- This section is designed to help you setup your Windows wallet for staking CCB
Install the latest released CCB Windows Wallet Both 32bit and 64bit variants are available
From inside your wallet create a passphrase
Settings -> Encrypt Wallet
- Enable Staking in Configuration file From inside your wallet open the configuration file
Tool -> Open Wallet Configuration File
Inside configuration file add and reload wallet.
Start Staking
From wallet unlock your wallet for staking
Settings -> Unlock Wallet
Now you are set to start staking your CCB
Note: Remember transaction in your wallet will need 101 conformations to be eligable to start staking.
In this tutorial we will be indexing 2000 CCB into a index of 1000 CCB each
- From wallet turn on coin control
Settings -> Options -> Wallet -> Enable coin control features
Generate address for indexing
From wallet generate a new address for indexing
Tools -> Debug console -> (Type) getaccountaddress 0
Making the Index
From wallet navigate to send coin section.
Make sure Split UTXO is checked, enter 2 for the number of splits in the box to the right of the check box. Now enter the address you just generated in the Pay To: (Address you generated from previous step)
Next enter the amount of coins to split (2000)
Then send transaction
- Viewing Indexed coins From wallet navigate back to the send coins section. Click on inputs to view a breakdown of indexed addresses.
*Labeling Address From wallet navigate to receiving addresses
File -> Receiving Addresses
You will need to compare which address is which if you didnt assign a label at the time of sending coins with the address that are indexed in the method above on seeing a break down of indexed address.
When you know which address is which you can right click on the address and click rename.
I personally rename in the split method i assigned when i made the index (Stake 2 (1000)
This will allow you to identify which index is gaining a staking reward and how often in the inputs section.