From 12c6c68fb7d6c7d2ea111235318c1d727e19332e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Cygra Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:53:30 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Update by script --- | 1038 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- 1 file changed, 519 insertions(+), 519 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 458ee6e..7930f6d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ ## Repo with the most stars: - [sindresorhus/awesome]( - - ⭐: 306,934 + - ⭐: 307,846 - 📖: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics - 💡: `awesome` `awesome-list` `lists` `resources` `unicorns` - [996icu/996.ICU]( - - ⭐: 269,251 + - ⭐: 269,272 - 📖: Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers. - [facebook/react]( - - ⭐: 224,172 + - ⭐: 224,459 - 📖: The library for web and native user interfaces. - 💡: `declarative` `frontend` `javascript` `library` `react` `ui` @@ -35,82 +35,82 @@ ## The whole list: - [google/eng-practices]( - - ⭐: 19,811 + - ⭐: 19,823 - 📖: Google's Engineering Practices documentation - [ai-boost/awesome-prompts]( - - ⭐: 4,600 + - ⭐: 4,645 - 📖: Curated list of chatgpt prompts from the top-rated GPTs in the GPTs Store. Prompt Engineering, prompt attack & prompt protect. Advanced Prompt Engineering papers. - 💡: `awesome` `awesome-list` `chatgpt` `gpt4` `gpts` `gptstore` `papers` `prompt` `prompt-engineering` - [ericchiang/pup]( - - ⭐: 8,025 + - ⭐: 8,028 - 📖: Parsing HTML at the command line - [mohae/deepcopy]( - - ⭐: 549 + - ⭐: 550 - 📖: Deep copy things - 💡: `deepcopy` `go` - [redis/ioredis]( - - ⭐: 14,016 + - ⭐: 14,027 - 📖: 🚀 A robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js. - 💡: `nodejs` `redis` `redis-client` `redis-cluster` `redis-module` `redis-sentinel` `typescript` - [I-S00N/I-S00N]( - - ⭐: 3,938 + - ⭐: 3,939 - 📖: null - [grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway]( - - ⭐: 17,584 + - ⭐: 17,602 - 📖: gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec - 💡: `go` `grpc` `grpc-gateway` `openapi` `rest-api` `restful-api` `swagger` - [openai/whisper]( - - ⭐: 63,071 + - ⭐: 63,440 - 📖: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision - [lizongying/my-tv]( - - ⭐: 27,927 + - ⭐: 28,170 - 📖: 我的电视 电视盎播蜯件安装即可䜿甚 - 💡: `my-tv` `mytv` `tv` - [tw93/MiaoYan]( - - ⭐: 5,347 + - ⭐: 5,356 - 📖: ⛷ Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences. ⛷ 蜻灵的 Markdown 笔记本䌎䜠写出劙蚀 - 💡: `editor` `local-first` `macos` `markdown` `markdown-editor` `notes-app` `swift` - [openwebf/webf]( - - ⭐: 1,470 + - ⭐: 1,477 - 📖: Build flutter apps with HTML/CSS and JavaScript. - 💡: `css` `flutter` `html` `javascript` `reactjs` `vue` `web` - [MrKai77/Loop]( - - ⭐: 3,209 + - ⭐: 4,616 - 📖: Window management made elegant. - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `macos` `macos-app` `macos-menubar` `menu` `menubar` `productivity` `radial-menu` `swift` `swiftui` `window-management` - [chao325/MaoTai_GUIT]( - - ⭐: 1,375 + - ⭐: 1,371 - 📖: - - [beancount/beancount]( - - ⭐: 3,479 + - ⭐: 3,489 - 📖: Beancount: Double-Entry Accounting from Text Files. - 💡: `beancount` - [rohitdhas/shittier]( - - ⭐: 1,060 + - ⭐: 1,142 - 📖: Shittier is an unconventional code formatting tool - 💡: `code-formatter` `prettier` `shittier` - [apernet/OpenGFW]( - - ⭐: 9,130 + - ⭐: 9,159 - 📖: OpenGFW is a flexible, easy-to-use, open source implementation of GFW (Great Firewall of China) on Linux - 💡: `censorship` `dpi` `filtering` `firewall` `gfw` `ips` `networking` - [aircodelabs/aircode]( - - ⭐: 580 + - ⭐: 579 - 📖: Build and ship Node.js serverless functions in a coffee break. - 💡: `bots` `nodejs` `serverless` @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ - 📖: null - [magic-research/magic-animate]( - - ⭐: 10,041 + - ⭐: 10,063 - 📖: [CVPR 2024] MagicAnimate: Temporally Consistent Human Image Animation using Diffusion Model - [xsalazar/emoji-kitchen]( - - ⭐: 1,179 + - ⭐: 1,188 - 📖: 🧑‍🍳 This repository contains the source code for the website and allows for quick and easy browsing of the over 50,000 supported emoji mashups as part of Google's Emoji Kitchen. - 💡: `emoji` `emoji-kitchen` `emojikitchen` `github-pages` `google` `react` `typescript` `vite` @@ -137,12 +137,12 @@ - 📖: null - [sigi-framework/sigi]( - - ⭐: 204 + - ⭐: 206 - 📖: Well designed effect management framework for complex frontend app - 💡: `redux` `rxjs` `sigi` `state-management` `typescript` - [labstack/echo]( - - ⭐: 28,834 + - ⭐: 28,888 - 📖: High performance, minimalist Go web framework - 💡: `echo` `go` `http2` `https` `labstack-echo` `letsencrypt` `micro-framework` `microservice` `middleware` `ssl` `web` `web-framework` `websocket` @@ -151,26 +151,26 @@ - 📖: Twitter in VS Code - [bytedance/g3]( - - ⭐: 393 + - ⭐: 394 - 📖: Enterprise-oriented Generic Proxy Solutions - 💡: `http` `icap` `proxy` `rust` `socks` `tls` - [go-martini/martini]( - - ⭐: 11,628 + - ⭐: 11,632 - 📖: Classy web framework for Go - [cloudwego/hertz]( - - ⭐: 4,829 + - ⭐: 4,845 - 📖: Go HTTP framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services. - 💡: `go` `http` `microservices` - [shelljs/shx]( - - ⭐: 1,692 + - ⭐: 1,693 - 📖: Portable Shell Commands for Node - 💡: `bash` `shelljs` `unix` - [alibaba/lowcode-engine]( - - ⭐: 14,134 + - ⭐: 14,156 - 📖: An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 䞀套面向扩展讟计的䌁䞚级䜎代码技术䜓系 - 💡: `alibaba` `low-code` `lowcode` @@ -183,32 +183,32 @@ - 📖: A video filter to add pants or blur out your lower half on Zoom calls when you forget to wear pants - [everythingishacked/Semaphore]( - - ⭐: 1,925 + - ⭐: 1,926 - 📖: A full-body keyboard using gestures to type through computer vision - 💡: `mediapipe` `opencv` `python` - [pmndrs/zustand]( - - ⭐: 43,873 + - ⭐: 44,073 - 📖: 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `hooks` `react` `react-context` `reactjs` `redux` `state-management` - [tidwall/gjson]( - - ⭐: 13,807 + - ⭐: 13,827 - 📖: Get JSON values quickly - JSON parser for Go - 💡: `golang` `json` `json-parser` - [Schniz/fnm]( - - ⭐: 16,124 + - ⭐: 16,239 - 📖: 🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `nodejs` `nvm` `reasonml` `version` - [MochiDiffusion/MochiDiffusion]( - - ⭐: 7,178 + - ⭐: 7,199 - 📖: Run Stable Diffusion on Mac natively - 💡: `ane` `apple` `apple-silicon` `coreml` `macos` `neural-engine` `stable-diffusion` `swift` `swiftui` - [jesselau76/GPT-Prompts]( - - ⭐: 820 + - ⭐: 819 - 📖: Useful GPT Prompts - 💡: `generator` `gpt` `gpt-4` `midjourney` `prompt` `prompt-engineering` @@ -222,112 +222,112 @@ - 💡: `artus` `artusjs` `cli` `command-line` - [tangly1024/NotionNext]( - - ⭐: 6,318 + - ⭐: 6,388 - 📖: 䜿甚 NextJS + Notion API 实现的支持倚种郚眲方案的静态博客无需服务噚、零闚槛搭建眑站䞺Notion和所有创䜜者讟计。 (A static blog built with NextJS and Notion API, supporting multiple deployment options. No server required, zero threshold to set up a website. Designed for Notion and all creators.) - 💡: `blog` `nextjs` `notion` `react` `tailwindcss` `vercel` `zeabur` - [ginuerzh/gost]( - - ⭐: 15,376 + - ⭐: 15,415 - 📖: GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang - 💡: `dns` `go` `golang` `http2` `kcp` `obfs4` `quic` `shadowsocks` `sni` `socks5` `ssh` `tls` `tunnel` `tuntap` `udp` - [jinzhu/copier]( - - ⭐: 5,216 + - ⭐: 5,240 - 📖: Copier for golang, copy value from struct to struct and more - 💡: `copy` `go` `golang` `golang-package` - [deseven/iCanHazShortcut]( - - ⭐: 378 + - ⭐: 379 - 📖: simple shortcut manager for macOS - 💡: `hotkeys` `lightweight` `macos` `productivity` `shortcut-manager` `shortcuts` - [web-infra-dev/rspack]( - - ⭐: 7,630 + - ⭐: 7,674 - 📖: The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🊀 - 💡: `build-tool` `bundler` `compiler` `esm` `javascript` `jsx` `loaders` `rust` `typescript` `web` `web-performance` - [gohouse/gorose]( - - ⭐: 1,149 + - ⭐: 1,150 - 📖: GoRose(go orm), a mini database ORM for golang, which inspired by the famous php framwork laravle's eloquent. It will be friendly for php developer and python or ruby developer. Currently provides six major database drivers: mysql,sqlite3,postgres,oracle,mssql, Clickhouse. - 💡: `clickhouse` `database` `databases` `db` `eloquent` `go` `golang` `gorose` `gorose-orm` `laravel` `mssql` `orm` `php` `sql` - [nicklockwood/SwiftFormat]( - - ⭐: 7,583 + - ⭐: 7,593 - 📖: A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code - [swiftlang/swift-evolution]( - - ⭐: 15,192 + - ⭐: 15,216 - 📖: This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language. - [alexwidua/prototypes]( - - ⭐: 817 + - ⭐: 816 - 📖: little monorepo of swiftui prototypes - [vercel/next.js]( - - ⭐: 122,197 + - ⭐: 122,390 - 📖: The React Framework - 💡: `blog` `browser` `compiler` `components` `hybrid` `nextjs` `node` `react` `server-rendering` `ssg` `static` `static-site-generator` `universal` `vercel` - [realm/SwiftLint]( - - ⭐: 18,420 + - ⭐: 18,440 - 📖: A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions. - 💡: `code-quality` `hacktoberfest` `linter` `linting` `static-analysis` `swift` - [p0deje/Maccy]( - - ⭐: 10,968 + - ⭐: 11,027 - 📖: Lightweight clipboard manager for macOS - 💡: `clipboard-manager` `maccy` `macos` - [iggredible/Learn-Vim]( - - ⭐: 13,243 + - ⭐: 13,269 - 📖: Learning Vim and Vimscript doesn't have to be hard. This is the guide that you're looking for 📖 - 💡: `advanced` `beginner` `book` `book-series` `code-editor` `editor` `education` `intermediate` `learning` `learning-to-code` `linux` `programming` `training-materials` `training-providers` `tutorial` `unix` `vim` - [golang/go]( - - ⭐: 120,672 + - ⭐: 120,826 - 📖: The Go programming language - 💡: `go` `golang` `language` `programming-language` - [lucaong/minisearch]( - - ⭐: 4,193 + - ⭐: 4,377 - 📖: Tiny and powerful JavaScript full-text search engine for browser and Node - 💡: `autocomplete` `autosuggestion` `edge-computing` `fulltext-search` `fuzzy-search` `javascript` `search` `search-engine` `text-search` `typo-tolerance` - [mwilliamson/mammoth.js]( - - ⭐: 4,732 + - ⭐: 4,759 - 📖: Convert Word documents (.docx files) to HTML - [Clipy/Clipy]( - - ⭐: 7,420 + - ⭐: 7,431 - 📖: Clipboard extension app for macOS. - 💡: `clipboard` `clipboard-extension` `clipmenu` `macos` `swift` `xcode` - [derailed/k9s]( - - ⭐: 25,435 + - ⭐: 25,535 - 📖: 🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style! - 💡: `go` `golang` `k8s` `k8s-cluster` `k9s` `kubernetes` `kubernetes-cli` `kubernetes-clusters` - [CompVis/stable-diffusion]( - - ⭐: 66,242 + - ⭐: 66,340 - 📖: A latent text-to-image diffusion model - [rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form]( - - ⭐: 13,792 + - ⭐: 13,809 - 📖: A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema. - 💡: `data-validation` `forms` `json` `json-schema` `react` `ui` `web` - [popstas/zsh-command-time]( - - ⭐: 189 + - ⭐: 187 - 📖: Show execution time for long commands in zsh - 💡: `oh-my-zsh` `powerlevel9k` `zsh` `zsh-command-time` - [zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions]( - - ⭐: 30,103 + - ⭐: 30,159 - 📖: Fish-like autosuggestions for zsh - 💡: `autocomplete` `autosuggest` `fish` `shell` `zsh` `zsh-autosuggestions` - [vercel/hyper]( - - ⭐: 42,861 + - ⭐: 42,873 - 📖: A terminal built on web technologies - 💡: `css` `html` `hyper` `javascript` `linux` `macos` `react` `terminal` `terminal-emulators` @@ -336,113 +336,113 @@ - 📖: What if ChatGPT were a cat? - [withfig/autocomplete]( - - ⭐: 24,362 + - ⭐: 24,367 - 📖: IDE-style autocomplete for your existing terminal & shell - 💡: `autocomplete` `bash` `cli` `fig` `fish` `hacktoberfest` `iterm2` `macos` `shell` `terminal` `typescript` `zsh` - [warpdotdev/Warp]( - - ⭐: 19,926 + - ⭐: 20,082 - 📖: Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster. - 💡: `bash` `linux` `macos` `rust` `shell` `terminal` `wasm` `zsh` - [not-an-aardvark/lucky-commit]( - - ⭐: 1,279 + - ⭐: 1,282 - 📖: Customize your git commit hashes! - 💡: `git` - [mirigana/mirigana]( - - ⭐: 133 + - ⭐: 134 - 📖: A chrome extension for adding furigana to annotate the tweets - 💡: `chrome-extension` `firefox-addon` `firefox-extension` `furigana` `japanese-study` `kanji` - [Novage/p2p-media-loader]( - - ⭐: 1,362 + - ⭐: 1,364 - 📖: An open-source engine for P2P streaming of live and on demand video directly in a web browser HTML page - 💡: `bittorrent` `dash` `hls` `hlsjs` `media-playback` `mediastream` `p2p` `p2p-media-loader` `p2p-network` `peer` `player` `shaka-player` `video` `webrtc` `webtorrent` - [atelier-anchor/smiley-sans]( - - ⭐: 12,759 + - ⭐: 12,780 - 📖: 埗意黑 Smiley Sans䞀欟圚人文观感和几䜕特埁䞭寻扟平衡的䞭文黑䜓 - 💡: `cjk` `font` `typeface` - [rollup/plugins]( - - ⭐: 3,558 + - ⭐: 3,562 - 📖: 🍣 The one-stop shop for official Rollup plugins - 💡: `plugins` `rollup` `rollup-plugins` - [highlightjs/highlight.js]( - - ⭐: 23,245 + - ⭐: 23,265 - 📖: JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection and zero dependencies. - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `highlighting` `javascript` `language-grammars` `syntax-highlighter` `syntax-highlighting` - [microsoft/playwright]( - - ⭐: 63,238 + - ⭐: 63,433 - 📖: Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. - 💡: `automation` `chrome` `chromium` `e2e-testing` `electron` `end-to-end-testing` `firefox` `javascript` `playwright` `test` `test-automation` `testing` `testing-tools` `web` `webkit` - [plouc/nivo]( - - ⭐: 12,812 + - ⭐: 12,842 - 📖: nivo provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of the awesome d3 and React libraries - 💡: `canvas` `charts` `components` `d3js` `dataviz` `isomorphic` `react` `svg` - [ds300/patch-package]( - - ⭐: 10,086 + - ⭐: 10,109 - 📖: Fix broken node modules instantly 🏃🏜‍♀💚 - 💡: `dependencies` `dependency-manager` `diff` `javascript` `javascript-tools` `node` `node-js` `node-modules` `nodejs` `package-management` `package-manager` `patch` `patcher` `postinstall` - [aws/aws-toolkit-vscode]( - - ⭐: 1,390 + - ⭐: 1,398 - 📖: Amazon Q, CodeCatalyst, Local Lambda debug, SAM/CFN syntax, ECS Terminal, AWS resources - 💡: `amazon` `amazon-q` `aws` `cdk` `cloudformation` `codecatalyst` `codewhisperer` `lambda` `s3` `serverless` `vscode` `vscode-extension` - [awslabs/statelint]( - - ⭐: 327 + - ⭐: 328 - 📖: A Ruby gem that provides a command-line validator for Amazon States Language JSON files. - [qiaohaoforever/BambooIsbn]( - - ⭐: 479 + - ⭐: 480 - 📖: 竹简——最党䞭文ISBN信息查询接口 - 💡: `api` `douban` `douban-book` `doubanbook` `isbn` - [tauri-apps/tauri]( - - ⭐: 78,938 + - ⭐: 79,189 - 📖: Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend. - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `high-performance` `rust` `webview` `works-with-clojurescript` `works-with-construct` `works-with-elm` `works-with-flutter` `works-with-gatsby` `works-with-mint` `works-with-phaser` `works-with-quasar` `works-with-react` `works-with-reason` `works-with-solidjs` `works-with-svelte` `works-with-vue` `works-with-yew` - [zsh-users/zsh-completions]( - - ⭐: 6,711 + - ⭐: 6,725 - 📖: Additional completion definitions for Zsh. - 💡: `completion` `shell` `zsh` `zsh-completions` - [MrGlockenspiel/activate-linux]( - - ⭐: 4,181 + - ⭐: 4,188 - 📖: The "Activate Windows" watermark ported to Linux - [perfsee/perfsee]( - - ⭐: 661 + - ⭐: 663 - 📖: a set of tools for measuring and debugging performance of frontend applications - 💡: `flamegraph` `frontend` `lighthouse` `performance` `performance-analysis` `react` `vue` `webpack` `webpack-bundle-analyzer` - [tailwindlabs/]( - - ⭐: 3,173 + - ⭐: 3,184 - 📖: The Tailwind CSS documentation website. - [tailwindlabs/headlessui]( - - ⭐: 24,836 + - ⭐: 24,901 - 📖: Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS. - 💡: `a11y` `accessibility` `components` `headless-ui` `headlessui` `react` `tailwindcss` `vue` - [facebookarchive/codemod]( - - ⭐: 4,099 + - ⭐: 4,101 - 📖: Codemod is a tool/library to assist you with large-scale codebase refactors that can be partially automated but still require human oversight and occasional intervention. Codemod was developed at Facebook and released as open source. - [alibaba/x-render]( - - ⭐: 6,855 + - ⭐: 6,869 - 📖: 🚎‍♀ 阿里 - 埈易甚的䞭后台「衚单 / è¡šæ Œ / 囟衚」解决方案 - 💡: `ant` `ant-design` `chart` `form` `formrender` `javascript` `json-schema` `list` `react` `table` `typescript` `webpack` `widget` - [tw93/Pake]( - - ⭐: 24,306 + - ⭐: 24,440 - 📖: 🀱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🀱🏻 利甚 Rust 蜻束构建蜻量级倚端桌面应甚 - 💡: `chatgpt` `gpt-4` `high-performance` `linux-desktop` `mac` `mac-desktop` `music` `no-electron` `open` `openai` `poe` `productivity` `programming` `rust` `tauri` `twitter` `webview` `windows-desktop` `youtube` @@ -451,16 +451,16 @@ - 📖: Minimalist clipboard management for macOS - [framer/motion]( - - ⭐: 22,538 + - ⭐: 22,594 - 📖: Open source, production-ready animation and gesture library for React - [GoogleChromeLabs/quicklink]( - - ⭐: 10,956 + - ⭐: 10,960 - 📖: ⚡Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time - 💡: `performance` `prefetch` `prefetcher` `speed` `web-performance` - [i18next/react-i18next]( - - ⭐: 9,033 + - ⭐: 9,052 - 📖: Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem. - 💡: `i18n` `i18next` `internationalization` `react` `react-native` `ssr` `translation` @@ -469,17 +469,17 @@ - 📖: Migrate, gather, synchronize your Garmin fitness data between China server and Global server. - [alibaba/designable]( - - ⭐: 3,180 + - ⭐: 3,182 - 📖: 🧩 Make everything designable 🧩 - 💡: `builder` `designable` `designer` `editor` `form` `react` - [sindresorhus/type-fest]( - - ⭐: 13,472 + - ⭐: 13,510 - 📖: A collection of essential TypeScript types - 💡: `npm-package` `types` `typescript` `typescript-definitions` `utilities` - [extrawurst/gitui]( - - ⭐: 17,699 + - ⭐: 17,743 - 📖: Blazing 💥 fast terminal-ui for git written in rust 🊀 - 💡: `async` `bash` `command-line-interface` `command-line-tool` `git` `hacktoberfest` `rust` `terminal` `tui` @@ -492,30 +492,30 @@ - 📖: My blog archive - [pingcap/tidb]( - - ⭐: 36,380 + - ⭐: 36,428 - 📖: TiDB is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed, MySQL-Compatible database for elastic scale and real-time analytics. Try AI-powered Chat2Query free at : - 💡: `cloud-native` `database` `distributed-database` `distributed-transactions` `go` `hacktoberfest` `htap` `mysql` `mysql-compatibility` `scale` `serverless` `sql` `tidb` - [Tencent/wujie]( - - ⭐: 3,868 + - ⭐: 3,878 - 📖: 极臎的埮前端框架 - [shengcaishizhan/kkndme_tianya]( - - ⭐: 18,311 + - ⭐: 18,340 - 📖: 倩涯 kkndme 神莎聊房价 - [adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod]( - - ⭐: 8,980 + - ⭐: 9,018 - 📖: A fast, clean, responsive Hugo theme. - 💡: `blog` `blog-theme` `clean` `fast` `feature-rich` `grayscale` `high-performance` `hugo` `hugo-blog-theme` `hugo-theme` `mit-license` `multilingual` `papermod` `portfolio` `theme` `well-documented` - [tonsky/FiraCode]( - - ⭐: 75,891 + - ⭐: 75,955 - 📖: Free monospaced font with programming ligatures - 💡: `font` `ligatures` `programming-ligatures` - [EventEmitter2/EventEmitter2]( - - ⭐: 2,800 + - ⭐: 2,801 - 📖: A nodejs event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards, TTL, works in the browser - 💡: `event-emitter` @@ -528,26 +528,26 @@ - 📖: A faster experimental wasm-based tar implementation for browsers. - [itorr/patina]( - - ⭐: 725 + - ⭐: 724 - 📖: 🀢「电子包浆」 囟片做旧工具赛博包浆虚拟噚 - [itorr/nbnhhsh]( - - ⭐: 5,675 + - ⭐: 5,677 - 📖: 😩「胜䞍胜奜奜诎话」 拌音銖字母猩写翻译工具 - 💡: `javascript` `userscript` - [itorr/sakana]( - - ⭐: 1,960 + - ⭐: 1,961 - 📖: 🐟「Sakana!」石蒜暡拟噚 - 💡: `lycoris` `lycoris-recoil` `recoil` `sakana` `sayuri` - [video-dev/hls.js]( - - ⭐: 14,361 + - ⭐: 14,380 - 📖: HLS.js is a JavaScript library that plays HLS in browsers with support for MSE. - 💡: `ecmascript6` `hacktoberfest` `hls` `hlsjs` `html5` `http-live-streaming` `javascript` `mediasource` `mediasource-extensions` `native-hls` `playback` `player` `stream` `streaming` `video` `video-streaming` - [samber/lo]( - - ⭐: 15,735 + - ⭐: 15,795 - 📖: 💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...) - 💡: `constraints` `contract` `filterable` `foldable` `functional` `generics` `go` `golang` `lodash` `programming` `typesafe` @@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ - 📖: 🔧 Cli Tools for Ant Design React - [gilbarbara/react-joyride]( - - ⭐: 6,576 + - ⭐: 6,594 - 📖: Create guided tours in your apps - 💡: `joyride` `react` `react-component` `tooltip` `tour` @@ -565,22 +565,22 @@ - 📖: Create an error from multiple errors - [foamzou/ITraffic-monitor-for-mac]( - - ⭐: 536 + - ⭐: 537 - 📖: Monitor for displaying process traffic on Mac Status bar - 💡: `istat` `macos` `statusbar` `swiftui` `traffic-stats` - [cloudwego/kitex]( - - ⭐: 6,753 + - ⭐: 6,766 - 📖: Go RPC framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services. - 💡: `go` `microservices` `rpc` - [bestony/logoly]( - - ⭐: 7,207 + - ⭐: 7,213 - 📖: A Pornhub Flavour Logo Generator - 💡: `generator` `hacktoberfest` `logo` `pornhub` `vue` - [umijs/qiankun]( - - ⭐: 15,525 + - ⭐: 15,546 - 📖: 📊 🚀 Blazing fast, simple and complete solution for micro frontends. - 💡: `framework` `javascript` `micro-frontend` `micro-frontends` `microfrontend` `microfrontends` `microservices` @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ - 📖: To test whether files and directory structure are valid with jQuery-like APIs. - [testing-library/react-testing-library]( - - ⭐: 18,774 + - ⭐: 18,791 - 📖: 🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices. - 💡: `javascript` `reactjs` `testing` @@ -599,12 +599,12 @@ - 💡: `assertion-library` `assertions` `ava` `chai` `enzyme` `jest` `mocha` `react` `react-components` `test` `test-runner` `test-runners` `testing` `traversal` - [pillarjs/path-to-regexp]( - - ⭐: 8,003 + - ⭐: 8,009 - 📖: Turn a path string such as `/user/:name` into a regular expression - 💡: `expressjs` `nodejs` `path-to-regexp` `router` - [webpack/tapable]( - - ⭐: 3,697 + - ⭐: 3,703 - 📖: Just a little module for plugins. - [microsoft/tsdoc]( @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ - 💡: `comments` `doc-comments` `documentation` `jsdoc` `markdown` `parser` `rushstack` `specification` `syntax` `typescript` - [microsoft/rushstack]( - - ⭐: 5,689 + - ⭐: 5,709 - 📖: Monorepo for tools developed by the Rush Stack community - 💡: `api` `api-extractor` `build` `bulk-suppressions` `eslint` `hacktoberfest` `heft` `lockfile-explorer` `monorepo` `nodejs` `orchestrator` `rush` `rushstack` `toolchain` `tsdoc` `typescript` @@ -627,12 +627,12 @@ - 📖: 骚话生成噚生成噚 - [pppscn/SmsForwarder]( - - ⭐: 15,791 + - ⭐: 15,872 - 📖: 短信蜬发噚——监控Android手机短信、来电、APP通知并根据指定规则蜬发到其他手机钉钉矀自定义机噚人、钉钉䌁䞚内机噚人、䌁䞚埮信矀机噚人、飞乊机噚人、䌁䞚埮信应甚消息、邮箱、bark、webhook、Telegram机噚人、Server酱、PushPlus、手机短信等。包括䞻劚控制服务端䞎客户端让䜠蜻束远皋发短信、查短信、查通话、查话簿、查电量等。V3.0 新增PS.这䞪APK䞻芁是孊习䞎自甚劂有BUG请提ISSUE同时欢迎倧家提PR指正 - 💡: `android` `api` `app` `bark` `call` `chatgpt` `dingding` `forward` `mqtt` `pushdear` `pushplus` `serverchan` `sms` `smtp` `telegram` `webhook` `wechatapp` - [dicebear/dicebear]( - - ⭐: 6,561 + - ⭐: 6,572 - 📖: DiceBear is an avatar library for designers and developers. 🌍 - 💡: `api` `avataaars` `avatar` `avatar-placeholder` `avatars` `bottts` `dicebear` `figma` `pixel-art` @@ -642,22 +642,22 @@ - 💡: `d3js` `data-visualization` `dependency-graphs` `foo` `temporal-networks` - [isaacs/node-lru-cache]( - - ⭐: 5,183 + - ⭐: 5,192 - 📖: A fast cache that automatically deletes the least recently used items - 💡: `cache` `caching` `lru` `lru-cache` `lrucache` - [oven-sh/bun]( - - ⭐: 71,487 + - ⭐: 71,602 - 📖: Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one - 💡: `bun` `bundler` `javascript` `javascriptcore` `jsx` `nodejs` `npm` `react` `transpiler` `typescript` `zig` `ziglang` - [antvis/X6]( - - ⭐: 5,476 + - ⭐: 5,493 - 📖: 🚀 JavaScript diagramming library that uses SVG and HTML for rendering. - 💡: `antv` `dag` `diagram` `diagramming` `erd` `erdiagram` `flowchart` `graph` `graph-editor` `javascript` `javascript-diagramming-library` `svg` `typescript` `uml-diagram` - [Tencent/lemon-cleaner]( - - ⭐: 5,215 + - ⭐: 5,225 - 📖: 腟讯柠檬枅理是针对macOS系统䞓属制定的枅理工具。䞻芁功胜包括重倍文件和盞䌌照片的识别、蜯件的定制化垃土扫描、可视化的党盘空闎分析、内存释攟、浏览噚隐私枅理以及讟倇实时状态的监控等。重点聚焊枅理功胜对䞊癟欟蜯件提䟛定制化的枅理方案提䟛䞓䞚的枅理建议垮助甚户蜻束完成䞀键匏枅理。 - [bhousel/node-diff3]( @@ -666,12 +666,12 @@ - 💡: `diff` `diff3` `diffpatch` `diffutils` `javascript` `merge` `nodejs` - [statelyai/xstate]( - - ⭐: 26,406 + - ⭐: 26,460 - 📖: Actor-based state management & orchestration for complex app logic. - 💡: `background-jobs` `finite-state-machine` `fsm` `hacktoberfest` `interpreter` `javascript` `orchestration` `scxml` `state` `state-machine` `state-management` `statechart` `statecharts` `typescript` `visualizer` `workflow` - [fslongjin/This-repo-has-1426-stars]( - - ⭐: 1,431 + - ⭐: 1,429 - 📖: 这䞪仓库有1426䞪star䞍信䜠试试 - [blitlabs/online-json-diff]( @@ -679,12 +679,12 @@ - 📖: null - [hbi99/defiant.js]( - - ⭐: 915 + - ⭐: 914 - 📖: - 💡: `browser` `json` `nodejs` `search` `web-worker` `xpath` `xpath-queries` `xslt` - [rome/tools]( - - ⭐: 23,837 + - ⭐: 23,833 - 📖: Unified developer tools for JavaScript, TypeScript, and the web - 💡: `formatter` `javascript` `linter` `toolchain` `typescript` @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ - 📖: A simple bundler for your delicious modules - [idank/explainshell]( - - ⭐: 12,923 + - ⭐: 12,939 - 📖: match command-line arguments to their help text - [codezjx/netease-cloud-music-dl]( @@ -702,21 +702,21 @@ - 💡: `cloud-music` `downloader` `id3-tags` `netease` - [bigskysoftware/_hyperscript]( - - ⭐: 2,875 + - ⭐: 2,891 - 📖: a small scripting language for the web - 💡: `htmx` `hyperscript` `scripting-language` - [qiangmzsx/Software-Engineering-at-Google]( - - ⭐: 3,835 + - ⭐: 3,845 - 📖: 《Software Engineering at Google》的䞭英文对译版本 - [DreamSaddle/MacCopier]( - - ⭐: 118 + - ⭐: 119 - 📖: MacCopier 是䞀䞪提䟛圚 Macos 䞭收到短信验证码后自劚倍制到剪莎板功胜的蜯件。 - 💡: `macos` `sms` - [chrisjpatty/flume]( - - ⭐: 1,365 + - ⭐: 1,372 - 📖: Extract logic from your apps with a user-friendly node editor powered by React. - 💡: `flume` `javascript` `node` `react` @@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ - 📖: Building a real-time twitter graph of your friends - [denoland/fresh]( - - ⭐: 11,997 + - ⭐: 12,011 - 📖: The next-gen web framework. - 💡: `deno` `denofresh` `fresh` `javascript` `preact` `typescript` @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ - 📖: Apple Watch 心率数据采集 - Your Soul, Your Beats! - [international-explore/awesome-privacy-chinese]( - - ⭐: 355 + - ⭐: 356 - 📖: [WIP]囜内隐私合规技术亀流 - 💡: `awesome` `compliance` `gdpr` `privacy` `privacy-computing` `privacy-tools` `security` @@ -748,20 +748,20 @@ - 📖: null - [vuejs/pinia]( - - ⭐: 12,552 + - ⭐: 12,588 - 📖: 🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support - 💡: `composition-api` `ssr` `store` `vue` `vuex` - [umpirsky/country-list]( - - ⭐: 5,125 + - ⭐: 5,128 - 📖: :globe_with_meridians: List of all countries with names and ISO 3166-1 codes in all languages and data formats. - [zijie0/HumanSystemOptimization]( - - ⭐: 12,774 + - ⭐: 12,803 - 📖: 健康孊习到150岁 - 人䜓系统调䌘䞍完党指南 - [taichi-dev/taichi]( - - ⭐: 24,967 + - ⭐: 25,009 - 📖: Productive, portable, and performant GPU programming in Python. - 💡: `computer-graphics` `differentiable-programming` `gpu` `gpu-programming` `sparse-computation` `taichi` @@ -770,22 +770,22 @@ - 📖: null - [kiding/wanna-see-a-whiter-white]( - - ⭐: 270 + - ⭐: 271 - 📖: CSS trick/bug to display a brighter white by exploiting browsers' HDR capability and Apple's EDR system - 💡: `apple` `css` `edr` `hdr` - [yutto-dev/yutto]( - - ⭐: 819 + - ⭐: 832 - 📖: :ice_cube: 䞀䞪可爱䞔任性的 B 站视频䞋蜜噚bilili V2 - 💡: `aiohttp` `asyncio` `bangumi` `bilibili` `coroutines` `cross-platform` `danmaku` `downloader` `spider` `video` - [NvChad/NvChad]( - - ⭐: 23,436 + - ⭐: 23,513 - 📖: Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI, enhancing your neovim experience. - 💡: `dotfiles` `editor` `foss` `ide` `lua` `neovim` `neovim-config` `neovim-configuration` `neovim-dotfiles` `neovim-lua` `neovim-setup` `nvchad` `nvim` `nvim-configs` `open-source` `rice` `ricing` `vim` `vimrc` `vscode` - [systemjs/systemjs]( - - ⭐: 12,879 + - ⭐: 12,886 - 📖: Dynamic ES module loader - [BenjaminBini/getting-to-philosophy]( @@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ - 💡: `grand-theft-auto` `gta` `gta-online` `gta5` `gtaonline` `gtav` `jpeg` `snapmatic-converter` - [vercel/ncc]( - - ⭐: 8,967 + - ⭐: 8,978 - 📖: Compile a Node.js project into a single file. Supports TypeScript, binary addons, dynamic requires. - [namuol/cheet.js]( @@ -806,36 +806,36 @@ - 📖: easy easter eggs (konami code, etc) for your website. - [WeiChiaChang/easter-egg-collection]( - - ⭐: 362 + - ⭐: 363 - 📖: 🐰 A funny library for tricking your colleagues. - 💡: `air-guitar` `bravo` `cat` `doggy` `easter-egg` `funny` `ghost` `homer` `javascript-library` `piggy` `pikachu` `piqiu` `pranks` `psyduck` `rabbit` `regular-show` `salamander` `sonic` `spongebob` `tricks` - [mikeflynn/egg.js]( - - ⭐: 1,509 + - ⭐: 1,520 - 📖: A simple javascript library to add easter eggs to web pages. - 💡: `easter-egg` `javascript` - [redwoodjs/redwood]( - - ⭐: 16,869 + - ⭐: 16,880 - 📖: The App Framework for Startups - 💡: `apollo` `graphql` `hacktoberfest` `jamstack` `prisma` `react` - [gregberge/loadable-components]( - - ⭐: 7,577 + - ⭐: 7,579 - 📖: The recommended Code Splitting library for React ✂✚ - 💡: `code-splitting` `dynamic-import` `react` `react-async-component` `react-loadable` `react-router` `server-side-rendering` `ssr` `webpack` - [typicode/lowdb]( - - ⭐: 21,068 + - ⭐: 21,102 - 📖: Simple and fast JSON database - 💡: `database` `electron` `embeddable` `embedded-database` `javascript` `json` `localstorage` `lodash` `nodejs` `storage` - [typicode/json-server]( - - ⭐: 71,682 + - ⭐: 71,743 - 📖: Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously) - [typicode/husky]( - - ⭐: 31,824 + - ⭐: 31,876 - 📖: Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof! - 💡: `commit` `git` `hooks` `pre-commit` @@ -845,50 +845,50 @@ - 💡: `custom-hook` `fetch` `react` `react-hooks` `reactjs` `suspense` - [single-spa/single-spa]( - - ⭐: 13,118 + - ⭐: 13,128 - 📖: The router for easy microfrontends - 💡: `front-end` `javascript` `microfrontends` `microservices` `router` `single-page-applications` `single-spa` - [wfxr/forgit]( - - ⭐: 4,305 + - ⭐: 4,311 - 📖: :zzz: A utility tool powered by fzf for using git interactively. - 💡: `bash` `cli` `fish` `fzf` `git` `zsh` `zsh-plugin` - [motdotla/dotenv]( - - ⭐: 18,645 + - ⭐: 18,671 - 📖: Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects. - 💡: `dotenv` `environment-variables` `javascript` `node` `nodejs` - [zpao/qrcode.react]( - - ⭐: 3,721 + - ⭐: 3,728 - 📖: A component for use with React. - [alibaba/formily]( - - ⭐: 10,882 + - ⭐: 10,896 - 📖: 📱🚀 🧩 Cross Device & High Performance Normal Form/Dynamic(JSON Schema) Form/Form Builder -- Support React/React Native/Vue 2/Vue 3 - 💡: `ant-design` `designable` `form` `form-builder` `fusion` `json-schema` `json-schema-form` `low-code` `no-code` `observable` `react` `react-form` `react-native` `reactive` `schema-form` `validator` `vue` `vue-form` `vue3` - [iheanyi/bandcamp-dl]( - - ⭐: 930 + - ⭐: 931 - 📖: Simple python script to download Bandcamp albums - [anuraghazra/github-readme-stats]( - - ⭐: 66,017 + - ⭐: 66,185 - 📖: :zap: Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes - 💡: `dynamic` `hacktoberfest` `profile-readme` `readme-generator` `readme-stats` `serverless` - [ascoders/weekly]( - - ⭐: 27,975 + - ⭐: 28,013 - 📖: 前端粟读呚刊。垮䜠理解最前沿、实甚的技术。 - 💡: `awesome` `frontend` `weekly` - [eryajf/Thanks-Mirror]( - - ⭐: 2,569 + - ⭐: 2,604 - 📖: 敎理记圕各䞪包管理噚系统镜像以及垞甚蜯件的奜甚镜像Thanks Mirror。 走过路过劂觉䞍错麻烊点䞪赞👆🌟 - 💡: `eryajf` `golang-repository` `maven-repository` `mirrored-repository` `mirrors` `pypi-mirror` `software` `yum-repos` - [type-challenges/type-challenges]( - - ⭐: 41,200 + - ⭐: 41,289 - 📖: Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge - 💡: `challenges` `type` `type-system` `typescript` @@ -897,12 +897,12 @@ - 📖: 眑易云音乐MAC云盘䞊䌠工具 - [zonemeen/musicn]( - - ⭐: 1,588 + - ⭐: 1,594 - 📖: 🎵 䞀䞪可播攟及䞋蜜音乐的 Node.js 呜什行工具 - 💡: `163music` `cli` `cli-tools` `command-line` `command-line-tool` `free` `free-download` `music` `music-download` `music-downloader` `netease-cloud-music` `netease-music` `node-tool` `nodejs` - [yt-dlp/yt-dlp]( - - ⭐: 74,417 + - ⭐: 75,075 - 📖: A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader - 💡: `python` `sponskrub` `sponsorblock` `video-downloader` `youtube-dl` `youtube-dlc` `youtube-downloader` `yt-dlp` @@ -912,17 +912,17 @@ - 💡: `cantonese` `cantonese-language` `compiler` `programming-language` `python3` - [modernweb-dev/web]( - - ⭐: 2,137 + - ⭐: 2,142 - 📖: Guides, tools and libraries for modern web development. - 💡: `browserstack` `dev-server` `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `saucelabs` `test-runner` - [jstrieb/github-stats]( - - ⭐: 2,774 + - ⭐: 2,787 - 📖: Better GitHub statistics images for your profile, with stats from private repos too - 💡: `async` `asyncio` `git-scraping` `github` `github-actions` `github-api` `github-stats` `profile` `python` `python3` `readme-md` `readme-template` `statistics` `statistics-images` `stats-images` `visualizations` - [pomber/stargazer]( - - ⭐: 1,265 + - ⭐: 1,268 - 📖: Your repo reached a stars milestone? Celebrate with a video of your stargazers! - 💡: `github` `stars` `video` @@ -931,25 +931,25 @@ - 📖: 埮信公䌗号文章䞋蜜生成 png 囟片保存到本地。 | Download Wechat Official Accounts article as png file. - [pd4d10/console-importer]( - - ⭐: 842 + - ⭐: 844 - 📖: Easily import JS and CSS resources from Chrome console. - 💡: `browser-extension` `chrome-extension` `console` `css` `javascript` `resources` - [octokit/octokit.js]( - - ⭐: 6,795 + - ⭐: 6,805 - 📖: The all-batteries-included GitHub SDK for Browsers, Node.js, and Deno. - 💡: `github` `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `octokit` `octokit-js` `sdk` - [reactjs/rfcs]( - - ⭐: 5,436 + - ⭐: 5,445 - 📖: RFCs for changes to React - [dennis-jiang/Front-End-Knowledges]( - - ⭐: 1,361 + - ⭐: 1,363 - 📖: 前端知识进阶 - [excalidraw/excalidraw]( - - ⭐: 75,680 + - ⭐: 76,053 - 📖: Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams - 💡: `canvas` `collaboration` `diagrams` `drawing` `hacktoberfest` `productivity` `whiteboard` @@ -958,32 +958,32 @@ - 📖: Automatically convert those LESS file which is not using less function to CSS. - [stevenjoezhang/live2d-widget]( - - ⭐: 8,384 + - ⭐: 8,404 - 📖: 把萌萌哒的看板嚘抱回家 (ノ≧∇≊)ノ | Live2D widget for web platform - 💡: `javascript-plugin` `live2d` - [chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry]( - - ⭐: 47,177 + - ⭐: 47,229 - 📖: The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最党䞭华叀诗词数据库, 唐宋䞀朝近䞀䞇四千叀诗人, 接近5.5䞇銖唐诗加26䞇宋诗. 䞀宋时期1564䜍词人21050銖词。 - 💡: `chinese` `chinese-poetry` `ci` `json` `poetry` `tangshi` - [appsmithorg/appsmith]( - - ⭐: 32,133 + - ⭐: 32,199 - 📖: Platform to build admin panels, internal tools, and dashboards. Integrates with 25+ databases and any API. - 💡: `admin-dashboard` `admin-panels` `app-builder` `automation` `crud` `custom-internal` `developer-tools` `gui` `gui-application` `hacktoberfest` `internal-tools` `java` `javascript` `low-code` `low-code-framework` `react` `self-hosted` `typescript` `webdevelopment` `workflows` - [vercel/turbo]( - - ⭐: 25,372 + - ⭐: 25,419 - 📖: Incremental bundler and build system optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust – including Turbopack and Turborepo. - 💡: `build-system` `build-tool` `bundler` `javascript` `monorepo` `turbopack` `typescript` `webpack` - [mermaid-js/mermaid]( - - ⭐: 68,280 + - ⭐: 68,434 - 📖: Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown - 💡: `diagrams` `diagrams-as-code` `documentation` `flowchart` `javascript` `mindmap` `typescript` `uml-diagrams` - [naptha/tesseract.js]( - - ⭐: 33,974 + - ⭐: 34,032 - 📖: Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥 - 💡: `deep-learning` `javascript` `ocr` `tesseract` `webassembly` @@ -992,21 +992,21 @@ - 📖: Load, analyze and display your iOS15 App Privacy Report locally. - [ziishaned/learn-regex]( - - ⭐: 45,244 + - ⭐: 45,258 - 📖: Learn regex the easy way - 💡: `learn-regex` `regex` `regular-expression` - [JannsenYang/dingdong-helper]( - - ⭐: 1,317 + - ⭐: 1,316 - 📖: 叮咚自劚䞋单 并发调甚接口方匏 倚人高峰期实战反銈10秒以内成功 自劚将莭物蜊胜买的商品党郚䞋单 只需自行猖蟑莭物蜊和最后支付即可 - 💡: `ding` `ding-dong` `dingdong` `dong` - [antfu/case-police]( - - ⭐: 1,114 + - ⭐: 1,116 - 📖: 🚚 Make the case correct, PLEASE! - [google/zx]( - - ⭐: 42,156 + - ⭐: 42,194 - 📖: A tool for writing better scripts - 💡: `bash` `cli` `javascript` `nodejs` `shell` @@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ - 📖: Native access to MacOS FSEvents in Node.js - [Anduin2017/HowToCook]( - - ⭐: 61,110 + - ⭐: 61,924 - 📖: 皋序员圚家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only). - 💡: `chinese` `cookbook` `cooking` `dishes` `recipes` @@ -1029,25 +1029,25 @@ - 📖: get colors in your node.js console - [monkeytypegame/monkeytype]( - - ⭐: 14,372 + - ⭐: 14,427 - 📖: The most customizable typing website with a minimalistic design and a ton of features. Test yourself in various modes, track your progress and improve your speed. - 💡: `monkeytype` `typingtest` - [binwiederhier/ntfy]( - - ⭐: 17,055 + - ⭐: 17,116 - 📖: Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST - 💡: `curl` `notifications` `ntfy` `ntfysh` `pubsub` `push-notifications` `rest-api` - [overtake/TelegramSwift]( - - ⭐: 4,871 + - ⭐: 4,877 - 📖: Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0 - [mkrl/misbrands]( - - ⭐: 8,544 + - ⭐: 8,551 - 📖: The world's most hated IT stickers - [ironsmile/euterpe]( - - ⭐: 517 + - ⭐: 519 - 📖: Self-hosted music streaming server 🎶 with RESTful API and Web interface. Think of it as your very own Spotify! ☁🎧 - 💡: `http` `listen` `mp3` `mp3player` `music` `self-hosted` `streaming` `streaming-audio` @@ -1056,55 +1056,55 @@ - 📖: 收集䞀些匀源组织欢迎PR补充 🎉 字母顺序排序 - [DouyinFE/semi-design]( - - ⭐: 8,028 + - ⭐: 8,051 - 📖: 🚀A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and React UI library. 🎚 Provide more than 2800+ Design Tokens, easy to build your design system. Make Semi Design to Any Design. 🧑🏻‍💻 Design to Code in one click - 💡: `code2design` `dark-mode` `design-system` `design2code` `designops` `designtocode` `figma-plugin` `react` `theme` `ui-libary` - [Caldis/Mos]( - - ⭐: 13,868 + - ⭐: 13,902 - 📖: 䞀䞪甚于圚 macOS 䞊平滑䜠的錠标滚劚效果或单独讟眮滚劚方向的小工具, 让䜠的滚蜮爜劂觊控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS - 💡: `homebrew` `macos` `mouse` `osx` `reverse` `scroll` `smooth` `smooth-scrolling` `smoothscroll` `swift` - [web-infra-dev/modern.js]( - - ⭐: 4,207 + - ⭐: 4,217 - 📖: Modern.js is a web engineering system, including a web framework and a npm package solution. - 💡: `boilerplate` `build-tool` `framework` `react` `rspack` `ssr` `web` `webpack` `website` - [clauderic/react-sortable-hoc]( - - ⭐: 10,726 + - ⭐: 10,730 - 📖: A set of higher-order components to turn any list into an animated, accessible and touch-friendly sortable list✌ - 💡: `drag-and-drop` `dragging` `front-end` `grid` `higher-order-component` `javascript` `react` `sortable` `sorting` - [bytedance/CodeLocator]( - - ⭐: 1,756 + - ⭐: 1,765 - 📖: null - [git-school/visualizing-git]( - - ⭐: 1,213 + - ⭐: 1,215 - 📖: :framed_picture: Visualize how common Git operations affect the commit graph - [hapijs/joi]( - - ⭐: 20,698 + - ⭐: 20,711 - 📖: The most powerful data validation library for JS - 💡: `hapi` `javascript` `schema` `validation` - [Arnie97/katakana-terminator]( - - ⭐: 672 + - ⭐: 677 - 📖: A browser extension to convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English - 💡: `greasemonkey` `japanese` `katakana` `userscript` - [ralliejs/rallie]( - - ⭐: 298 + - ⭐: 299 - 📖: a library that helps users implement decentralized front-end micro service architecture - 💡: `frontend-web` `javascript` `micro-frontend` `micro-frontend-architecture` `microfrontends` `module-federation` `react` `vue` - [webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin]( - - ⭐: 4,646 + - ⭐: 4,649 - 📖: Lightweight CSS extraction plugin - 💡: `webpack-plugin` - [css-modules/css-modules]( - - ⭐: 17,456 + - ⭐: 17,464 - 📖: Documentation about css-modules - [WebReflection/es6-collections]( @@ -1116,36 +1116,36 @@ - 📖: Implements the evolving ES6 Map specification as closely as possible - [immerjs/immer]( - - ⭐: 27,167 + - ⭐: 27,193 - 📖: Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one - 💡: `immutable` `immutables` `reducer` `redux` `state-tree` - [Advanced-Frontend/Daily-Interview-Question]( - - ⭐: 27,311 + - ⭐: 27,316 - 📖: 我是䟝扬朚易杚公䌗号「高级前端进阶」䜜者每倩搞定䞀道前端倧厂面试题祝倧家倩倩进步䞀幎后䌚看到䞍䞀样的自己。 - 💡: `css` `interview` `javascript` `react` `vue` - [ice-lab/icestark]( - - ⭐: 2,015 + - ⭐: 2,017 - 📖: :tiger: Micro Frontends solution for large application面向倧型应甚的埮前端解决方案站点囜内镜像 - 💡: `frontend` `micro-frontends` `micro-frontends-solution` `microfrontends` `mpa` `single-spa` `spa` - [sindresorhus/array-move]( - - ⭐: 392 + - ⭐: 393 - 📖: Move an array item to a different position - [saucxs/watermark-dom]( - - ⭐: 1,288 + - ⭐: 1,292 - 📖: watermark.js是基于DOM对象实现的BS系统的氎印确保系统保密性安党性降䜎数据泄密风险简单蜻量支持倚属性配眮劚态计算氎印氎印防被删监听氎印组件元玠删陀并重新添加监听改变氎印的属性并重新添加。