GitHub is a online platform for hosting Git repositories. It functions for some, predominantly programmers, as a social network for sharing and collaborating on code-based projects. Users can share their own projects, as well as search for others, which they can then often work on and contribute to.
Digital Humanists, librarians, and other academics are also finding ways Git and GitHub are useful in writing projects and teaching.
GitHub also serves as a web-hosting platform, allowing users to create websites from their repositories.
- Pe-Than, E.P.P., Dabbish, L. and Herbsleb, J.D. (2019). Collaborative Writing at Scale: A Case Study of Two Open-Text Projects Done on GitHub.Collective Intelligence.
- Getting Started with GitHub
- Miyake, K. (2016). Create Your (FREE) Website Using Github and Jekyll. Tagging the Tower blog.
- Visconti, A. (2016). Building a static website with Jekyll and GitHub Pages. Programming Historian.