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Stefan Kapferer edited this page Dec 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

Context Mapper

Welcome to the ContextMapper DSL wiki!

About this project

Microservices have gained a huge attention in the industry and in the academic field over the last years. More and more companies are adopting microservices architectures in order to increase agility, maintainability and scalability of their software. However, decomposing an application into appropriately sized services is a challenging task. Achieving high cohesion and loose coupling between the service boundaries is crucial to keep the application scalable and maintainable. Domain-driven Design (DDD) plays a key role here. With its strategic design and so-called “Bounded Contexts” it provides an approach for decomposing a domain into multiple contexts which can be implemented as independently deployable services.

Software architects and engineers can benefit from tools which support modelling and expressing these concepts in a meaningful way. Approaches for DDD modelling tools based on UML or annotation-based Domain-specific Languages (DSLs) already exist. However, these approaches mainly focus on tactical DDD patterns and barely cover the concepts needed for service decomposition.

This project aims to provide a Domain-specific language (DSL) for strategic DDD and service decomposition.

Current features:

  • DSL (Eclipse Editor)
  • ServiceCutter Input Generator
  • PlantUML Generator

Potential Future Work:

  • New service decomposition approach based on architectural refactorings & model transformations
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