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NPM review

ncurses-based TUI for reviewing and upgrading/downgrading NPM packages, viewing package info, and dependencies, with vim-like key-bindings.

Heavily inspired by tig.




The active window is the alternate window, if it is displayed, package window otherwise.

Key(s) Action
j Move cursor down in the active window
k Move cursor up in the active window
J or ⬇️ Move cursor down in the package window
K or ⬆️ Move cursor up in the package window
q Close the active window (exit if in package window)
Q Exit
Enter Show versions, or npm install selected version
D npm uninstall selected package, or install as development dependency
I Interactive fuzzy-find install package
V Check version of all packages against latest
i npm info of the selected package
u Install the latest (git) committed version of a package
l Show more of dependencies (expand tree)
h Show less of dependencies (contract tree, or close)
p Go to Package view (from Install view)
gg Move to the first item in the active window
gj Move to the next lower major version, dependency root branch, info paragraph or down
gk Move to the next higher major version, dependency root branch, info paragraph or up
gc Move to the currently installed version (or no-op)
G Move to the last item in the active window
zt Move the selected row in the active window to the top
zz Move the selected row in the active window to the middle
zb Move the selected row in the active window to the bottom
/ Start regex filtering/highlighting in the package/alternate window
? Start regex filtering/highlighting in the package/alternate window
n Jump to next search hit
N Jump to previous search hit
⬆️ When searching: use previous search term
⬇️ When searching: use next search term
ctrl-e Scroll the active window up one row
ctrl-y Scroll the active window down one row
ctrl-d Scroll the active window up half a screen
ctrl-u Scroll the active window down half a screen

Filtering in the package window

To start regex filtering, hit / or ? and start typing.

Pressing Enter exits search mode, keeping the filtering.

Press Esc or ctrl-c (while in search mode) to clear pattern and exit search mode, showing everything.

See also: Searching.

Initialize with search

A search pattern can be give on the command line, prefixed with a /, to start with a filtered list. For example:

$ npm-review /e.*p

Alternate window

The active window is the package window, unless one of the alternate views is open. The alternate view can be scrolled with j and k, respectively.

There are threw alternate views:

Versions (Enter)

Lists versions, highlighting the currently installed.

Installation of another version can be done by selecting it (j/k and hitting Enter.)

Info (i)

Shows basic information about the package.

Dependencies (l)

Shows a tree view of a package's dependencies. By default only the direct dependencies are shown. To show the full tree, hit l. Show less with h.

Install (I)

Interactive fuzzy-find install package, using

Version check (V)

Checks the installed versions of all packages against the npm registry.
Displays versions behind on the current major, and the newest major, if any.

If ENTER is pressed on a row, the package's version list is displayed.

Caveat: the version check list must be re-initialized of the network, when exiting the version view.

Example output:

bootstrap    4.6.0   (DEV)                2 new – new major: 5
eslint       5.16.0  (DEV)                    ✓ – new major: 8
jquery       3.6.0   (DEV)                6 new
popper.js    1.16.1  (DEV)                    ✓ – new major: 2
redom        3.29.0  (DEV)                1 new
webpack-cli  5.1.1   (DEV)                3 new

Searching in the alternate window

To start regex searching, hit / or ? and start typing. Hits are highlighted incrementally.
Press ENTER to confirm the search pattern.

Jump to the next/previous hit with n/N.
Searching with / jumps down on "next" and up on "previous", while ? is the other way around.

Search jumping wraps when it hits top or bottom.

See also: Searching.


  • History items are stored in a hidden file in the users home directory: ~/.npm-version-history
  • The latest 50 searches are saved
  • Searching for an item already in the list moves it to the front
  • Prefixes can be used to narrow down the history
  • Pressing the up/down keys switches between previous search history, in chronological order
  • When starting a search, the empty string is used, initially. Pressing the up-arrow once uses the currently (or previously) used filter/search


The data being fetched is processed with external programs, that needs to be installed in order for the program to work properly:


Only developed/tested on macOS.

Install dependencies

These may be installed with homebrew:

brew install ncurses jq gawk

Install npm-review

Git clone this repo and run:

make install

to install the binary under /usr/local/bin.

Now navigate to a directory containing a package.json and run



  • Error handling is minimal


There are two flags that can be helpful when developing:

  • -d – Activates debug-mode that writes log messages to ./log
  • -f – Fakes the HTTP request data, making offline development easier

Fake search route

To do offline testing of the installation searching, install dependencies, and run the web server found in the http folder:

cd http
npm ci
npm run dev

Now it is possible to do an incremental search of the string exp-config. All other strings will give an empty result.