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Daniel Saukel edited this page May 14, 2016 · 14 revisions

How can I link portals and dungeons together?

Portals do not depend on dungeons. Use a group and / or a game sign to specify the dungeon.

How can I make it so that a player gets teleported to the next floor if x mobs are killed?

Add a mob or a progress trigger to your flior sign. The last line of an edit mode sign contains the trigger, in this case P [wave count] or M [name of the mob to kill].

How do I setup group sizes and counts per dungeon?

Use group signs.

Y U no video?

It would take long to create a video with all features. Besides that, the ongoing changes would make a video out of date very fast.

How do loot chests work?

Any item stack can be put into a chest in edit mode. If you want the items to get added to the loot inventory, just place a [chest] sign next to it (1 block distance).

How do I create a multi floor dungeon?

Creating one is as simple as creating a dungeon configuration. You can then join an MFD with /dxl play d [dungeon] or with a group sign with the + attribute.

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