Note that DLB stands for Design Load Basis. It refers to a set of cases that are used to evaluate the fitness of a certain design. An example of a DLB definition is the IEC 61400-1ed3.
This document intends to provide an extremely brief overview of how to run a set of HAWC2 simulations using the Gorm cluster at DTU and the Mimer storage. This document is a work in progress, and is by no means exhaustive.
The majority of this information can be found in the Wind Energy Toolbox documentation. In particular, generate-spreadsheet discusses how to use a "master" Excel spreadsheet to generate the subordinate Excel spreadsheets that will later be used to create the necessary HTC files. howto-make-dlcs discusses how to create htc files from the subordinate spreadsheets, submit those HTC files to the cluster, and post-process results. houserules-mimerhawc2sim has some "house rules" on storing simulations on mimer. has some information on loading the post-processing statistics using Python.
See the instructions on this page.
You should find that, within a given turbine model, the folder structure is similar to the following:
|-- DTU10MW/
| |-- AA0001
| | |-- ...
| |-- AA0002
| | |-- ...
| |-- ...
| |-- AB0001
| |-- ...
|-- AA_log_DTUMW.xlsx
|-- AB_log_DTUMW.xlsx
|-- ...
Here, each of these alphanumeric folders are "set IDs", and you should have a unique set ID for each set of simulations. Detailed house rules on how you should store data on mimer can be found in the houserules-mimerhawc2sim document.
There are two steps to creating your new set ID folder:
- Determine if you need to create a new turbine model folder. You should only do this when the turbulence box size changes (e.g., if the rotor size changes) or if you have a model that's never been simulated on mimer.
- Determine your set ID code. There are two scenarios:
- No one else in your project has run simulations on mimer. In this case, create a new set ID alpha code (e.g., "AA", "AB", etc.).
- Simulations for this project/turbine configuration already exist. In this case, use a pre-existing set ID alpha code and add one to the most recent Set ID (e.g., if "AB0008" exists, your new folder should be "AB0009").
See the house rules regarding log files.
Within your new Set ID folder, add your HAWC2 model files. Keep a folder structure similar to this:
|-- control/
| |-- ...
|-- data/
| |-- ...
|-- htc/
| |-- _master/
| | |--
| |-- DLCs.xlsx
Your master htc file, stored in htc/_master/
, can take any desired naming
convention, but it must have _master_
in the name or future scripts will
abort. htc/DLCs.xlsx
is your master Excel file that will create the
subordinate Excel files in the coming steps.
From a terminal, change to your htc directory. Then run the following code:
$ export PATH=/home/python/miniconda3/bin:$PATH
$ source activate py36-wetb
$ python /home/MET/repositories/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/prepost/ --folder=DLCs
$ source deactivate
This will create a subfolders DLCs and fill that new subfolder with the created subordinate Excel files.
These files and scripts are generated from the subordinate Excel files from Step 5. To do this, in the terminal, change up a level to your Set ID folder (e.g., to folder "AB0001"). Then run this code
$ -f /home/MET/repositories/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/prepost/ --prep
Your htc files should now be placed in subfolders in the htc folder, and PBS
job files should be in folder pbs_in
Use the
function to launch the jobs on the cluster.
For example, the following code will launch the jobs in folder pbs_in
100 nodes. You must be in the top-level Set ID folder for this to work (e.g.,
in folder "AB0001").
$ -n 100 -p pbs_in/
There are many launch options available. You can read more about the options
and querying the cluster configurations/status/etc. on
this page, or you can use the
help function to print available launch options:
$ --help
The wetb function
can not only generate htc files but also
post-process results. For example, here is code to check the log files
and calculate the statistics, the AEP and the lifetime equivalent loads
(must be executed from the top-level Set ID folder):
$ -f /home/MET/repositories/toolbox/WindEnergyToolbox/wetb/prepost/ --years=25 --neq=1e7 --stats --check_logs --fatigue
More details regarding loading the post-processed with statistics dataframes can be found here: using-statistics-df.