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DAO DAO UI architecture

elsehow edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 6 revisions

The DAO DAO UI is a monorepo, meaning that the UI is composed of independent projects that cohabitate in a single, shared repository.


The /apps projects stitches together all of the other packages in our repo. To produce a coherent user experience.

  • apps/dapp. This is the main multi-DAO web app hosted at
  • single-dao-dapp. This is a dapp for DAOs who want to self-host their page (e.g.,


This package provides stateless presentation components, which we design using Storybook.


This package provides reusable functions.


This packages manages the DAO DAO app's state.


i18n handles internationalization for the DAO DAO UI. That includes natural-language translations as well as numbers, dates, and times.

A translation guide can be found in the package's README.


This package describes the Actions that are available to select at proposal creation time in the DAO DAO UI.


This package allows the DAO DAO UI to support various proposal modules through its visual interface.


This package allows the DAO DAO UI to support various voting modules through its visual interface.


This package provides stateful ui package components with state derived from the state package, shared between multiple apps in /apps.


This package provides reusable tsconfig files for all of our packages, and has no dependencies. (This package was provided by turborepo example and modified to our existing config.)


This package provides linting & formatting configuration for our packages, and has no dependencies. We can also add jest unit test config here for reuse across our packages. (This package was provided by turborepo example and modified to our existing config.)