Idea to add some sort of caching for the attractors so if i want to recolor it i can pull the initial conditions from a cache
docker pull redis
# -p and --name must come before -d
docker run -p 6379:6379 --name my-redis -d redis
docker exec -it my-redis redis-cli
set my-key "hello redis"
get my-key
pip install redis
pip install aioredis
Redis is cool but its overkill I can just use from cachetools import TTLCache
No thats not async enough im going to use from aiocache import caches
Im now seeing in jit that it can do caching. But that wouldn't be helpful as my function does one iteration at a time and i just cache the resulting 10000000 iterations with the initial conditions. I also compress it with gzip so which is nice too.