This directory includes the components for the Slovenian parliamentary corpus (1990-2022) siParl 4.0, which contains:
- Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia (Skupščina Republike Slovenije), 1990 - 1992, 11 legislative period;
- National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia (Državni zbor Republike Slovenije), 1992 - 2022, 1- 8 legislative period;
- Working bodies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia (Delovna telesa Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije), 1996 - 2022, 2 - 8 legislative period;
- Council of the President of the National Assembly (Kolegij predsednika Državnega zbora), 1996 - 2022, 2 - 8 legislative period.
The three main directories include:
- Selenium/: Directory with scripts for scrapping data from the website, original data and data with valid markup
- sources/: Input data for the start of the transformation
- Workflow/: Directory with the conversion steps for compilation of the siParl 4.0 corpus (and buidling subcorpus for SDT8 data)