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Information for Developers

Calvin Loncaric edited this page Oct 29, 2019 · 14 revisions

General Tips

  • Use virtualenv to keep Cozy and its dependencies isolated from the rest of your system.
  • PyCharm is a good choice for developing and debugging Cozy. It has many useful features:
    • Set breakpoint: conditional or not
    • Sometimes failed assertions / exception might not be caught, move the code a bit and place a manual breakpoint
    • Watcher is awesome
    • Stepping is more reliable
    • Find usage


The tests folder contains tests written with Python's unittest library. Run them with

$ python3 -m unittest -b tests/*.py

(The -b flag "buffers" output so that Python only shows output from failing tests.)

Code Organization

The cozy/synthesis folder contains the core synthesis algorithm and some useful additions.

The cozy/codegen folder implements source code generation for C++ and Java.

Using pre-commit hooks

A pre-commit hook is a script that runs when you run git commit. The commit aborts if the script fails. This pre-commit hook runs a linter and all the unit tests:

$ cat .git/hooks/pre-commit

./ && python3 -m unittest -fb tests/*.py

$ cat 
cd "$(dirname "$0")"

if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then
    ARGS="$(find cozy tests -name '*.py' -not -name '')"

echo "Running flake8..."
exec flake8 \
    $(fgrep -- '--select' .travis.yml) \
echo "Done!"

Equality in Cozy

There are multiple notions of "equality" between values and between expressions in Cozy. They are documented in

Expressions have three different kinds of equality: syntactic equality, alpha equivalence, and semantic equality.

  • syntactic equality means they are the same expression, right down to the names of variables
  • alpha equivalence means they are the same expression, but variables can be renamed if it doesn't affect the meaning of the expression
  • semantic equivalence means the expressions produce the same output on all inputs
e1 e2 syntactically equal? alpha equivalent? semantically equal?
x x yes yes yes
argmin {x -> -x} list argmin {y -> -y} list no yes yes
argmin {x -> -x} list max list no no yes
x y no no no

In the Cozy Python code, == on Exp objects implements syntactic equality (but ignores type information). alpha_equivalent tests for alpha equivalence (but also ignores type information). valid can be used as a partial decision procedure for semantic equality (the task is undecidable, unfortunately). Usually this is written valid(EDeepEq(e1, e2)). For expressions with non-collection types, valid(EEq(e1, e2)) accomplishes the same thing.

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