they
+          receive.
         <br />
           The <strong>Spending Limit</strong> sets the maximum percentage of the
           Common Pool funds that can be requested by a single proposal. The{' '}
-          <strong>Minimum Conviction</strong> dictates how many TEC tokens are
+          <strong>Minimum Conviction</strong> dictates how many BRIGHT are
           needed to pass a proposal, no matter how small the amount requested.
         <br />

From 8ca1c6a01133626bbefcf9fdaaafe1cfaf32fa0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Pedro Kretzschmar <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2021 11:33:18 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] hotfix: typo

 src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx b/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx
index 18f9a00..20a3d59 100644
--- a/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx
+++ b/src/components/tables/ConvictionVoting.tsx
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function ConvictionVotingTable({
-            tooltipText="A simluted funding request using Conviction Voting"
+            tooltipText="A simulated funding request using Conviction Voting"
             headerText="requested amount (BRIGHT)"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function ConvictionVotingTable({
             headerText="effective supply (BRIGHT)"
-            tooltipText="The cumulative total of all TEC tokens staked on all proposals in Conviction Voting"
+            tooltipText="The cumulative total of all BRIGHT staked on all proposals in Conviction Voting"
             headerText={`min tokens needed to pass in ${