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Igor Nikitin edited this page Oct 2, 2017
21 revisions
File | Description |
controlpointcountdown.res | Gamemode: Control Point - Countdown at the beginning of the round |
controlpointicon.res | Gamemode: Control Point - Timer and Status |
controlpointprogressbar.res | Gamemode: Control Point - “Teardrop” panel when you’re capturing a control point |
objectivestatusescort.res | Gamemode: Payload - Cart Tracker and Status |
objectivestatusmultipleescort.res | Gamemode: Payload Race - Cart Tracker and Status |
hudobjectivekothtimepanel.res | Gamemode: King of the Hill - Round Timer |
hudobjectivetimepanel.res | Gamemode: Round Timer for various game modes |
hudplayerhealth.res | Player Health and Active Effect (Bleeding, Marked etc.) |
hudammoweapons.res | Clip and Reserve Ammo |
hudmediccharge.res | Ubercharge Meter/Percentage |
hudaccountpanel.res | Engineer’s Metal Counter |
huddamageaccount.res | Damage Numbers |
huditemeffectmeter_killstreak.res | Killstreak Counter |
hudplayerclass.res | Player Class Model |
scoreboard.res | Scoreboard |
disguisestatuspanel.res | Spy Disguise Panel - Name, health and weapon of your current disguise |
votehud.res | Call a Vote Panel |
waitingforplayerspanel.res | Waiting for Player |
winpanel.res | End of the Round Panel – MVP, Score and Highest Killstreak |
hudmenutauntselection.res | Select a Taunt Menu |
itemquickswitch.res | Item Quickswitch Menu |
hudinspectpanel.res | Inspect Panel - Items equipped on the player you are inspecting |
spectator.res | Spectator – Waiting to Respawn View |
targetid.res | Target ID - Name and Health when you’re looking at someone |
spectatorguihealth.res | Target ID - Health Box |
freezepanelcallout.res | Freezecam – Main Panel |
freezepanelkillerhealth.res | Freezecam - Health of your killer |
hud_obj_dispenser.res | Buildings Built - Dispenser |
hud_obj_sapper.res | Buildings Built - Sapper – Spy Only |
hud_obj_sentrygun.res | Buildings Built - Sentry Gun |
hud_obj_sentrygun_disp.res | Buildings Built - Mini Sentry |
hud_obj_tele.res | Buildings Built - Teleporter |
hud_obj_tele_entrance.res | Buildings Built - Teleporter Entrance |
hud_obj_tele_exit.res | Buildings Built - Teleporter Exit |
textwindow.res | Message of the Day - when you enter the server |
mapinfomenu.res | Map Info Panel - when you enter the server |
teammenu.res | Team Select - when you enter the server |
classselection.res | Class Select Menu - when you enter the server |
hudbowcharge.res | Weapon Meter - Huntsman |
huddemomancharge.res | Weapon Meter - Charge Meter that is loaded into huddemomanpipes.res |
huddemomanpipes.res | Weapon Meter - Demoman Sticky Launchers and Shields |
huditemeffectmeter.res | Weapon Meter - Sandman, Wrap Assassin, Buff Banner, Concheror, Battalion’s Backup, Phlogistinator, Sandvich, Buffalo Steak Sandvich, Invis-watch, Dead Ringer |
huditemeffectmeter_cleaver.res | Weapon Meter - Flying Guillotine |
huditemeffectmeter_demoman.res | Weapon Meter - Eyelander Head Count |
huditemeffectmeter_engineer.res | Weapon Meter – Frontier Justice & Manmelter Crit Counter |
huditemeffectmeter_heavy.res | Weapon Meter - |
huditemeffectmeter_kartcharge.res | Weapon Meter - |
huditemeffectmeter_particlecannon.res | Weapon Meter - Cow Mangler |
huditemeffectmeter_pomson.res | Weapon Meter – Pomson 6000 |
huditemeffectmeter_raygun.res | Weapon Meter - Righteous Bison |
huditemeffectmeter_sapper.res | Weapon Meter - |
huditemeffectmeter_scout.res | Weapon Meter - Bonk! Atomic Punch, Crit-a-Cola, Mad Milk |
huditemeffectmeter_sniper.res | Weapon Meter - Bazaar Bargain Head Counter |
huditemeffectmeter_sniperfocus.res | Weapon Meter - Hitman's Heatmaker |
huditemeffectmeter_sodapopper.res | Weapon Meter - Soda Popper, Baby Face's Blaster |
huditemeffectmeter_spy.res | Weapon Meter - Diamondback Crit Counter |
huditemeffectmeter_spyknife.res | Weapon Meter - Spycicle |
hudstopwatch.res | Tournament Mode - Stopwatch and Time to Beat |
