There were 3 rounds of interview.
1st round:- Online Assessment test
2nd round:- Technical phone interview (45 min and 1 or 2 question on leadership questions )
3rd round:- Virtual onsite interview (due to covid) -- it was 4 hour interview. interview was scheduled with 4 people 1 hour each. each interviewer will ask technical questions and questions on leadership principles. each interviewer will cover questions on 2 leadership principles
1st interviewer :- Databases related technical questions (I applied for CSE-2 databases so interviewer asked me questions on SQL server/MySQL)
Leadership principles:- Dive deep & Learn and curious
2nd interviewer :- OS and networking related technical questions. Focus more on Networking related questions. I've added some of questions in the attachment that was asked
Leadership principles:- Ownership and Invent & simplyfy
3rd interview :- it was an interview with Operation manager. Interviewer only focused on Leadership based behaviour questions.
Leadership principles:- Deliver result and Backbone & disagree
4th interview :- It was an interview with hiring manager (Sr operation manager). Interviewer asked only Leadeship based behaviour questions. It was non-technical interview
Leadership principle :- Earn trust and Customer obsession
Attached is a leadership principles based behaviour Q and A. it is based on my DBa experience and some of them are made up stories. For OS and networking related technical questions and answers, please check CSE interview questions attachment. it includes questions it was asked during interview.