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websocket 相关操作 - wallet api

cli_wallet 是运行在本地的钱包,与 full node 相连,通过 wallet API 可很容易实现与链的交互;在需要签名的操作中,需要提前导入私钥。

1. 运行 cli_wallet 钱包

./cli_wallet -r{prot1} -s ws://&{server}:&{port} --chain-id &{chain_id} -w empty-wallet.json

注:port1 为 cli_wallet 监听端口,server, port 为全节点 IP 和 port;chain_id 为链的 ID;empty-wallet.json 为空的账户 json 文件,其中 chain_id 必须与上面获取的 chain_id 一致

2. websocket 连接

连接 wallet 并解锁:

from websocket import create_connection
import json

ws = create_connection("ws://{port1}")
req = {"id":2, "method":"call", "params":[0, "unlock", ["123456"]]}
ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))

cli_wallet 默认解锁密码为 123456

3. 导入私钥

  • 代码:

      req = {"id":3, "method":"call", "params":[0, "import_key", ["cybex-dextest", "5HyqE3Ru8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxComE67pPxnjQ"]]}
      ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))
      print("return:\n" +ws.recv())
  • 参数:

      account_name_or_id: 需要签名的账户
      wif_key: 该账户的活跃私钥

4. 创建账户

  • 代码:

      req = {"id":4, "method":"call", "params":[0, "create_account_with_brain_key", ["testkeyword", "create-acc-cli-test", "1.2.157", "1.2.157", True]]}
      ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))
      print("return:\n" +ws.recv())
  • create_account_with_brain_key 参数:

      brain_key: 根据密码生成私钥
      account_name: 新创建的账户名
      registrar_account: 注册人,该账户是必须是终身会员
      referrer_account: 引荐人,该账户必须是终身会员
      broadcast: bool 类型,true 该操作会在链上进行广播
  • 返回:

      	"id": 4,
      	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
      	"result": {
      		"ref_block_num": 54796,
      		"ref_block_prefix": 173327528,
      		"expiration": "2018-08-02T06:34:05",
      		"operations": [
      			[5, {
      				"fee": {
      					"amount": 515,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"registrar": "1.2.157",
      				"referrer": "1.2.157",
      				"referrer_percent": 0,
      				"name": "create-acc-cli-test",
      				"owner": {
      					"weight_threshold": 1,
      					"account_auths": [],
      					"key_auths": [
      						["CYB6JL6METyT8552s7ZttrgdvqqzRRRdQNupkPHhEBBnGBwzo7Emp", 1]
      					"address_auths": []
      				"active": {
      					"weight_threshold": 1,
      					"account_auths": [],
      					"key_auths": [
      						["CYB69tJUZqg6mcvFGVgeABk3nj8w1HTzCuGGEUha2j9bqDshFNdzL", 1]
      					"address_auths": []
      				"options": {
      					"memo_key": "CYB5V7eVxsH9deU6YEdcbNY5udo2SKFWcPsZvfgXUjDd7cDZ4QUBw",
      					"voting_account": "1.2.5",
      					"num_witness": 0,
      					"num_committee": 0,
      					"votes": [],
      					"extensions": []
      				"extensions": {}
      		"extensions": [],
      		"signatures": ["201e6769d4e2b1eafe343cf4f847d11f378dbc5b27e1f705ab4a17b4b53450904b6c7ccd56c49b45fdf7610c4c0bc617e8eb3bfa85be075ba9d19a60da90a15b84"]

5. 获取账户操作历史

  • 代码:

      req = {"id":5, "method":"call", "params":[0, "get_account_history", ["cybex-dextest", 2]]}
      ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))
      print("return:\n" +ws.recv())
  • get_account_history 参数:

      account_name: 要查询的账户名
      limit: 返回操作个数
  • 返回:

      	"id": 5,
      	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
      	"result": [{
      		"memo": "another transaction",
      		"description": "Transfer 10 CYB from hxy-dextest to cybex-dextest -- Memo: another transaction   (Fee: 0.02105 CYB)",
      		"op": {
      			"id": "1.11.51717",
      			"op": [0, {
      				"fee": {
      					"amount": 2105,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"from": "1.2.157",
      				"to": "1.2.2766",
      				"amount": {
      					"amount": 1000000,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"memo": {
      					"from": "CYB6H7LSpTTyFo5AiWAebeE3TdsAf2KvNiC3tTPkWMkkLb1aVm3ad",
      					"to": "CYB5ask3B3o1roG6irZLkJzGfBWe8UmAuXsCPf87chtqQ2FMKAABJ",
      					"nonce": "11242517862925630434",
      					"message": "16ee8c50374e3cf8b197f959d8e99723d0a5b50dc7bee09041afa4f42235f06a"
      				"extensions": []
      			"result": [0, {}],
      			"block_num": 1627879,
      			"trx_in_block": 0,
      			"op_in_trx": 0,
      			"virtual_op": 3487
      	}, {
      		"memo": "for milk",
      		"description": "Transfer 3 CYB from cybex-dextest to create-acc-cli-test -- Memo: for milk   (Fee: 0.02089 CYB)",
      		"op": {
      			"id": "1.11.51715",
      			"op": [0, {
      				"fee": {
      					"amount": 2089,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"from": "1.2.2766",
      				"to": "1.2.2781",
      				"amount": {
      					"amount": 300000,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"memo": {
      					"from": "CYB5ask3B3o1roG6irZLkJzGfBWe8UmAuXsCPf87chtqQ2FMKAABJ",
      					"to": "CYB5V7eVxsH9deU6YEdcbNY5udo2SKFWcPsZvfgXUjDd7cDZ4QUBw",
      					"nonce": "3532355300571614764",
      					"message": "d16eb2897407f1fb3503a8860347e165"
      				"extensions": []
      			"result": [0, {}],
      			"block_num": 1627832,
      			"trx_in_block": 0,
      			"op_in_trx": 0,
      			"virtual_op": 3481

