Graphical user interface to explore and integrate functional change management, verification and NLP techniques from the SPECifIC project
For the change management we need several prerequesites:
tar zxf systemc-2.3.1.tgz
cd systemc-2.3.1
env CC=clang CXX=clang++ CPP="clang -E -g" .configure
make install
cd ..
sudo mv systemc-2.3.1 /usr/local/
In addition you need sbt installed for the build process (any version will do).
- Please configure the paths to clang, systemc, and dwarfdump in
as guideline)
To start the tool, follow these simple steps:
to this project directory (wherebuild.sbt
lies)- start server with
sbt run
- open browser and navigate to
Jan 2017 - Martin Ring, DFKI Bremen [email protected]