This is the API to our project Kitty News. Here we are authenticating users, storing articles, saving all our data and also making calls to external APIs such as Stripe. This is built with Ruby on Rails. We are using Amazon Web Services to store our images.
- User registration
- User authentication(Log-in/Log-off)
- Yearly subscription plan
- Display articles in a category
Deployed App(Heroku)
The admin user interface, mobile application and User Interface can be found here:
Check the whole design sprint and user story history of the project in this Pivotal Tracker board.
- Ruby
- Rails
- RSpec
- Puma
- Pry
- Coveralls
- Factory Bot
- Shouda-Matchers
- Rack-cors
- Active_model_serializers
- Devise_token_auth
- Stripe-rails
- Aws-sdk-s3
- Craft Academy course material
- Craft Academy coaches: Thomas Ochman and Emma-Maria Thalen
MIT License