1、支持2种方匏富入䜿甚2、氎印插件-testTool测试工具3、内眮3种党局API方法等等。欢迎访问 - 💡: `watermark` `watermark-dom` - [utterance/utterances]( - - ⭐: 8,695 + - ⭐: 8,711 - 📖: :crystal_ball: A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues - 💡: `blog` `comments` `comments-widget` `github` `utterances` - [antfu-collective/vitesse-webext]( - - ⭐: 2,693 + - ⭐: 2,697 - 📖: ⚡ WebExtension Vite Starter Template - 💡: `vite` `vue3` `webextension` @@ -1154,16 +1154,16 @@ - 📖: MDH Weekly 前端呚刊每呚䞀䞊午 9 点发垃。 - [tvillarete/ipod-classic-js]( - - ⭐: 1,409 + - ⭐: 1,413 - 📖: An iPod Classic emulator that connects to Apple Music and Spotify. Built with React & Styled Components - 💡: `apple-music` - [lcxfs1991/blog]( - - ⭐: 2,173 + - ⭐: 2,172 - 📖: leehey's blog -- 请star或者watch - [iamkun/dayjs]( - - ⭐: 46,101 + - ⭐: 46,139 - 📖: ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API - 💡: `date` `date-formatting` `datetime` `dayjs` `moment` `time` @@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ - 📖: Doodle AR masks right from the browser with tensorflow.js - [floating-ui/floating-ui]( - - ⭐: 28,930 + - ⭐: 28,973 - 📖: A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them. - 💡: `dropdown` `hacktoberfest` `popover` `popovers` `position` `positioning` `positioning-engine` `tooltip` `tooltip-position` @@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ - 💡: `webpack` `webpack-cache` `webpack-plugin` - [vitejs/vite]( - - ⭐: 65,594 + - ⭐: 65,719 - 📖: Next generation frontend tooling. It's fast! - 💡: `build-tool` `dev-server` `frontend` `hmr` `vite` @@ -1192,22 +1192,22 @@ - 💡: `drum-machine` `drum-sequencer` `drums` `sequencer` - [http-party/http-server]( - - ⭐: 13,401 + - ⭐: 13,412 - 📖: a simple zero-configuration command-line http server - 💡: `command-line` `hacktoberfest` `hosting` `http` `server` `static` - [ecomfe/fontmin]( - - ⭐: 5,587 + - ⭐: 5,590 - 📖: Minify font seamlessly - 💡: `font` `fontmin` `icon-font` `subset` - [aui/font-spider]( - - ⭐: 4,977 + - ⭐: 4,981 - 📖: Smart webfont compression and format conversion tool - 💡: `eot` `font-face` `opentype` `svg` `truetype` `ttf` `webfont` `woff` `woff2` - [YunYouJun/air-conditioner]( - - ⭐: 3,402 + - ⭐: 3,404 - 📖: ❄ Yun Portable Air Conditoner. 云空调䟿携小空调䞺䜠的倏日垊去枅凉 - 💡: `air-conditioner` `tool` @@ -1217,16 +1217,16 @@ - 💡: `lisp` `mal` - [react-component/field-form]( - - ⭐: 948 + - ⭐: 949 - 📖: ⚡ React Performance First Form Component - [ant-design/ant-design]( - - ⭐: 90,714 + - ⭐: 90,808 - 📖: An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library - 💡: `ant-design` `antd` `design-systems` `react` `typescript` `ui-kit` `ui-library` - [ly525/luban-h5]( - - ⭐: 6,055 + - ⭐: 6,059 - 📖: [WIP]en: web design tool || mobile page builder/editor || mini webflow for mobile page. zh: 类䌌易䌁秀的H5制䜜、建站工具、可视化搭建系统. - 💡: `ant-design` `design-tool` `editor` `h5` `mobile-page-maker` `page-builder` `page-editor` `page-generator` `page-maker` `strapi` `vue` `vuejs` `vuejs2` `web-design` `web-design-framework` `webflow` @@ -1235,12 +1235,12 @@ - 📖: :dizzy: track ALL the emoji - [bytedance/IconPark]( - - ⭐: 8,073 + - ⭐: 8,081 - 📖: 🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React iconsVue iconssvg icons - 💡: `fill` `icon` `icon-components` `icons` `multiple-themes` `stroke` `svg` `svg-icon` `vue-component` `vue-next` `vue3` - [buuing/lucky-canvas]( - - ⭐: 7,276 + - ⭐: 7,305 - 📖: 🎖🎖🎖 基于 TS + Canvas 匀发的【倧蜬盘 / 九宫栌 / 老虎机】抜奖插件🌈 䞀套源码适配倚端框架 JS / Vue / React / Taro / UniApp / 埮信小皋序等🎚 奖品 / 文字 / 囟片 / 颜色 / 按钮均可配眮支持同步 / 匂步抜奖🎯 抂率前 / 后端可控🚀 自劚根据 dpr 调敎枅晰床适配移劚端 - 💡: `canvas` `javascript` `lucky-draw` `react` `taro` `uni-app` `vue` @@ -1254,32 +1254,32 @@ - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `router` `svelte` - [pablo-abc/felte]( - - ⭐: 982 + - ⭐: 984 - 📖: An extensible form library for Svelte, Solid and React - 💡: `form` `form-validation` `forms` `javascript` `react` `solidjs` `svelte` `typescript` `validation` - [tone-row/flowchart-fun]( - - ⭐: 3,029 + - ⭐: 3,033 - 📖: Easily generate flowcharts and diagrams from text â¿» - 💡: `diagram-generator` `flowchart` `flowchart-editor` `generator` `graphs` `open-source` `react` - [bubkoo/html-to-image]( - - ⭐: 5,344 + - ⭐: 5,358 - 📖: ✂ Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG. - 💡: `canvas` `dataurl` `dom` `image` `javascript` `picture` `screenshot` `svg` - [lint-md/lint-md]( - - ⭐: 920 + - ⭐: 919 - 📖: :books: 检查䞭文 markdown 猖写栌匏规范的呜什行工具基于 AST方䟿集成 CI写博客 / 文档必倇。支持 API 调甚 - 💡: `lint` `lint-markdown` `lint-md` `lint-md-cli` `markdown` - [FullHuman/purgecss]( - - ⭐: 7,697 + - ⭐: 7,699 - 📖: Remove unused CSS - 💡: `css` `optimization-tools` `postcss` `postcss-plugin` `purgecss` `rollup-plugin` `webpack-plugin` - [VSCodeVim/Vim]( - - ⭐: 13,434 + - ⭐: 13,455 - 📖: :star: Vim for Visual Studio Code - 💡: `keybindings` `typescript` `vim` `vscode` `vscode-extension` @@ -1289,17 +1289,17 @@ - 💡: `markdown` `markdown-editor` `markdown-viewer` `svelte` - [wenyan-lang/wenyan]( - - ⭐: 19,459 + - ⭐: 19,462 - 📖: 文蚀文線皋語蚀 A programming language for the ancient Chinese. - 💡: `classical-chinese` `esoteric-language` `programming-language` `wenyan-lang` - [justjavac/proxy-www]( - - ⭐: 882 + - ⭐: 883 - 📖: 孊䌚 Proxy 就可以䞺所欲䞺吗对孊䌚 Proxy 就可以䞺所欲䞺 - 💡: `es6` `javascript` `proxy` `typescript` - [rust-lang/rustlings]( - - ⭐: 50,621 + - ⭐: 50,758 - 📖: :crab: Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code! - 💡: `beginner-friendly` `rust` `rustlings` @@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ - 💡: `cli` `data-transfer` `dht` `file-sharing` `hacktoberfest` `ipfs` `libp2p` `mdns` `pake` `peer-to-peer` - [RealKai42/qwerty-learner]( - - ⭐: 14,864 + - ⭐: 14,906 - 📖: 䞺键盘工䜜者讟计的单词记忆䞎英语肌肉记忆锻炌蜯件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers - 💡: `english-learning` `typing` `typing-game` `typing-practice` `typingspeedtest` @@ -1323,22 +1323,22 @@ - 💡: `developer-tools` `extension` `vscode` - [evanw/esbuild]( - - ⭐: 37,512 + - ⭐: 37,540 - 📖: An extremely fast bundler for the web - 💡: `bundler` `commonjs` `compiler` `css` `esm` `javascript` `jsx` `minifier` `react` `tsx` `typescript` - [showdownjs/showdown]( - - ⭐: 14,011 + - ⭐: 14,021 - 📖: A bidirectional Markdown to HTML to Markdown converter written in Javascript - 💡: `converter` `gfm` `html` `html-converter` `javascript` `markdown` `markdown-flavors` `markdown-parser` `showdown` - [leereilly/games]( - - ⭐: 22,380 + - ⭐: 22,397 - 📖: :video_game: A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine. - 💡: `game` `game-development` `game-engine` `gamedev` `games` `html5-games` `platform-game` `puzzle-game` `sandbox-game` `strategy-game` - [cuixiaorui/mini-vue]( - - ⭐: 10,056 + - ⭐: 10,074 - 📖: 实现最简 vue3 æš¡åž‹( Help you learn more efficiently vue3 source code ) - 💡: `mini-vue` `vue3-source` @@ -1347,21 +1347,21 @@ - 📖: node工皋化盞关实践 - [LeadroyaL/pdd_3years]( - - ⭐: 1,726 + - ⭐: 1,727 - 📖: null - [tsayen/dom-to-image]( - - ⭐: 10,175 + - ⭐: 10,181 - 📖: Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas - 💡: `canvas` `css` `dom` `html` `image` `javascript` `raster` `render` `svg` `vector` - [justjavac/free-programming-books-zh_CN]( - - ⭐: 109,682 + - ⭐: 109,739 - 📖: :books: 免莹的计算机猖皋类䞭文乊籍欢迎投皿 - 💡: `android` `angular` `books` `free` `ios` `javascript` `kotlin` `pdf` `programming` `python` `react` `react-native` `swift` `vue` - [laurent22/joplin]( - - ⭐: 43,867 + - ⭐: 43,985 - 📖: Joplin - the secure note taking and to-do app with synchronisation capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. - 💡: `android` `dropbox` `electron` `enex-files` `evernote` `javascript` `joplin` `nextcloud` `nodejs` `note-taking` `onedrive` `react-native` `synchronisation` `web-clipper` `webdav` @@ -1370,54 +1370,54 @@ - 📖: A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture with React extensions inspired by Flux - [NateScarlet/holiday-cn]( - - ⭐: 1,150 + - ⭐: 1,154 - 📖: 📅🇚🇳䞭囜法定节假日数据 自劚每日抓取囜务院公告 - 💡: `china` `crawling` `data` `holiday` `natural-language-processing` - [remix-run/history]( - - ⭐: 8,259 + - ⭐: 8,258 - 📖: Manage session history with JavaScript - [sorrycc/awesome-javascript]( - - ⭐: 32,989 + - ⭐: 33,003 - 📖: 🐢 A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things. - [MrXujiang/h5-Dooring]( - - ⭐: 8,695 + - ⭐: 8,737 - 📖: H5 Page Maker, H5 Editor, LowCode. Make H5 as easy as building blocks. | 让H5制䜜像搭积朚䞀样简单, 蜻束搭建H5页面, H5眑站, PC端眑站,LowCode平台. - 💡: `antd` `drag-and-drop` `h5` `h5-builder` `h5-dooring` `h5-editor` `javascript` `low-code` `low-code-framework` `low-code-platform` `lowcode` `miniprogram` `page-builder` `page-factory` `react` `react-dnd` `react-router` `site-generator` `typescript` `visual-design` - [riot/riot]( - - ⭐: 14,829 + - ⭐: 14,824 - 📖: Simple and elegant component-based UI library - 💡: `client-side` `customelement` `customelements` `customtags` `elegant` `framework` `javascript` `lite` `minimal` `simple` `view` `webcomponents` - [Jezzamonn/fourier]( - - ⭐: 2,402 + - ⭐: 2,416 - 📖: An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms - [Tencent/APIJSON]( - - ⭐: 16,838 + - ⭐: 16,870 - 📖: 🏆 零代码、党功胜、区安党 ORM 库 🚀 后端接口和文档零代码前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构。 🏆 A JSON Transmission Protocol and an ORM Library 🚀 provides APIs and Docs without writing any code. - 💡: `baas` `clickhouse` `crud` `databricks` `elasticsearch` `hadoop` `hive` `influxdb` `low-code` `lowcode` `milvus` `nocode` `oracle` `postgresql` `postgresql-database` `serverless` `snowflake` `sqlserver` `tdengine` `tidb` - [liriliri/eruda]( - - ⭐: 17,488 + - ⭐: 17,528 - 📖: Console for mobile browsers - 💡: `console` `debugger` `developer-tools` `eruda` `mobile` - [sveltejs/svelte]( - - ⭐: 77,126 + - ⭐: 77,199 - 📖: Cybernetically enhanced web apps - 💡: `compiler` `template` `ui` - [emberjs/ember.js]( - - ⭐: 22,462 + - ⭐: 22,457 - 📖: Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications - 💡: `ember` `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `javascript-framework` - [philc/vimium]( - - ⭐: 22,483 + - ⭐: 22,523 - 📖: The hacker's browser. - [justjavac/deno_vultr]( @@ -1426,17 +1426,17 @@ - 💡: `deno` `vultr` - [fkhadra/react-contexify]( - - ⭐: 1,121 + - ⭐: 1,123 - 📖: 👌 Add a context menu to your react app with ease - 💡: `context-menu` `dropdown` `menu` `popup` `react` `react-component` - [react-grid-layout/react-grid-layout]( - - ⭐: 19,702 + - ⭐: 19,726 - 📖: A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React. - 💡: `drag-and-drop` `es2015` `grid` `javascript` `react` `resize` - [expressjs/express]( - - ⭐: 64,154 + - ⭐: 64,202 - 📖: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node. - 💡: `express` `javascript` `nodejs` `server` @@ -1446,21 +1446,21 @@ - 💡: `skills` - [Shopify/draggable]( - - ⭐: 17,715 + - ⭐: 17,723 - 📖: The JavaScript Drag & Drop library your grandparents warned you about. - 💡: `drag-and-drop` `draggable` `es6` `javascript` - [kkdai/youtube]( - - ⭐: 3,137 + - ⭐: 3,142 - 📖: Download Youtube Video in Golang - 💡: `go` `youtube` - [amfe/lib-flexible]( - - ⭐: 12,478 + - ⭐: 12,484 - 📖: 可䌞猩垃局方案 - [youzan/vant]( - - ⭐: 22,920 + - ⭐: 22,953 - 📖: A lightweight, customizable Vue UI library for mobile web apps. - 💡: `components` `mobile` `ui-kit` `ui-library` `vant` `vue` `vue3` @@ -1475,7 +1475,7 @@ - 💡: `component` `components` `react` `react-components` - [lotabout/write-a-C-interpreter]( - - ⭐: 3,873 + - ⭐: 3,891 - 📖: Write a simple interpreter of C. Inspired by c4 and largely based on it. - [blackjack4494/youtube-dlc]( @@ -1483,13 +1483,13 @@ - 📖: Command-line program to download various media from and other sites - 💡: `downloader` `hacktoberfest` `soundcloud` `twitch` `viki` `youtube` `youtube-dl` -- [drwpow/openapi-typescript]( - - ⭐: 4,856 +- [openapi-ts/openapi-typescript]( + - ⭐: 4,914 - 📖: Generate TypeScript types from OpenAPI 3 specs - 💡: `openapi` `openapi3` `openapi3-1` `swagger` `typescript` - [solidjs/solid]( - - ⭐: 31,505 + - ⭐: 31,565 - 📖: A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. - 💡: `declarative` `fine-grained` `javascript` `jsx` `performance` `proxies` `reactive` `solid` @@ -1503,17 +1503,17 @@ - 📖: An i18n Tool for Intellij IDEA - [jaredpalmer/tsdx]( - - ⭐: 11,190 + - ⭐: 11,195 - 📖: Zero-config CLI for TypeScript package development - 💡: `bundling` `jest` `npm` `packaging` `react` `react-dom` `rollup` `typescript` `yarn` - [nicoespeon/gitgraph.js]( - - ⭐: 2,998 + - ⭐: 3,000 - 📖: 👋 [Looking for maintainers] - A JavaScript library to draw pretty git graphs in the browser - 💡: `git` `gitgraph` `graph` `javascript` `presentation` - [mobxjs/mobx]( - - ⭐: 27,329 + - ⭐: 27,337 - 📖: Simple, scalable state management. - 💡: `javascript` `mobx` `react` `reactive-programming` `typescript` @@ -1522,26 +1522,26 @@ - 📖: Finally, a "back to top" button that behaves like a real elevator. - [electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection]( - - ⭐: 18,264 + - ⭐: 18,269 - 📖: null - [jaredpalmer/formik]( - - ⭐: 33,657 + - ⭐: 33,680 - 📖: Build forms in React, without the tears 😭 - 💡: `form` `formik` `forms` `higher-order-component` `hooks` `react` `react-hooks` `react-native` `render-props` - [alibaba/lightproxy]( - - ⭐: 3,093 + - ⭐: 3,095 - 📖: 💎 Cross platform Web debugging proxy - 💡: `chrome` `debug` `devtools` `electron` `light` `lightproxy` `proxy` `typescript` `whistle` - [zadam/trilium]( - - ⭐: 25,949 + - ⭐: 26,017 - 📖: Build your personal knowledge base with Trilium Notes - 💡: `electron` `electron-app` `knowledge-base` `knowledge-graph` `knowledge-management` `knowledge-management-graph` `local-first` `note-managment` `note-taker` `note-taking` `notebook` `notes` `notes-app` `personal-knowledge-base` `personal-wiki` `scriptable` `self-hosted` `self-hosting` `wiki` - [haizlin/fe-interview]( - - ⭐: 24,968 + - ⭐: 24,998 - 📖: 前端面试每日 3+1以面试题来驱劚孊习提倡每日孊习䞎思考每倩进步䞀点每倩早䞊5点纯手工发垃面试题死磕自己愉悊倧家6000+道前端面试题党面芆盖HTML/CSS/JavaScript/Vue/React/Nodejs/TypeScript/ECMAScritpt/Webpack/Jquery/小皋序/蜯技胜   - 💡: `css` `fe-interview` `front-end` `frontend` `frontend-interview` `html` `interview` `interview-questions` `javascript` `js` `node` `nodejs` `react` `resume` `vue` @@ -1551,12 +1551,12 @@ - 💡: `alibabacloud` `aliyun` `function-compute` `serverless` - [labuladong/fucking-algorithm]( - - ⭐: 123,950 + - ⭐: 124,033 - 📖: 刷算法党靠套路讀准 labuladong 就借了English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why. - 💡: `algorithms` `computer-science` `data-structures` `dynamic-programming` `dynamic-programming-algorithm` `interview-questions` `kmp` `leetcode` - [ovity/octotree]( - - ⭐: 22,716 + - ⭐: 22,719 - 📖: GitHub on steroids - 💡: `browser-extension` `chrome` `code-files` `code-review` `edge` `firefox` `github` `opera` `pull-request-review` `safari` @@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ - 📖: BLTranslate - [callstack/react-native-paper]( - - ⭐: 12,421 + - ⭐: 12,442 - 📖: Material Design for React Native (Android & iOS) - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `material-design` `react-native` `ui-kit` @@ -1590,7 +1590,7 @@ - 💡: `emoji` `react` `react-component` - [ZhongAnTech/zarm]( - - ⭐: 1,700 + - ⭐: 1,701 - 📖: 基于 React 的移劚端 UI 组件库 - 💡: `components` `css` `javascript` `mobile` `react` `react-components` `zarm` @@ -1603,30 +1603,30 @@ - 📖: command-line interface - [mrdavidlaing/javascript-koans]( - - ⭐: 2,390 + - ⭐: 2,393 - 📖: Koans to learn Javascript - [epoberezkin/fast-deep-equal]( - - ⭐: 1,842 + - ⭐: 1,848 - 📖: The fastest deep equality check with Date, RegExp and ES6 Map, Set and typed arrays support - 💡: `deep-equals` `equal` - [miragejs/miragejs]( - - ⭐: 5,313 + - ⭐: 5,314 - 📖: A client-side server to build, test and share your JavaScript app - 💡: `database` `hacktoberfest` `mock` `testing` `testing-tools` - [react-native-async-storage/async-storage]( - - ⭐: 4,593 + - ⭐: 4,605 - 📖: An asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native. - [smallnew/react-native-multibundler]( - - ⭐: 852 + - ⭐: 853 - 📖: react native可视化bundle拆包,支持远皋加蜜和debug,支持官方的0.57~0.63.2版本,䜿甚官方的metro拆包,适甚于Android、iOS - 💡: `android` `ios` `jsbundle` `metro` `react` `react-native` `split` - [CavsZhouyou/Front-End-Interview-Notebook]( - - ⭐: 7,288 + - ⭐: 7,293 - 📖: :ant:前端面试倍习笔记 - [kujian/frontendDaily]( @@ -1635,12 +1635,12 @@ - 💡: `awesome` `awesome-list` `css` `daily` `frontend` `html` `javascript` `jquery` `js` `news` `newsletter` `vue` `weekly` - [storybookjs/storybook]( - - ⭐: 83,205 + - ⭐: 83,263 - 📖: Storybook is a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation. Made for UI development, testing, and documentation. - 💡: `angular` `components` `design-systems` `documentation` `ember` `html` `javascript` `react` `react-native` `storybook` `styleguide` `svelte` `testing` `typescript` `ui` `ui-components` `vue` `web-components` `webpack` - [AlaSQL/alasql]( - - ⭐: 6,942 + - ⭐: 6,946 - 📖: AlaSQL.js - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel. - [vortesnail/qier-progress]( @@ -1649,12 +1649,12 @@ - 💡: `progress` `progress-bar` `qier-progress` `qprogress` - [DylanVann/react-native-fast-image]( - - ⭐: 8,081 + - ⭐: 8,086 - 📖: 🚩 FastImage, performant React Native image component. - 💡: `cocoapod` `glide` `hacktoberfest` `image` `image-cache` `priority` `react-native` `sdwebimage` - [theonedev/onedev]( - - ⭐: 12,914 + - ⭐: 12,933 - 📖: Git Server with CI/CD, Kanban, and Packages. Seamless integration. Unparalleled experience. - 💡: `ci-cd` `devops` `git` `kanban` `packages` `self-hosted` @@ -1663,27 +1663,27 @@ - 📖: Website built with Node.js and where users race against each other to solve generated mazes. Features a single player and one-on-one mode. Uses Prim's MST Algorithm to generate the mazes. - [denoland/deno]( - - ⭐: 93,257 + - ⭐: 93,299 - 📖: A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. - 💡: `deno` `javascript` `rust` `typescript` - [alibaba/hooks]( - - ⭐: 13,551 + - ⭐: 13,574 - 📖: A high-quality & reliable React Hooks library. - 💡: `ahooks` `hooks-library` `react` `react-hooks` `umi-hooks` - [github/gitignore]( - - ⭐: 158,977 + - ⭐: 159,128 - 📖: A collection of useful .gitignore templates - 💡: `git` `gitignore` - [jawil/GayHub]( - - ⭐: 1,075 + - ⭐: 1,076 - 📖: An awesome chrome extension for github :octocat: - 💡: `chrome` `chrome-extension` `crx` `es6` `github` `github-extension` `javascript` - [eggjs/egg]( - - ⭐: 18,817 + - ⭐: 18,820 - 📖: 🥚 Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa - 💡: `egg` `eggjs` `enterprise` `framework` `koa` `koa-middleware` `koa2` `node-framework` `nodejs` @@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ - 💡: `brook` `hostinger` `hostwinds` `shadowsocks` `shadowsocksr` `ss` `ssr` `v2ray` `vpn` `vps` `wireguard` - [Flipboard/react-canvas]( - - ⭐: 13,153 + - ⭐: 13,160 - 📖: High performance rendering for React components - [holylovelqq/vue-unit-test-with-jest]( @@ -1701,25 +1701,25 @@ - 📖: 吃透本仓库变身vue项目单䜓测试倧神 - [jimp-dev/jimp]( - - ⭐: 13,569 + - ⭐: 13,580 - 📖: An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies. - [brunosimon/folio-2019]( - - ⭐: 4,192 + - ⭐: 4,197 - 📖: null - [modood/Administrative-divisions-of-China]( - - ⭐: 17,927 + - ⭐: 17,970 - 📖: 䞭华人民共和囜行政区划省级省仜、 地级城垂、 县级区县、 乡级乡镇街道、 村级村委䌚居委䌚 䞭囜省垂区镇村二级䞉级四级五级联劚地址数据。 - 💡: `address` `administrative-divisions` `area` `china` `city` `csv` `json` `nodejs` `province` `street` - [itheima1/BlockChain]( - - ⭐: 4,221 + - ⭐: 4,227 - 📖: 黑马皋序员 120倩党栈区块铟匀发 匀源教皋 - 💡: `bitcion` `blockchain` `cryptocurrency` `hyperledger` `itheima` - [apachecn/ntu-hsuantienlin-ml]( - - ⭐: 285 + - ⭐: 286 - 📖: :book: 台湟倧孊林蜩田机噚孊习笔记 - 💡: `hsuan-tien-lin` `lecture-notes` `machine-learning` `ntu` @@ -1728,22 +1728,22 @@ - 📖: A fast Javascript string diff - [yifeikong/reverse-interview-zh]( - - ⭐: 16,893 + - ⭐: 16,916 - 📖: 技术面试最后反问面试官的话 - 💡: `interview` `interview-questions` `reverse-interview` - [rsuite/rsuite]( - - ⭐: 8,194 + - ⭐: 8,205 - 📖: 🧱 A suite of React components . - 💡: `awesome-react-stuff` `react` `react-components` `reactjs` `rsuite` `typescript` `ui-kit` `ui-library` - [getify/You-Dont-Know-JS]( - - ⭐: 177,467 + - ⭐: 177,622 - 📖: A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter. - 💡: `async` `book` `book-series` `closures` `education` `es2015` `es6` `javascript` `learn-to-code` `programming` `prototypes` `training-materials` `training-providers` - [any86/any-rule]( - - ⭐: 8,438 + - ⭐: 8,447 - 📖: 🊕 垞甚正则倧党, 支持web / vscode / idea / Alfred Workflow倚平台 - 💡: `awsome` `express` `regex` `regexp` `zheng-ze` @@ -1752,12 +1752,12 @@ - 📖: Vue 3 源码解读 - [jaywcjlove/hotkeys-js]( - - ⭐: 6,514 + - ⭐: 6,528 - 📖: ➷ A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no dependencies. - 💡: `browser` `hotkey` `hotkeys` `javascript` `keyboard` `keyboard-shortcuts` `keymaster` `keypress` `masterkey` `shortcut` `shortcutkey` `shortcuts` - [MikeMcl/big.js]( - - ⭐: 4,730 + - ⭐: 4,735 - 📖: A small, fast JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic. - 💡: `arbitrary-precision` `bigdecimal` `bignumber` `decimal-places` `javascript` @@ -1767,27 +1767,27 @@ - 💡: `dps` `puppeteer` `skeleton-screen` - [feiskyer/kubernetes-handbook]( - - ⭐: 5,257 + - ⭐: 5,259 - 📖: Kubernetes Handbook Kubernetes指南 - 💡: `books` `cloud-native` `containers` `docker` `gitbook` `handbook` `kubernetes` `kubernetes-handbook` `microservice` `service-mesh` - [ElemeFE/node-interview]( - - ⭐: 10,544 + - ⭐: 10,545 - 📖: How to pass the Node.js interview of ElemeFE. - 💡: `interview` `nodejs` - [fangzesheng/free-api]( - - ⭐: 14,538 + - ⭐: 14,559 - 📖: 收集免莹的接口服务,做䞀䞪api的搬运工 - 💡: `api` `freeapi` - [lisong/code-push-server]( - - ⭐: 1,800 + - ⭐: 1,802 - 📖: CodePush service is hot update services which adapter react-native-code-push and cordova-plugin-code-push - 热曎新 - 💡: `code-push` `code-push-server` `cordova` `react-native` - [microsoft/react-native-code-push]( - - ⭐: 8,860 + - ⭐: 8,861 - 📖: React Native module for CodePush - 💡: `code-push` `codepush` `react-native` @@ -1796,11 +1796,11 @@ - 📖: 识兔react-native实现识囟功胜和䞀些有意思的小功胜 - [creationix/js-git]( - - ⭐: 3,830 + - ⭐: 3,829 - 📖: A JavaScript implementation of Git. - [1995parham/github-do-not-ban-us]( - - ⭐: 11,794 + - ⭐: 11,792 - 📖: GitHub do not ban us from open source world :iran: - 💡: `github` `github-for-everyone` `iran` `iranian` `sanction` `sanctions` @@ -1809,11 +1809,11 @@ - 📖: demo of react-navigation with mobx state tree - [fnando/i18n-js]( - - ⭐: 3,752 + - ⭐: 3,751 - 📖: It's a small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript. It comes with Rails support. - [zoontek/react-native-localize]( - - ⭐: 2,227 + - ⭐: 2,231 - 📖: 🌍 A toolbox for your React Native app localization - 💡: `android` `globalization` `i18n` `internationalization` `ios` `language-detection` `react-native` @@ -1822,12 +1822,12 @@ - 📖: React Native + i18n.js - [react-native-text-input-mask/react-native-text-input-mask]( - - ⭐: 1,180 + - ⭐: 1,182 - 📖: Text input mask for React Native, Android and iOS - 💡: `android` `input-mask` `inputmask` `mask` `mask-android` `mask-ios` `maskededittext` `maskedinput` `maskedtextfield` `react-native` - [electrode-io/electrode-native]( - - ⭐: 722 + - ⭐: 723 - 📖: A platform to ease integration&delivery of React Native apps in existing mobile applications - 💡: `android` `ios` `mobile` `nodejs` `react-native` @@ -1837,12 +1837,12 @@ - 💡: `android` `app` `dart` `flutter` `ios` `mobile` `wanandroid` - [CyC2018/CS-Notes]( - - ⭐: 173,189 + - ⭐: 173,282 - 📖: :books: 技术面试必倇基础知识、Leetcode、计算机操䜜系统、计算机眑络、系统讟计 - 💡: `algorithm` `computer-science` `cpp` `interview` `java` `leetcode` `python` `system-design` - [husky-dot/xiaozhi]( - - ⭐: 5,063 + - ⭐: 5,064 - 📖: null - [haixiangyan/codeblock-beautifier]( @@ -1851,12 +1851,12 @@ - 💡: `beautifier` `chrome-extension` `css` `highlight` `javascript` `medium` - [axios/axios]( - - ⭐: 104,416 + - ⭐: 104,475 - 📖: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `http-client` `javascript` `nodejs` `promise` - [goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices]( - - ⭐: 97,001 + - ⭐: 97,070 - 📖: :white_check_mark: The Node.js best practices list (February 2024) - 💡: `best-practices` `es6` `eslint` `express` `expressjs` `javascript` `jest` `microservices` `mocha` `node-js` `nodejs` `nodejs-development` `npm` `rest` `style-guide` `styleguide` `testing` `types` @@ -1869,21 +1869,21 @@ - 📖: Add CSS animations to delight users as they scroll down. - [PavelDoGreat/WebGL-Fluid-Simulation]( - - ⭐: 14,365 + - ⭐: 14,380 - 📖: Play with fluids in your browser (works even on mobile) - 💡: `fluid` `gpu` `navier-stokes` `simulation` `webgl` - [dataarts/dat.gui]( - - ⭐: 7,373 + - ⭐: 7,384 - 📖: Lightweight controller library for JavaScript. - [nusr/hacker-laws-zh]( - - ⭐: 12,438 + - ⭐: 12,440 - 📖: 💻📖对匀发人员有甚的定埋、理论、原则和暡匏。(Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful.) - 💡: `chinese` `coding` `computerscience` `laws` `principles` - [zhui-team/zhui]( - - ⭐: 1,468 + - ⭐: 1,467 - 📖: 🚀 A Chinese style component library powered by React - [arbelh/HalfStyle]( @@ -1891,16 +1891,16 @@ - 📖: Style Half of a Character by CSS - [microsoft/terminal]( - - ⭐: 94,016 + - ⭐: 94,088 - 📖: The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place! - 💡: `cmd` `command-line` `console` `contributions-welcome` `good-first-issue` `hacktoberfest` `terminal` `windows` `windows-console` `windows-terminal` `wsl` - [airuikun/technology-blog]( - - ⭐: 3,173 + - ⭐: 3,172 - 📖: 䞪人博客前端技术收集䞀起共同孊习䞎成长 - [kkuchta/css-only-chat]( - - ⭐: 6,552 + - ⭐: 6,554 - 📖: A truly monstrous async web chat using no JS whatsoever on the frontend - [wix-incubator/react-native-interactable]( @@ -1908,7 +1908,7 @@ - 📖: Experimental implementation of high performance interactable views in React Native - [jonas/tig]( - - ⭐: 12,247 + - ⭐: 12,256 - 📖: Text-mode interface for git - 💡: `c` `git` `ncurses` `tui` @@ -1918,22 +1918,22 @@ - 💡: `emoji` `game` `minesweeper` - [sass/dart-sass]( - - ⭐: 3,811 + - ⭐: 3,820 - 📖: The reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart. - 💡: `css-preprocessor` `dart` `dart-sass` `sass` - [hzlzh/Best-App]( - - ⭐: 17,013 + - ⭐: 17,014 - 📖: 收集&掚荐䌘秀的 Apps/硬件/技巧/呚蟹等 - 💡: `app` `mac` `macos` - [Louiszhai/tool]( - - ⭐: 5,496 + - ⭐: 5,497 - 📖: 匀发效率提升Mac生产力工具铟掚荐 - 💡: `mac` `tool` - [Swordfish90/cool-retro-term]( - - ⭐: 21,692 + - ⭐: 21,712 - 📖: A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display... - 💡: `linux` `macos` `qml` `qt` `retro` `terminal` @@ -1947,20 +1947,20 @@ - 📖: 哔哩哔哩 bilibili 眑站后台工皋 源码 - [skyline75489/what-happens-when-zh_CN]( - - ⭐: 7,990 + - ⭐: 7,992 - 📖: What-happens-when 的䞭文翻译原仓库 - [alex/what-happens-when]( - - ⭐: 39,301 + - ⭐: 39,385 - 📖: An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?" - [amejiarosario/dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript]( - - ⭐: 7,523 + - ⭐: 7,526 - 📖: 🥞Data Structures and Algorithms explained and implemented in JavaScript + eBook - 💡: `algorithm` `algorithms` `book` `coding-interviews` `computer-science` `data-structures` `graph` `heap` `javascript` `javascript-algorithms` `search` `tree` - [521xueweihan/git-tips]( - - ⭐: 15,488 + - ⭐: 15,497 - 📖: :trollface:Git的奇技淫巧 - 💡: `cheatsheet` `git` `github` @@ -1969,12 +1969,12 @@ - 📖: WebAssembly䞭文眑 翻译指南 - [kxxwz/SJTU-Courses]( - - ⭐: 8,328 + - ⭐: 8,338 - 📖: 䞊海亀通倧孊诟皋资料分享 - 💡: `courses` `sjtu` - [jeffgerickson/algorithms]( - - ⭐: 7,859 + - ⭐: 7,860 - 📖: Bug-tracking for Jeff's algorithms book, notes, etc. - 💡: `algorithm` `course-materials` `lecture-notes` `textbook` @@ -1983,21 +1983,21 @@ - 📖: 前端䜓系规划指南。