git clone
cd ./CutespiritDiscordBot/
git checkout nutc
# install requirements
pip install -r requirments.txt
# execute
cd ./src
python -m ctbot
Configuration Example
# First run you need to change token to your bot token.
# you can create a bot from
token = MTa4MjS3ASI ....
owner = 196207520585351180
enable_slash = true
general_prefix = !
# regist all slash command for specific guilds.
# accept list of guilds seprate by comma.
all = 875896592052420618,196207701661843456
# regist specific slash command for specific guilds.
# <class name without 'Slash' prefix>.<method> = <guild_ids> = 866199579014987816,96230004047740928
# specific setting for guild
# only response message in specific channels (not work in slash commands)
responsible_channels = 866213047016882206,866977922929917972
Team Website
Team Facebook
Team Discord
Team Telegram
Cutespirit Discord Bot
Licence:© Cutespirit 2022 All right reversed 此程式除了「關於」頁面不可重製及發布之外,其餘頁面及功能可進行重製發布。