6. 转账

  • 代码:

      req = {"id":6, "method":"call", "params":[0, "transfer", ["cybex-dextest", "create-acc-cli-test", 7, "CYB", "transaction", True]]}
      ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))
      print("return:\n" +ws.recv())
  • transfer 参数:

      from: 转出账户
      to: 转入账户
      amount: 资产数量
      asset_symbol: 资产代号
      memo: 操作说明
      broadcast: bool 类型,true 该操作会在链上广播
  • 返回:

      	"id": 6,
      	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
      	"result": {
      		"ref_block_num": 55093,
      		"ref_block_prefix": 3928671869,
      		"expiration": "2018-08-02T07:05:40",
      		"operations": [
      			[0, {
      				"fee": {
      					"amount": 2089,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"from": "1.2.2766",
      				"to": "1.2.2781",
      				"amount": {
      					"amount": 700000,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"memo": {
      					"from": "CYB5ask3B3o1roG6irZLkJzGfBWe8UmAuXsCPf87chtqQ2FMKAABJ",
      					"to": "CYB5V7eVxsH9deU6YEdcbNY5udo2SKFWcPsZvfgXUjDd7cDZ4QUBw",
      					"nonce": "145648381586179527",
      					"message": "ff3bf015e55249077718263a88940ddb"
      				"extensions": []
      		"extensions": [],
      		"signatures": ["2018970c9eed7d5f933657193bf123dede36b356d69dfb099551ca594cc4d426d03ec5f7a94722390b68d907b40b8bca5a4e6f6113130a42e9a9864fb4920d2709"]


7. 挂单

  • 代码:

      req = {"id":7, "method":"call", "params":[0, "sell_asset", ["cybex-dextest", "2008", "CYB", "0.9", "JADE.ETH", "1200", False, True]]}
      ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))
      print("return:\n" +ws.recv())
  • 参数:

      seller_account: 发起挂单账户
      amount_to_sell: 要换出资产数量
      symbol_to_sell: 要换出资产代号或ID
      min_to_receive: 期待最少换取资产数量
      symbol_to_receive: 期待换入资产代码或ID
      timeout_sec: 挂单的有效时长
      fill_or_kill: bool 类型,若为true,订单只有被立即撮合才能上链,默认为 false
      broadcast: bool 类型,是否全网广播
  • 返回

      	"id": 7,
      	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
      	"result": {
      		"ref_block_num": 57646,
      		"ref_block_prefix": 1025668429,
      		"expiration": "2018-08-07T08:49:45",
      		"operations": [
      			[1, {
      				"fee": {
      					"amount": 500,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"seller": "1.2.2766",
      				"amount_to_sell": {
      					"amount": 200800000,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"min_to_receive": {
      					"amount": 900000,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.18"
      				"expiration": "2018-08-07T09:09:05",
      				"fill_or_kill": false,
      				"extensions": []
      		"extensions": [],
      		"signatures": ["2009155a492326e5dcfa15a1b293472088a205878b44e08052e1b9553d13ca21e71bf4d76ee0c54ea8df2ba2bb15e51c6b4ca979b142b22daaaed1568477f9f981"]

8. 撤单

  • 代码:

      req = {"id":8, "method":"call", "params":[0, "cancel_order", ["1.7.1179", True]]}
      ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))
      print("return:\n" +ws.recv())
  • 参数:

      order_id: 订单ID
      broadcast: bool 类型,是否全网广播
  • 返回:

      	"id": 8,
      	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
      	"result": {
      		"ref_block_num": 57671,
      		"ref_block_prefix": 2979417314,
      		"expiration": "2018-08-07T08:53:10",
      		"operations": [
      			[2, {
      				"fee": {
      					"amount": 0,
      					"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      				"fee_paying_account": "1.2.2766",
      				"order": "1.7.1179",
      				"extensions": []
      		"extensions": [],
      		"signatures": ["1f2e23d8d0a3e1c2d5e1366d4f780c7259ec064fa5c87ed6420ec1517c815edd5b75d37f24efa2581e963a469ba463b4042585d4098d21dcc826c6d8558e75b661"]

9. 查询限价单

  • 代码:

      req = {"id":9, "method":"call", "params":[0, "get_limit_orders", ["CYB", "JADE.ETH", 1]]}
      ws.send(json.dumps(req, sort_keys=True))
      print("return:\n" +ws.recv())
  • 参数:

      a: 换出资产ID
      b: 换入资产ID 
      limit: 返回限价单个数
  • 返回:

      	"id": 9,
      	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
      	"result": [{
      		"id": "1.7.1180",
      		"expiration": "2018-08-07T09:19:57",
      		"seller": "1.2.2766",
      		"for_sale": 200800000,
      		"sell_price": {
      			"base": {
      				"amount": 200800000,
      				"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      			"quote": {
      				"amount": 900000,
      				"asset_id": "1.3.18"
      		"deferred_fee": 500
      	}, {
      		"id": "1.7.1168",
      		"expiration": "2023-07-27T07:08:04",
      		"seller": "1.2.38",
      		"for_sale": 442,
      		"sell_price": {
      			"base": {
      				"amount": 442,
      				"asset_id": "1.3.18"
      			"quote": {
      				"amount": 100000,
      				"asset_id": "1.3.0"
      		"deferred_fee": 500

* 所有的调用都是 json 格式,返回的也是 json 格式