hudtournament.res | Tournament Mode - Pre-Game teams’ status |
hudtournamentsetup.res | Tournament Mode - Set team name and status panel |
spectatortournament.res | Tournament Mode - Spectator HUD - Waiting to Respawn stuff |
spectatortournamentguihealth.res | Tournament Mode - Target ID Health Box |
enemycountpanel.res | Mann vs. Machine - Wave Information - what robots will be attacking |
hudmannvsmachinestatus.res | Mann vs Machine - Wave Info, Boss Health, etc. |
flagstatus.res | Mann vs Machine/CTF - Intelligence Pointer |
hudobjectiveflagpanel.res | Mann vs Machine/CTF - Flag/Intelligence Panel |
huditemeffectmeter_powerupbottle.res | Mann vs Machine - Canteen Counter |
hudpvewinpanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
hudupgradepanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmcreditspendpanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmcreditsubpanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvminworldcurrency.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmscoreboard.res | Mann vs Machine - Scoreboard |
mvmscoreboardenemyinfo.res | Mann vs Machine – Wave Information on Scoreboard |
mvmstatentry.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmvictorysplash.res | Mann vs Machine - Victory Panel |
mvmwavelosspanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Wave Lost Panel |
revivedialog.res | Mann vs Machine - Being Revived Panel |
tankprogressbar.res | Mann vs Machine - |
tankstatuspanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
upgradebuypanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Upgrade Station |
wavecompletesummarypanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Wave Complete Panel |
wavestatuspanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Wave Status |
hudcurrencyaccount.res | |
hudhealthaccount.res | |
healthiconpanel.res | |
hudobjectivestatus.res | |
hudpowerupeffectmeter.res | |
hudroundcounter.res | |
hudmatchstatus.res | |
hudmatchsummary.res | |
File | Description |
hudmenuengybuild.res | Main File - Defines Layout and Style – Loads all other files |
base_active.res | Base File - Active |
base_already_built.res | Base File – Already Built |
base_cant_afford.res | Base File - Not Enough Metal |
base_selectable.res | Base File - Buildable |
base_unavailable.res | Base File – Not Available |
dispenser_active.res | Dispenser - Active |
dispenser_already_built.res | Dispenser – Already Built |
dispenser_cant_afford.res | Dispenser – Not Enough Metal |
dispenser_selectable.res | Dispenser - Buildable |
dispenser_unavailable.res | Dispenser - Not Available |
sentry_active.res | Sentry Gun - Active |
sentry_already_built.res | Sentry Gun – Already Built |
sentry_cant_afford.res | Sentry Gun – Not Enough Metal |
sentry_selectable.res | Sentry Gun - Buildable |
sentry_unavailable.res | Sentry Gun - Not Available |
tele_entrance_active.res | Teleporter Entrance - Active |
tele_entrance_already_built.res | Teleporter Entrance - Already Built |
tele_entrance_cant_afford.res | Teleporter Entrance - Not Enough Metal |
tele_entrance_unavailable.res | Teleporter Entrance - Not Available |
tele_exit_active.res | Teleporter Exit - Active |
tele_exit_already_built.res | Teleporter Exit - Already Built |
tele_exit_cant_afford.res | Teleporter Exit - Not Enough Metal |
tele_exit_unavailable.res | Teleporter Exit - Not Available |
tele_selectable.res | Teleporter Selectable |
hudmenueurekaeffect.res | Main File - Defines Layout and Style – Loads all other files |
base_active_teleport_target.res | Base File - Active |
base_unavailable_teleport_target.res | Base File – Unavailable Teleport Target |
eureka_target_home_avail.res | Spawn/Home - Active |
eureka_target_home_unavail.res | Spawn/Home - Unavailable |
eureka_target_tele_exit_avail.res | Teleporter Exit - Active |
eureka_target_tele_exit_unavail.res | Teleporter Exit - Unavailable |
File | Description |
hudmenuengydestroy.res | Main File - Defines Layout and Style – Loads all other files |