Architecture of Frontend Development Efficiency - [yygmind/blog]( - - ⭐: 10,472 + - ⭐: 10,471 - 📖: 我是朚易杚公䌗号「高级前端进阶」䜜者跟着我每呚重点攻克䞀䞪前端面试重隟点。接䞋来让我垊䜠走进高级前端的䞖界圚进阶的路䞊共勉 - 💡: `advance` `blog` `css` `html` `javascript` `react` `vue` - [lib-pku/libpku]( - - ⭐: 30,157 + - ⭐: 30,179 - 📖: 莵校诟皋资料民闎敎理 - [521xueweihan/HelloGitHub]( - - ⭐: 86,553 + - ⭐: 86,871 - 📖: :octocat: 分享 GitHub 䞊有趣、入闚级的匀源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub. - 💡: `awesome` `github` `hellogithub` `python` - [facebook/docusaurus]( - - ⭐: 53,734 + - ⭐: 53,861 - 📖: Easy to maintain open source documentation websites. - 💡: `documentation` `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `open-source` `react` `website` @@ -2006,30 +2006,30 @@ - 📖: Requirements for Chinese Text Layout - [ljianshu/Blog]( - - ⭐: 7,836 + - ⭐: 7,839 - 📖: 关泚基础知识打造䌘莚前端博客公䌗号[前端工匠]的䜜者 - 💡: `ajax` `css` `javascript` `vue` - [ruanyf/document-style-guide]( - - ⭐: 11,772 + - ⭐: 11,780 - 📖: 䞭文技术文档的写䜜规范 - [streamich/react-use]( - - ⭐: 40,804 + - ⭐: 40,859 - 📖: React Hooks — 👍 - [web-standards-ru/dictionary]( - - ⭐: 2,172 + - ⭐: 2,173 - 📖: СлПварО пП фрПМтеМЎу - 💡: `dictionary` `front-end` `russian` `translation` - [sindresorhus/awesome]( - - ⭐: 306,934 + - ⭐: 307,846 - 📖: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics - 💡: `awesome` `awesome-list` `lists` `resources` `unicorns` - [azl397985856/leetcode]( - - ⭐: 54,029 + - ⭐: 54,065 - 📖: LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解记圕自己的leetcode解题之路。) - 💡: `algo` `algorithm` `algorithms` `algorithms-datastructures` `computer-science` `cpp` `data-structures` `interview` `java` `javascript` `leetcode` `leetcode-solutions` `python` `tree` @@ -2038,21 +2038,21 @@ - 📖: A spinning activity indicator - [semlinker/reactjs-interview-questions]( - - ⭐: 2,084 + - ⭐: 2,089 - 📖: List of top 304 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers - 💡: `interview-preparation` `interview-questions` `react` `react-router` `react16` `reactjs` `redux` - [sudheerj/reactjs-interview-questions]( - - ⭐: 37,433 + - ⭐: 37,579 - 📖: List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers....Coding exercise questions are coming soon!! - 💡: `interview-preparation` `interview-questions` `javascript` `javascript-applications` `javascript-framework` `javascript-interview-questions` `react` `react-interview-questions` `react-native` `react-router` `react16` `reactjs` `redux` - [996icu/996.ICU]( - - ⭐: 269,251 + - ⭐: 269,272 - 📖: Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers. - [react-component/slider]( - - ⭐: 3,013 + - ⭐: 3,017 - 📖: React Slider - 💡: `antd` `react` `react-components` @@ -2061,16 +2061,16 @@ - 📖: Instagram.css - Complete set of Instagram filters in pure CSS - [schmich/instascan]( - - ⭐: 2,941 + - ⭐: 2,942 - 📖: HTML5 QR code scanner using your webcam - 💡: `browser` `camera` `emscripten` `html5` `javascript` `qr-code` `qrcode` `quick-response` `video` `webcam` `zxing` - [reactjs/]( - - ⭐: 886 + - ⭐: 889 - 📖: React documentation website in Simplified Chinese - [acdlite/react-fiber-architecture]( - - ⭐: 11,287 + - ⭐: 11,317 - 📖: A description of React's new core algorithm, React Fiber - [syntaxhighlighter/syntaxhighlighter]( @@ -2078,21 +2078,21 @@ - 📖: SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syntax highlighter developed in JavaScript. - [xcatliu/typescript-tutorial]( - - ⭐: 10,290 + - ⭐: 10,294 - 📖: TypeScript 入闚教皋 - 💡: `javascript` `tutorial` `typescript` - [llh911001/mostly-adequate-guide-chinese]( - - ⭐: 2,478 + - ⭐: 2,479 - 📖: 凜数匏猖皋指南䞭文版 - 💡: `curry` `functional-js` `functional-programming` `functor` `monad` - [zhaoolee/ChromeAppHeroes]( - - ⭐: 21,709 + - ⭐: 21,716 - 📖: 🌈谷粒-Chrome插件英雄抜, 䞺䌘秀的Chrome插件写䞀本䞭文诎明乊, 让Chrome插件英雄们造犏人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~ 公䌗号「0加1」同步曎新 - [selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteaching]( - - ⭐: 15,053 + - ⭐: 15,065 - 📖: One has no future if one couldn't teach themself. - [haixiangyan/overwatch-ui]( @@ -2109,7 +2109,7 @@ - 📖: 🗃 package.json fields explained - [dli/paint]( - - ⭐: 2,851 + - ⭐: 2,850 - 📖: Fluid Paint - - [Swizec/useDimensions]( @@ -2126,27 +2126,27 @@ - 📖: a simple customer management system using MVC model with development ducumentation :bowtie: - [alibaba/fish-redux]( - - ⭐: 7,332 + - ⭐: 7,329 - 📖: An assembled flutter application framework. - 💡: `adapter` `aop` `component` `flutter` `framework` `functional-programming` `reactive` `redux` - [microsoft/frontend-bootcamp]( - - ⭐: 10,798 + - ⭐: 10,800 - 📖: Frontend Workshop from HTML/CSS/JS to TypeScript/React/Redux - 💡: `css` `css-in-js` `html` `javascript` `microsoft` `office-ui-fabric-react` `react` `redux` `redux-thunk` `typescript` - [mqyqingfeng/Blog]( - - ⭐: 30,499 + - ⭐: 30,512 - 📖: 冎矜写博客的地方预计写四䞪系列JavaScript深入系列、JavaScript䞓题系列、ES6系列、React系列。 - 💡: `advanced` `blog` `javascript` - [didi/DoKit]( - - ⭐: 19,998 + - ⭐: 20,008 - 📖: 䞀欟面向泛前端产品研发党生呜呚期的效率平台。 - 💡: `android` `ios` `miniapp` `mockgps` `monitoring` `performance` `tools` - [carbon-app/carbon]( - - ⭐: 34,241 + - ⭐: 34,253 - 📖: :black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code - 💡: `beautiful` `carbon` `education` `github-gist` `javascript` `presentation` `sharing` `snippets` `tweet` @@ -2156,35 +2156,35 @@ - 💡: `hmr` `javascript` `nodejs` `react` `ssr` `typescript` `vue` `vuejs` `zero` - [easychen/howto-make-more-money]( - - ⭐: 16,736 + - ⭐: 16,746 - 📖: 皋序员劂䜕䌘雅的挣零花钱2.0版升级䞺小乊了。Most of this not work outside China , so no English translate - [jawil/blog]( - - ⭐: 7,891 + - ⭐: 7,889 - 📖: Too young, too simple. Sometimes, naive & stupid 🐌 - 💡: `blog` `css` `difficulty` `es6` `github` `javascript` `js` `nodejs` `notes` `study` - [kennymkchan/interview-questions-in-javascript]( - - ⭐: 3,594 + - ⭐: 3,595 - 📖: A mostly reasonable collection of technical software development interview questions solved in Javascript - 💡: `array` `interview-practice` `interview-questions` `interviews` `javascript` `recursion` `stack` `strings` - [oblador/react-native-progress]( - - ⭐: 3,604 + - ⭐: 3,607 - 📖: Progress indicators and spinners for React Native - [FFmpeg/FFmpeg]( - - ⭐: 43,300 + - ⭐: 43,404 - 📖: Mirror of - 💡: `audio` `c` `ffmpeg` `fft` `hevc` `hls` `matroska` `mp4` `mpeg` `multimedia` `rtmp` `rtsp` `streaming` `video` `webm` - [GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo]( - - ⭐: 16,041 + - ⭐: 16,062 - 📖: Sample cloud-first application with 10 microservices showcasing Kubernetes, Istio, and gRPC. - 💡: `gcp` `gke` `google-cloud` `grpc` `istio` `kubernetes` `kustomize` `sample-application` `samples` `skaffold` `terraform` - [shadowsocks/ShadowsocksX-NG]( - - ⭐: 32,222 + - ⭐: 32,236 - 📖: Next Generation of ShadowsocksX - 💡: `kcptun` `macos` `shadowsocks` `shadowsocksx-ng` `swift` `v2ray-plugin` @@ -2194,46 +2194,46 @@ - 💡: `shadowsocks` `shadowsocks-libev` `shadowsocks-server` `shadowsocksr` `ssr` - [ytdl-org/youtube-dl]( - - ⭐: 129,377 + - ⭐: 129,485 - 📖: Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites - [flutter/plugins]( - - ⭐: 17,370 + - ⭐: 17,380 - 📖: Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team - 💡: `android` `dart` `flutter` `flutter-plugin` `ios` `plugin` - [alexmacarthur/typeit]( - - ⭐: 3,029 + - ⭐: 3,030 - 📖: The most versatile JavaScript typewriter effect library on the planet. - 💡: `animation` `javascript` `javascript-library` `text-animation` `text-effects` `typewriter` `typewriter-effect` `typography` - [hotoo/pinyin]( - - ⭐: 7,348 + - ⭐: 7,353 - 📖: :cn: 汉字拌音 ➜ hàn zì pÄ«n yÄ«n - 💡: `chinese` `hanzi` `pinyin` `zhongwen` - [refined-github/refined-github]( - - ⭐: 23,416 + - ⭐: 23,482 - 📖: :octocat: Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features - 💡: `browser-extension` `chrome-extension` `firefox-addon` `github` `github-extension` `safari-extension` `userstyle` - [nvbn/thefuck]( - - ⭐: 83,379 + - ⭐: 83,464 - 📖: Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command. - 💡: `python` `shell` - [tldr-pages/tldr]( - - ⭐: 49,039 + - ⭐: 49,141 - 📖: 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands - 💡: `android` `bsd` `cheatsheet` `cheatsheets` `command-line` `console` `documentation` `examples` `hacktoberfest` `help` `linux` `macos` `man-page` `manpages` `manual` `osx` `shell` `terminal` `tldr` `windows` - [v8/v8]( - - ⭐: 22,840 + - ⭐: 22,860 - 📖: The official mirror of the V8 Git repository - 💡: `compiler` `interpreter` `javascript` `javascript-engine` `virtual-machine` - [littlecodersh/ItChat]( - - ⭐: 25,239 + - ⭐: 25,258 - 📖: A complete and graceful API for Wechat. 埮信䞪人号接口、埮信机噚人及呜什行埮信䞉十行即可自定义䞪人号机噚人。 - 💡: `api` `itchat` `robot` `wechat` @@ -2243,35 +2243,35 @@ - 💡: `api` `promises` `typescript` `vscode` `wechat` `wx-api` - [mixn/carbon-now-cli]( - - ⭐: 5,712 + - ⭐: 5,716 - 📖: 🎚 Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal. - 💡: `cli` `cli-app` `cli-application` `cli-command` `cli-tool` `cli-utilities` `cli-utility` `command-line` `node` `nodejs` - [felixrieseberg/windows95]( - - ⭐: 22,170 + - ⭐: 22,175 - 📖: 💩🚀 Windows 95 in Electron. Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. - [alex000kim/nsfw_data_scraper]( - - ⭐: 12,178 + - ⭐: 12,188 - 📖: Collection of scripts to aggregate image data for the purposes of training an NSFW Image Classifier - 💡: `content-moderation` `deep-learning` `machine-learning` `nsfw` `nsfw-classifier` `pornography` - [mui/material-ui]( - - ⭐: 92,200 + - ⭐: 92,259 - 📖: Material UI: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google's Material Design. - 💡: `design-systems` `hacktoberfest` `material-design` `react` `react-components` - [mocheng/dissecting-rxjs]( - - ⭐: 403 + - ⭐: 404 - 📖: 《深入浅出RxJS》代码库 - [shimohq/chinese-programmer-wrong-pronunciation]( - - ⭐: 21,618 + - ⭐: 21,632 - 📖: 䞭囜皋序员容易发音错误的单词 - 💡: `chinese-programmers` `documentation` `pronunciation` `spelling` - [doocs/advanced-java]( - - ⭐: 74,902 + - ⭐: 74,943 - 📖: 😮 Core Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced Java(Backend) Developers | 互联眑 Java 工皋垈进阶知识完党扫盲涵盖高并发、分垃匏、高可甚、埮服务、海量数据倄理等领域知识 - 💡: `advanced-java` `distributed-search-engine` `distributed-systems` `doocs` `dubbo` `elasticsearch` `eureka` `feign` `high-availability` `high-concurrency` `hystrix` `java` `message-queue` `microservices-architecture` `redis` `ribbon` `rpc` `spring-cloud` `springcloud-config` `zookeeper` @@ -2281,17 +2281,17 @@ - 💡: `computer-architecture` `emulation` - [wuchangming/spy-debugger]( - - ⭐: 7,473 + - ⭐: 7,476 - 📖: 埮信调试各种WebView样匏调试、手机浏览噚的页面真机调试。䟿捷的远皋调试手机页面、抓包工具支持HTTP/HTTPS无需USB连接讟倇。 - 💡: `debug` `spy-debugger` `wechat` `weinre` - [Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code]( - - ⭐: 43,774 + - ⭐: 43,798 - 📖: 100 Days of ML Coding - 💡: `100-days-of-code-log` `100daysofcode` `deep-learning` `implementation` `infographics` `linear-algebra` `linear-regression` `logistic-regression` `machine-learning` `machine-learning-algorithms` `naive-bayes-classifier` `python` `scikit-learn` `siraj-raval` `siraj-raval-challenge` `support-vector-machines` `svm` `tutorial` - [ipython-contrib/jupyter_contrib_nbextensions]( - - ⭐: 5,189 + - ⭐: 5,191 - 📖: A collection of various notebook extensions for Jupyter - [Justineo/vue-clamp]( @@ -2300,16 +2300,16 @@ - 💡: `clamp` `line-clamp` `text-truncation` `vue` - [janl/mustache.js]( - - ⭐: 16,330 + - ⭐: 16,336 - 📖: Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript - [ramda/ramda]( - - ⭐: 23,630 + - ⭐: 23,643 - 📖: :ram: Practical functional Javascript - 💡: `javascript` `ramda` - [sharkdp/bat]( - - ⭐: 47,299 + - ⭐: 47,445 - 📖: A cat(1) clone with wings. - 💡: `cli` `command-line` `git` `hacktoberfest` `rust` `syntax-highlighting` `terminal` `tool` @@ -2318,12 +2318,12 @@ - 📖: The website for momentjs - [rrousselGit/flutter_hooks]( - - ⭐: 3,050 + - ⭐: 3,053 - 📖: React hooks for Flutter. Hooks are a new kind of object that manages a Widget life-cycles. They are used to increase code sharing between widgets and as a complete replacement for StatefulWidget. - 💡: `code-reuse` `dart` `flutter` `hacktoberfest` `hook` `widget` - [vinta/pangu.js]( - - ⭐: 4,278 + - ⭐: 4,287 - 📖: Paranoid text spacing in JavaScript - 💡: `chrome-extension` `html` `javascript` `nodejs` `pangu` `text` `text-spacing` `userscript` @@ -2338,11 +2338,11 @@ - 💡: `report` `tracker` `vscode` `vscode-extension` - [cyanharlow/purecss-francine]( - - ⭐: 7,737 + - ⭐: 7,736 - 📖: HTML/CSS drawing in the style of an 18th-century oil painting. Hand-coded entirely in HTML & CSS. - [iampawan/FlutterExampleApps]( - - ⭐: 20,115 + - ⭐: 20,141 - 📖: [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs. - 💡: `android` `apps` `cross-platform` `dart` `dartlang` `flutter` `flutter-apps` `flutter-plugin` `ios` `material-design` @@ -2351,25 +2351,25 @@ - 📖: Displays a report of JSX component and prop usage - [gaearon/]( - - ⭐: 7,012 + - ⭐: 7,015 - 📖: Personal blog by Dan Abramov. - [pmndrs/react-spring]( - - ⭐: 27,634 + - ⭐: 27,663 - 📖: ✌ A spring physics based React animation library - 💡: `animation-library` `react` `react-spring` `spring-physics` `springs` - [git/git]( - - ⭐: 50,733 + - ⭐: 50,806 - 📖: Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget ( Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements. - 💡: `c` `hacktoberfest` `shell` - [boramalper/himawaripy]( - - ⭐: 1,619 + - ⭐: 1,618 - 📖: Set near-realtime picture of Earth as your desktop background - [angular/material]( - - ⭐: 16,574 + - ⭐: 16,573 - 📖: Material design for AngularJS - 💡: `angularjs` `angularjs-material` `javascript` `lts` `material-design` @@ -2378,36 +2378,36 @@ - 📖: CSS Christmas Tree - [wubaiqing/zaobao]( - - ⭐: 2,234 + - ⭐: 2,235 - 📖: 每日时报以前端技术䜓系䞺䞻芁分享诟题。根据文章、工具、新闻、视频几倧板块䜜䞺䞻芁分类。 - 💡: `awesome` `coding-article` `daily` `design` `news` `promotion-promotion` `share` `web-development` `zaobao` - [koajs/koa]( - - ⭐: 34,946 + - ⭐: 34,971 - 📖: Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions - 💡: `koa` - [gtanner/qrcode-terminal]( - - ⭐: 1,262 + - ⭐: 1,263 - 📖: QRCodes in your terminal, cause thats hot. - [developit/jsxobj]( - - ⭐: 218 + - ⭐: 219 - 📖: Build JSON using JSX 🌈 (may contain blood magic) - 💡: `blood-magic` `json` `jsx` - [geeeeeeeeek/git-recipes]( - - ⭐: 14,598 + - ⭐: 14,605 - 📖: 🥡 Git recipes in Chinese by Zhongyi Tong. 高莚量的Git䞭文教皋. - 💡: `git` `git-recipes` `tutorials` - [enquirer/enquirer]( - - ⭐: 7,528 + - ⭐: 7,540 - 📖: Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompts, for Node.js. Used by eslint, webpack, yarn, pm2, pnpm, RedwoodJS, FactorJS, salesforce, Cypress, Google Lighthouse, Generate, tencent cloudbase, lint-staged, gluegun, hygen, hardhat, AWS Amplify, GitHub Actions Toolkit, @airbnb/nimbus, and many others! Please follow Enquirer's author: - 💡: `bash` `cli` `command-line` `confirm` `console` `hyper` `inquirer` `interactive` `iterm` `node` `nodejs` `prompt` `prompts` `readline` `shell` `terminal` `tty` `yeoman` `yo` `zsh` - [github-tools/github]( - - ⭐: 3,551 + - ⭐: 3,552 - 📖: A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser. - [franciscop/react-text]( @@ -2415,7 +2415,7 @@ - 📖: 📙 React translation library with plain objects as dictionaries - [markedjs/marked]( - - ⭐: 32,202 + - ⭐: 32,242 - 📖: A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed. - 💡: `commonmark` `compiler` `gfm` `hacktoberfest` `markdown` `parser` @@ -2425,7 +2425,7 @@ - 💡: `android` `bottomsheet` `bottomsheetbehavior` `floatingactionbutton` `google-maps` `nestedscrollview` `react-native` - [ptomasroos/react-native-scrollable-tab-view]( - - ⭐: 6,917 + - ⭐: 6,919 - 📖: Tabbed navigation that you can swipe between, each tab can have its own ScrollView and maintain its own scroll position between swipes. Pleasantly animated. Customizable tab bar - 💡: `animated` `react-native` `swipe` `tabs` @@ -2434,27 +2434,27 @@ - 📖: Thunk middleware for Redux - [primer/octicons]( - - ⭐: 8,180 + - ⭐: 8,185 - 📖: A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub - 💡: `gem` `icons` `jekyll` `nodejs` `octicons` `octicons-helper` `primer` `rails` `svg` - [emotion-js/emotion]( - - ⭐: 17,276 + - ⭐: 17,291 - 📖: 👩‍🎀 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition - 💡: `babel-plugin` `css` `css-in-js` `emotion` `react` `reactjs` - [lerna/lerna]( - - ⭐: 35,468 + - ⭐: 35,495 - 📖: :dragon: Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository. - 💡: `lerna` `monorepo` `npm` `package` `publishing` - [trekhleb/javascript-algorithms]( - - ⭐: 184,532 + - ⭐: 184,702 - 📖: 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings - 💡: `algorithm` `algorithms` `computer-science` `data-structures` `interview` `interview-preparation` `javascript` `javascript-algorithms` - [eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee]( - - ⭐: 9,798 + - ⭐: 9,799 - 📖: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - 💡: `e` `eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee` @@ -2464,17 +2464,17 @@ - 💡: `android` `ios` `jpush` `react` `react-native` - [software-mansion/react-native-gesture-handler]( - - ⭐: 5,901 + - ⭐: 5,910 - 📖: Declarative API exposing platform native touch and gesture system to React Native. - 💡: `gesture` `javascript` `react-native` - [animate-css/animate.css]( - - ⭐: 80,016 + - ⭐: 80,042 - 📖: 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing. - 💡: `animation` `css` `css-animations` `stylesheets` - [gatsbyjs/gatsby]( - - ⭐: 55,112 + - ⭐: 55,127 - 📖: The best React-based framework with performance, scalability and security built in. - 💡: `blog` `compiler` `gatsby` `graphql` `react` `static-site-generator` `web-app` @@ -2484,36 +2484,36 @@ - 💡: `css-animations` `css3` `css3-animations` - [nostalgic-css/NES.css]( - - ⭐: 20,418 + - ⭐: 20,446 - 📖: NES-style CSS Framework | ファミコン颚CSSフレヌムワヌク - 💡: `8bit` `css` `css-framework` `nes` `scss` - [alibaba/BizCharts]( - - ⭐: 6,144 + - ⭐: 6,146 - 📖: Powerful data visualization library based on G2 and React. - 💡: `chart` `data-visualization` `es6` `grammar` `html5-canvas` `react` - [nhn/tui.editor]( - - ⭐: 16,856 + - ⭐: 16,881 - 📖: 🍞📝 Markdown WYSIWYG Editor. GFM Standard + Chart & UML Extensible. - 💡: `chart` `commonmark` `documentation` `editor` `frontend` `gfm` `html` `jquery` `jquery-plugin` `markdown` `uml` `wysiwyg` - [MicrosoftEdge/MSEdge]( - - ⭐: 2,813 + - ⭐: 2,814 - 📖: Microsoft Edge - [microsoft/TypeScript]( - - ⭐: 98,682 + - ⭐: 98,820 - 📖: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. - 💡: `javascript` `language` `typechecker` `typescript` - [material-components/material-components-web]( - - ⭐: 17,097 + - ⭐: 17,101 - 📖: Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web - 💡: `css` `javascript` `material-components` `material-design` `web` - [apache/echarts]( - - ⭐: 59,381 + - ⭐: 59,448 - 📖: Apache ECharts is a powerful, interactive charting and data visualization library for browser - 💡: `apache` `canvas` `charting-library` `charts` `data-visualization` `data-viz` `echarts` `svg` `visualization` @@ -2522,11 +2522,11 @@ - 📖: Echarts for react-native. The react-naitve chart. - [software-mansion/react-native-svg]( - - ⭐: 7,306 + - ⭐: 7,322 - 📖: SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects. - [JesperLekland/react-native-svg-charts]( - - ⭐: 2,324 + - ⭐: 2,327 - 📖: 📈 One library to rule all charts for React Native 📊 - 💡: `charts` `d3` `react-native` `react-native-charts` `react-native-d3` `react-native-svg` `svg` @@ -2536,60 +2536,60 @@ - 💡: `chart` `charts` `mpandroidchart` `react-native` - [spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt]( - - ⭐: 19,205 + - ⭐: 19,227 - 📖: :rocket::star: Minimalistic, powerful and extremely customizable Zsh prompt - 💡: `oh-my-zsh` `prompt` `shell` `shell-prompt` `shell-theme` `spaceship` `terminal` `zsh` `zsh-theme` `zsh-users` - [shadowsocks/shadowsocks-android]( - - ⭐: 34,800 + - ⭐: 34,812 - 📖: A shadowsocks client for Android - 💡: `android` `shadowsocks` - [JetBrains/kotlin-wrappers]( - - ⭐: 1,318 + - ⭐: 1,324 - 📖: Kotlin wrappers for popular JavaScript libraries - 💡: `css` `kotlin` `kotlin-js` `react` `react-router-dom` `redux` `styled-components` - [haoel/]( - - ⭐: 12,321 + - ⭐: 12,544 - 📖: null - [infinitered/reactotron]( - - ⭐: 14,646 + - ⭐: 14,658 - 📖: A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows. - 💡: `debugging` `desktop` `react-native` `reactjs` `reactnative` `reactotron` `redux` `redux-saga` - [angular/components]( - - ⭐: 24,169 + - ⭐: 24,195 - 📖: Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular - 💡: `angular` `angular-components` `material` `material-design` - [DIYgod/RSSHub]( - - ⭐: 30,478 + - ⭐: 30,597 - 📖: 🧡 Everything is RSSible - 💡: `bilibili` `douban` `dribbble` `instagram` `lofter` `pixiv` `rss` `rsshub` `spotify` `telegram` `tiktok` `twitter` `v2ex` `wechat` `weibo` `ximalaya` `youtube` `zhihu` - [microsoft/monaco-editor]( - - ⭐: 38,840 + - ⭐: 38,907 - 📖: A browser based code editor - 💡: `browser` `editor` `monaco-editor` `typescript` `vscode` - [bvaughn/progress-estimator]( - - ⭐: 2,138 + - ⭐: 2,139 - 📖: Logs a progress bar and estimation for how long a Promise will take to complete - [mrdoob/three.js]( - - ⭐: 99,868 + - ⭐: 100,026 - 📖: JavaScript 3D Library. - 💡: `3d` `augmented-reality` `canvas` `html5` `javascript` `svg` `virtual-reality` `webaudio` `webgl` `webgl2` `webgpu` `webxr` - [braydie/HowToBeAProgrammer]( - - ⭐: 15,816 + - ⭐: 15,819 - 📖: A guide on how to be a Programmer - originally published by Robert L Read - 💡: `learning` `programming` - [moment/luxon]( - - ⭐: 14,992 + - ⭐: 15,013 - 📖: ⏱ A library for working with dates and times in JS - 💡: `dates` `datetime` `intl` `times` `timezones` @@ -2612,12 +2612,12 @@ - 💡: `asyncstorage` `localstorage` `react-native` `reactjs` `sync` - [imba/imba]( - - ⭐: 6,249 + - ⭐: 6,250 - 📖: 🐀 The friendly full-stack language - 💡: `declarative` `dom` `framework` `frontend` `imba` `javascript` `programming-language` `ui` - [addyosmani/critical]( - - ⭐: 9,979 + - ⭐: 9,980 - 📖: Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages - 💡: `critical-css` `critical-path-css` `critical-path-styles` `css` `inline-css` `inline-styles` @@ -2631,22 +2631,22 @@ - 📖: 🎉 敎理我平时关泚的前端库。 - [MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose]( - - ⭐: 7,792 + - ⭐: 7,805 - 📖: Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System - 💡: `accurate` `alpha-pose` `alphapose` `crowdpose` `full-body` `gpu` `human-computer-interaction` `human-joints` `human-pose-estimation` `human-pose-tracking` `human-tracking` `keypoints` `person-pose-estimation` `pose-estimation` `posetracking` `pytorch` `realtime` `skeleton` `tracking` `whole-body` - [fram-x/FluidTransitions]( - - ⭐: 2,926 + - ⭐: 2,927 - 📖: Fluid Transitions for React Navigation - 💡: `animation` `react-native` `react-navigation` `shared-element-transition` `transition` - [AhsanAyaz/ngx-device-detector]( - - ⭐: 511 + - ⭐: 512 - 📖: An Angular v7+ library to detect the device, OS, and browser details. - 💡: `angular` `device-detection` `device-detector` `ng5` `ngx-device-detector` - [crazycodeboy/RNStudyNotes]( - - ⭐: 4,007 + - ⭐: 4,008 - 📖: React Native 研究䞎实践 - 💡: `react-native` `react-native-doc` `react-native-lesson` `react-native-resources` `react-native-study` `react-native-tutorial` @@ -2656,7 +2656,7 @@ - 💡: `genetic-algorithms` `python` `python3` - [DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped]( - - ⭐: 47,504 + - ⭐: 47,564 - 📖: The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions. - 💡: `definition` `dts` `hacktoberfest` `types` `typescript` `typescript-definitions` `typings` @@ -2669,16 +2669,16 @@ - 📖: 🎚 UI controls as React Hooks to control your component state from outside - [styled-components/styled-components]( - - ⭐: 40,200 + - ⭐: 40,216 - 📖: Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅 - 💡: `css` `css-in-js` `react` `styled-components` - [ai/]( - - ⭐: 7,760 + - ⭐: 7,775 - 📖: Easing Functions Cheat Sheet - [NervJS/nerv]( - - ⭐: 5,423 + - ⭐: 5,425 - 📖: A blazing fast React alternative, compatible with IE8 and React 16. - 💡: `framework` `frontend` `inferno` `javascript` `jsx` `nerv` `nervjs` `preact` `react` `reactjs` `typescript` `vdom` `virutal-dom` @@ -2687,145 +2687,145 @@ - 📖: A library to help you design your react-native app for notched iPhones - [douglasjunior/react-native-keyboard-manager]( - - ⭐: 926 + - ⭐: 929 - 📖: ⚛ Library to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover inputs on React-Native iOS projects. - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `ios` `iqkeyboardmanager` `keyboard` `react-native` - [stephentian/33-js-concepts]( - - ⭐: 14,859 + - ⭐: 14,862 - 📖: :scroll: 每䞪 JavaScript 工皋垈郜应懂的33䞪抂念 @leonardomso - [nativefier/nativefier]( - - ⭐: 34,725 + - ⭐: 34,744 - 📖: Make any web page a desktop application - 💡: `desktop-application` `electron` `linux` `macos` `nodejs` `windows` - [leonardomso/33-js-concepts]( - - ⭐: 62,484 + - ⭐: 62,523 - 📖: 📜 33 JavaScript concepts every developer should know. - 💡: `angular` `concepts` `es6` `es6-javascript` `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `javascript-closures` `javascript-engines` `javascript-programming` `nodejs` `primitive-types` `programming` `react` - [shelljs/shelljs]( - - ⭐: 14,175 + - ⭐: 14,177 - 📖: :shell: Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js - 💡: `bash` `javascript` `node` `nodejs` `shell` `shelljs` `unix` - [reduxjs/redux]( - - ⭐: 60,586 + - ⭐: 60,595 - 📖: A JS library for predictable global state management - 💡: `redux` - [gregberge/svgr]( - - ⭐: 10,395 + - ⭐: 10,408 - 📖: Transform SVGs into React components 🊁 - 💡: `inline-svg` `loader` `react` `react-native` `react-svg` `react-svg-creator` `react-svg-loader` `svg` `svg-react` `svg-to-react` `svg2react` `svgo` `webpack` `webpack-loader` - [NervJS/taro]( - - ⭐: 34,957 + - ⭐: 34,995 - 📖: 匀攟匏跚端跚框架解决方案支持䜿甚 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来匀发埮信/京䞜/癟床/支付宝/字节跳劚/ QQ 小皋序/H5/React Native 等应甚。 - 💡: `javascript` `jquery` `nerv` `nervjs` `react` `react-native` `reactjs` `taro` `typescript` `vue` `vue3` `wechat` `wechat-mini-program` `weixin` `wxapp` - [wangshub/Douyin-Bot]( - - ⭐: 9,204 + - ⭐: 9,218 - 📖: 😍 Python 抖音机噚人论劂䜕圚抖音䞊扟到挂亮小姐姐 - [sindresorhus/meow]( - - ⭐: 3,512 + - ⭐: 3,516 - 📖: 🐈 CLI app helper - 💡: `cli` `command-line` `javascript` `kitten` `meow` `nodejs` - [flutter/flutter]( - - ⭐: 162,751 + - ⭐: 162,865 - 📖: Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - 💡: `android` `app-framework` `cross-platform` `dart` `dart-platform` `desktop` `flutter` `flutter-package` `fuchsia` `ios` `linux-desktop` `macos` `material-design` `mobile` `mobile-development` `skia` `web` `web-framework` `windows` - [Chalarangelo/30-seconds-of-code]( - - ⭐: 119,988 + - ⭐: 120,101 - 📖: Short code snippets for all your development needs - 💡: `astro` `awesome-list` `css` `education` `es6-javascript` `git` `github-actions` `html` `javascript` `learn-to-code` `learning-resources` `netlify` `nodejs` `programming` `python` `reactjs` `snippets` `snippets-collection` `website-infrastructure` - [DIYgod/APlayer]( - - ⭐: 7,153 + - ⭐: 7,157 - 📖: :lollipop: Wow, such a beautiful HTML5 music player - 💡: `aplayer` `html` `html5` `music` `player` - [jhen0409/react-native-debugger]( - - ⭐: 10,297 + - ⭐: 10,303 - 📖: The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redux DevTools - 💡: `debugger` `electron` `react-devtools` `react-native` `redux-devtools-extension` - [react-navigation/react-navigation]( - - ⭐: 23,357 + - ⭐: 23,366 - 📖: Routing and navigation for your React Native apps - 💡: `hacktoberfest` `navigation` `react` `react-native` `react-navigation` - [mobxjs/mobx-state-tree]( - - ⭐: 6,895 + - ⭐: 6,898 - 📖: Full-featured reactive state management without the boilerplate - 💡: `mobx` `mobx-state-tree` `mst` `observable` `redux` `snapshot` `state-management` `state-tree` - [wix/Detox]( - - ⭐: 11,029 + - ⭐: 11,028 - 📖: Gray box end-to-end testing and automation framework for mobile apps - 💡: `android` `automation` `e2e-tests` `ios` `javascript` `react-native` `test-automation` `testing` `testing-tools` - [jestjs/jest]( - - ⭐: 43,749 + - ⭐: 43,785 - 📖: Delightful JavaScript Testing. - 💡: `easy` `expectation` `facebook` `immersive` `javascript` `painless` `painless-javascript-testing` `snapshot` `testing` - [facebook/react-native]( - - ⭐: 116,645 + - ⭐: 116,755 - 📖: A framework for building native applications using React - 💡: `android` `app-framework` `cross-platform` `ios` `mobile` `mobile-development` `react` `react-native` - [reactnativecn/react-native-guide]( - - ⭐: 17,510 + - ⭐: 17,516 - 📖: React Native指南汇集了各类react-native孊习资源、匀源App和组件 - [Tunnelblick/Tunnelblick]( - - ⭐: 2,852 + - ⭐: 2,856 - 📖: The official Tunnelblick website is at; the official Tunnelblick GitHub repository is at - [tc39/proposals]( - - ⭐: 17,925 + - ⭐: 17,946 - 📖: Tracking ECMAScript Proposals - 💡: `committee` `ecmascript` `javascript` `language` `language-design` `proposal` `spec` `specification` - [rwv/chinese-dos-games]( - - ⭐: 8,380 + - ⭐: 8,384 - 📖: 🎮 Chinese DOS games collections. - 💡: `dos` `game` - [facebookarchive/draft-js]( - - ⭐: 22,560 + - ⭐: 22,565 - 📖: A React framework for building text editors. - [frank-lam/fullstack-tutorial]( - - ⭐: 11,490 + - ⭐: 11,491 - 📖: 🚀 fullstack tutorial 2022后台技术栈/架构垈之路/党栈匀发瀟区春招/秋招/校招/面试 - 💡: `computer-science` `fullstack-developer` `interview` `java` `java-interview` `skill-tree` - [ruanyf/weekly]( - - ⭐: 42,583 + - ⭐: 42,789 - 📖: 科技爱奜者呚刊每呚五发垃 - [shengxinjing/programmer-job-blacklist]( - - ⭐: 28,510 + - ⭐: 28,506 - 📖: :see_no_evil:皋序员扟工䜜黑名单换工䜜和圓技术合䌙人需谚慎啊 曎新有赞 - [Homebrew/brew]( - - ⭐: 39,921 + - ⭐: 39,986 - 📖: 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) - 💡: `brew` `homebrew` `macos` `package-manager` `ruby` - [viatsko/awesome-vscode]( - - ⭐: 24,475 + - ⭐: 24,507 - 📖: 🎚 A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources. - 💡: `awesome` `awesome-list` `list` `visual-studio` `visual-studio-code` `visual-studio-code-extension` `visual-studio-code-theme` `visualstudio` `vscode` `vscode-extension` `vscode-theme` - [lorien/awesome-web-scraping]( - - ⭐: 6,402 + - ⭐: 6,411 - 📖: List of libraries, tools and APIs for web scraping and data processing. - 💡: `captcha-bypass` `captcha-recaptcha` `crawler` `crawling` `crawling-framework` `crawling-python` `crawling-tool` `scraping` `scraping-framework` `scraping-python` `scraping-tool` `spider` `web-scraping` `webscraping` @@ -2835,20 +2835,20 @@ - 💡: `async` `async-functions` `optimistic-updates` `promises` `redux` - [camsong/You-Dont-Need-jQuery]( - - ⭐: 20,332 + - ⭐: 20,333 - 📖: Examples of how to do query, style, dom, ajax, event etc like jQuery with plain javascript. - [casesandberg/react-color]( - - ⭐: 11,904 + - ⭐: 11,912 - 📖: :art: Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome, Github, Twitter & more - 💡: `chrome` `color-picker` `inline-styles` `photoshop` `react` `react-component` `sketch` - [steelsojka/lodash-decorators]( - - ⭐: 725 + - ⭐: 724 - 📖: A collection of decorators using lodash at it's core. - [reduxjs/react-redux]( - - ⭐: 23,290 + - ⭐: 23,298 - 📖: Official React bindings for Redux - 💡: `react` `redux` @@ -2862,7 +2862,7 @@ - 💡: `api` `hitokoto` `vertx` - [chalk/chalk]( - - ⭐: 21,545 + - ⭐: 21,579 - 📖: 🖍 Terminal string styling done right - 💡: `ansi` `ansi-escape-codes` `chalk` `cli` `color` `commandline` `console` `javascript` `strip-ansi` `terminal` `terminal-emulators` @@ -2872,12 +2872,12 @@ - 💡: `angular` `angular-applications` `angular-components` `angular-seed` `angular-start` `angular10` `angular9` `ant-design` `antd` `antd-design-pro` `delon` `ng-alain` `ng-zorro` `ng-zorro-antd` - [alibaba/ice]( - - ⭐: 17,791 + - ⭐: 17,785 - 📖: 🚀 ice.js: The Progressive App Framework Based On React基于 React 的析进匏应甚框架 - 💡: `framework` `icejs` `microfrontends` `mpa` `nodejs` `react` `react-router` `serverless` `spa` `ssr` `typescript` `vite` `webpack` - [facebook/react]( - - ⭐: 224,172 + - ⭐: 224,459 - 📖: The library for web and native user interfaces. - 💡: `declarative` `frontend` `javascript` `library` `react` `ui` @@ -2887,25 +2887,25 @@ - 💡: `angular` `angular-cli` `angular-cli-ghpages` `circle-ci` `cloudflare-pages` `gh-pages` `github-actions` `github-pages` `ng-deploy` `travis-ci` - [smartprocure/futil-js]( - - ⭐: 964 + - ⭐: 967 - 📖: F(unctional) util(ities). Resistance is futile. - [Tencent/wepy]( - - ⭐: 22,473 + - ⭐: 22,470 - 📖: 小皋序组件化匀发框架 - 💡: `weapp` `wepy` - [jezen/is-thirteen]( - - ⭐: 5,501 + - ⭐: 5,504 - 📖: Check if a number is equal to 13. - [airbnb/javascript]( - - ⭐: 142,697 + - ⭐: 142,769 - 📖: JavaScript Style Guide - 💡: `arrow-functions` `es2015` `es2016` `es2017` `es2018` `es6` `eslint` `javascript` `linting` `naming-conventions` `style-guide` `style-linter` `styleguide` `tc39` - [sass/ruby-sass]( - - ⭐: 182 + - ⭐: 181 - 📖: The original, now deprecated Ruby implementation of Sass - [camsong/fetch-jsonp]( @@ -2914,40 +2914,40 @@ - 💡: `jsonp` `jsonp-request` `polyfill` - [ajv-validator/ajv]( - - ⭐: 13,498 + - ⭐: 13,513 - 📖: The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927) - 💡: `ajv` `json-schema` `validator` - [rmosolgo/graphql-ruby]( - - ⭐: 5,354 + - ⭐: 5,351 - 📖: Ruby implementation of GraphQL - 💡: `graphql` `graphql-ruby` `hacktoberfest` `rails` `relay` `ruby` - [nuysoft/Mock]( - - ⭐: 19,408 + - ⭐: 19,416 - 📖: A simulation data generator - [bvaughn/react-virtualized]( - - ⭐: 26,056 + - ⭐: 26,085 - 📖: React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data - 💡: `grid` `list` `listview` `performance` `react` `react-components` `tabular-data` `virtualization` `windowing` - [capistrano/capistrano]( - - ⭐: 12,671 + - ⭐: 12,674 - 📖: A deployment automation tool built on Ruby, Rake, and SSH. - 💡: `capistrano` `deployment` `ruby` `ssh` - [facebook/prop-types]( - - ⭐: 4,457 + - ⭐: 4,459 - 📖: Runtime type checking for React props and similar objects - [microsoft/vscode]( - - ⭐: 159,738 + - ⭐: 159,911 - 📖: Visual Studio Code - 💡: `editor` `electron` `microsoft` `typescript` `visual-studio-code` - [iawia002/lux]( - - ⭐: 25,775 + - ⭐: 25,838 - 📖: 👟 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go - 💡: `bilibili` `crawler` `download` `downloader` `go` `golang` `iqiyi` `qq` `scraper` `tumblr` `video` `youku` `youtube` @@ -2956,73 +2956,73 @@ - 📖: null - [sorrycc/blog]( - - ⭐: 4,486 + - ⭐: 4,483 - 📖: 💡 - [umijs/umi]( - - ⭐: 15,002 + - ⭐: 15,012 - 📖: A framework in react community ✹ - 💡: `react` `react-framework` `umi` `umijs` - [nightwatchjs/nightwatch]( - - ⭐: 11,739 + - ⭐: 11,740 - 📖: Integrated end-to-end testing framework written in Node.js and using W3C Webdriver API. Developed at @browserstack - 💡: `automated-testing` `chromedriver` `end-to-end-testing` `hacktoberfest` `javascript` `nightwatch` `nightwatchjs` `nodejs` `selenium` `selenium-server` `selenium-webdriver` `testing` `w3c-webdriver` `webdriver` - [omnidan/redux-undo]( - - ⭐: 2,905 + - ⭐: 2,907 - 📖: :recycle: higher order reducer to add undo/redo functionality to redux state containers - 💡: `history` `react` `redo` `redux` `redux-state` `redux-undo` `undo` - [camsong/blog]( - - ⭐: 3,664 + - ⭐: 3,665 - 📖: ✍Front-end Development Thoughts - [nefe/number-precision]( - - ⭐: 4,008 + - ⭐: 4,011 - 📖: 🚀1K tiny & fast lib for doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations precisely - 💡: `floating-point` `number-converter` `rounding-error` - [rubocop/ruby-style-guide]( - - ⭐: 16,403 + - ⭐: 16,409 - 📖: A community-driven Ruby coding style guide - 💡: `rubocop` `ruby` `style-guide` - [dvajs/dva]( - - ⭐: 16,227 + - ⭐: 16,230 - 📖: 🌱 React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo) - 💡: `dva` `elm` `framework` `redux` `redux-saga` - [NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd]( - - ⭐: 8,790 + - ⭐: 8,796 - 📖: Angular UI Component Library based on Ant Design - 💡: `angular` `angular-components` `angular-directives` `angular-ui-components` `ant` `ant-design` `antd` `enterprise` `frontend` `ivy` `ng-zorro` `ngx` `typescript` `ui-components` - [js-cookie/js-cookie]( - - ⭐: 21,708 + - ⭐: 21,718 - 📖: A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies - 💡: `cookie` `javascript` - [jashkenas/underscore]( - - ⭐: 27,250 + - ⭐: 27,252 - 📖: JavaScript's utility _ belt - [moment/moment]( - - ⭐: 47,858 + - ⭐: 47,863 - 📖: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript. - [ReactiveX/rxjs]( - - ⭐: 30,346 + - ⭐: 30,381 - 📖: A reactive programming library for JavaScript - 💡: `javascript` `rxjs` - [cytoscape/cytoscape.js]( - - ⭐: 9,863 + - ⭐: 9,879 - 📖: Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis - 💡: `analysis` `cytoscapejs` `graph-theory` `javascript` `network` `visualisation` - [redux-saga/redux-saga]( - - ⭐: 22,513 + - ⭐: 22,524 - 📖: An alternative side effect model for Redux apps - 💡: `effects` `middleware` `redux` `redux-saga` `sagas` @@ -3044,26 +3044,26 @@ - 📖: Mirror of - [shadowsocks/shadowsocks]( - - ⭐: 33,523 + - ⭐: 33,530 - 📖: null - [you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore]( - - ⭐: 18,536 + - ⭐: 18,551 - 📖: List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin - 💡: `alternatives` `eslint-plugin` `findindex` `hacktoberfest` `isnan` `javascript` `javascript-methods` `lastindexof` `lodash` `native` `reduceright` `underscore` `utilities` - [lodash/lodash]( - - ⭐: 59,130 + - ⭐: 59,167 - 📖: A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras. - 💡: `javascript` `lodash` `modules` `utilities` - [rbenv/rbenv]( - - ⭐: 15,887 + - ⭐: 15,907 - 📖: Manage your app's Ruby environment - 💡: `bash` `ruby` `ruby-installation` `ruby-versions` `shell` - [ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh]( - - ⭐: 170,128 + - ⭐: 170,303 - 📖: 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,300+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community. - 💡: `cli` `cli-app` `hacktoberfest` `oh-my-zsh` `oh-my-zsh-plugin` `oh-my-zsh-theme` `ohmyzsh` `plugin-framework` `plugins` `productivity` `shell` `terminal` `theme` `themes` `zsh` `zsh-configuration` @@ -3078,25 +3078,25 @@ - 💡: `datepicker` `javascript` `jquery-datepicker-plugin` `jquery-plugin` - [slim-template/slim-rails]( - - ⭐: 690 + - ⭐: 689 - 📖: Slim templates generator for Rails - [rails/rails]( - - ⭐: 55,159 + - ⭐: 55,225 - 📖: Ruby on Rails - 💡: `activejob` `activerecord` `framework` `html` `mvc` `rails` `ruby` - [slim-template/slim]( - - ⭐: 5,280 + - ⭐: 5,281 - 📖: Slim is a template language whose goal is to reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic. - 💡: `ruby` `slim` `template-engines` - [codemirror/codemirror5]( - - ⭐: 26,647 + - ⭐: 26,668 - 📖: In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy) - [Dogfalo/materialize]( - - ⭐: 38,850 + - ⭐: 38,860 - 📖: Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design - 💡: `css` `css-framework` `design` `framework` `javascript` `material` `material-design` @@ -3111,48 +3111,48 @@ - 💡: `chromium` `converter` `html` `pdf-document` `pug` `scss` - [github/gemoji]( - - ⭐: 4,366 + - ⭐: 4,371 - 📖: Emoji images and names. - 💡: `emoji` `ruby` `rubygem` `unicode` - [neocotic/qrious]( - - ⭐: 1,514 + - ⭐: 1,516 - 📖: Pure JavaScript library for QR code generation using canvas - 💡: `browser` `javascript` `qr` `qrcode` `qrcode-generator` - [standard/standard]( - - ⭐: 28,933 + - ⭐: 28,951 - 📖: 🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer - 💡: `development` `ecmascript` `es6` `eslint` `javascript` `linter` `nodejs` `standard` `static-code-analysis` `style-guide` - [xgrommx/awesome-redux]( - - ⭐: 12,195 + - ⭐: 12,197 - 📖: Awesome list of Redux examples and middlewares - 💡: `awesome` `awesome-list` `redux` `redux-documentation` - [ruanyf/react-demos]( - - ⭐: 16,241 + - ⭐: 16,243 - 📖: a collection of simple demos of React.js - [Soundnode/soundnode-app]( - - ⭐: 5,119 + - ⭐: 5,121 - 📖: Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API. - 💡: `angular` `desktop-app` `electron` `javascript` `music-player` `nodejs` `soundcloud` - [madrobby/zepto]( - - ⭐: 14,997 + - ⭐: 14,995 - 📖: Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API - [lukehoban/es6features]( - - ⭐: 29,204 + - ⭐: 29,205 - 📖: Overview of ECMAScript 6 features - [rime/squirrel]( - - ⭐: 4,468 + - ⭐: 4,489 - 📖: 【錠鬚管】Rime for macOS - [oklai/koala]( - - ⭐: 3,991 + - ⭐: 3,990 - 📖: Koala is a GUI application for less, sass and coffeescript compilation, to help web developers to the development more efficient. - [Foveluy/Dragact]( @@ -3161,5 +3161,5 @@ - 💡: `drag-and-drop` `drag-drop` `draggable` `grid` `grid-layout` `grid-system` `react` `reactjs` `sortable` `sortable-lists` - [jquery/jquery-color]( - - ⭐: 1,638 + - ⭐: 1,639 - 📖: jQuery plugin for color manipulation and animation support.