base_active.res | Base File - Built |
base_inactive.res | Base File - Not Built |
dispenser_active.res | Dispenser - Built |
dispenser_inactive.res | Dispenser - Not Built |
sentry_active.res | Sentry Gun - Built |
sentry_inactive.res | Sentry Gun - Not Built |
tele_entrance_active.res | Teleporter Entrance - Built |
tele_entrance_inactive.res | Teleporter Entrance - Not Built |
tele_exit_active.res | Teleporter Exit - Built |
tele_exit_inactive.res | Teleporter Exit - Not Built |
File | Description |
hudmenuspydisguise.res | Main Page layout and style |
demoman_blue.res | BLU Demoman Class Image/Text |
demoman_red.res | RED Demoman Class Image/Text |
engineer_blue.res | BLU Engineer Class Image/Text |
engineer_red.res | RED Engineer Class Image/Text |
heavy_blue.res | BLU Heavy Class Image/Text |
heavy_red.res | RED Heavy Class Image/Text |
medic_blue.res | BLU Medic Class Image/Text |
medic_red.res | RED Medic Class Image/Text |
pyro_blue.res | BLU Pyro Class Image/Text |
pyro_red.res | RED Pyro Class Image/Text |
scout_blue.res | BLU Scout Class Image/Text |
scout_red.res | RED Scout Class Image/Text |
sniper_blue.res | BLU Sniper Class Image/Text |
sniper_red.res | RED Sniper Class Image/Text |
soldier_blue.res | BLU Soldier Class Image/Tex |
soldier_red.res | RED Soldier Class Image/Text |
spy_blue.res | BLU Spy Class Image/Text |
spy_red.res | RED Spy Class Image/Text |
File | Description |
gamemenu.res | Main Menu - Button Properties (Label, Tooltip text, Image etc.) |
File | Description |
mainmenuoverride.res | Main Menu Content |
mainmenuplaylistentry.res | Main Menu - Dropdown list when you click ‘Find Game’ |
streamlistpanel.res | Main Menu - List of Twitch Streams |
streampanel.res | Main Menu - |
tfadvancedoptionsdialog.res | Main Menu - TF2 Advanced Options Panel |
lobbycontainerframe.res | Lobby Container - General Content |
lobbycontainerframe _casual.res | Lobby Container - Casual |
lobbycontainerframe _mvm.res | Lobby Container - Mann vs. Machine |
lobbycontainerframe _comp.res | Lobby Container - Competitive |
lobbypanel.res | Lobby Content – General Content |
lobbypanel _casual.res | Lobby Content – Casual |
lobbypanel _mvm.res | Lobby Content – Mann vs. Machine |
lobbypanel _comp.res | Lobby Content – Competitive |
charinfoarmorysubpanel.res | Loadout Menu - Mann Co. Item Catalog Page |
charinfoloadoutsubpanel.res | Loadout Menu - Main Page Content |
charinfopanel.res | Loadout Menu - Loadout/Stats Frame |
classloadoutpanel.res | Loadout Menu - Class Loadout Page |
craftingpanel.res | Loadout Menu - Crafting Page |
itemoptionspanel.res | Loadout Menu - |
itemselectionpanel.res | Loadout Menu - Item Selection Page to craft or equip |
loadoutpresetpanel.res | Loadout Menu - A, B, C and D buttons on the Loadout page |
statsummary.res | Stats Summary - Loading Screen |
statsummary_embedded.res | Stats Summary - Main Menu > Loadout/Stats |
quickplaybusydialog.res | Quickplay - Searching for Servers panel |
quickplaydialog.res | Quickplay - Main Page |
File | Description |
backpackpanel.res | Backpack Page Content |
confirmdialogopt.res | |
inspectpanel.res | |
itemmodelpanel.res | Item Box – the item slot in your loadout and backpack |
itempickuppanel.res | View New Items Panel |
notificationspresentpanel.res | You have Notifications - box that appears (not ingame) telling you have a notification on main menu |
notificationtoastcontainer.res | Main Menu Notification Container |
notificationtoastcontrol.res | Main Menu Notification Content |
tradingpanel.res | Trade Panel |
tradingstartdialog.res | Start a Trade Panel (from the ‘Items’ page) |
File | Description |
storehome_base.res | Mann Co Store - Main Content |
storehome_premium.res | Mann Co Store - ‘Premium’ Content |
storepage.res | Mann Co Store - Main Layout |
storepanel.res | Mann Co Store - Main Container |
storepreviewitempanel.res | Mann Co Store - Item Preview |
storeviewcartpanel.res | Mann Co Store - View Cart |