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File metadata and controls

33 lines (27 loc) · 1.4 KB


A graphical user interface to the DaisyDriver open-hardware microscope controller.


  • Motor control - natural mapped buttons provide tactile interface to the motors
  • Preview feed - see where you are on the sample
  • Sizes adapted for the official Raspberry Pi touch screen

Current version: 1.0

Documentation in progress.


  • Raspberry Pi 3B or 3B+ with the latest version of Raspbian Stretch installed
  • PiCamera v2
  • DaisyDriver


  1. Open terminal window and navigate to the directory you want to install DaisyLiteGUI
  2. Enter the command git clone
  3. Once this has finished, navigate into the DaisyLiteGUI folder using cd DaisyLiteGUI
  4. Then run the install script to ensure all required dependencies are installed bash
  5. Now, to open DaisyLiteGUI use the command python3
  6. When opening DaisyLiteGUI subsequently, you will need to navigate to this directory again and run the command in step 5.

To do

  • Improve error handling
  • Add support for multiple cameras
  • Refactor code for clarity and readability
  • Write camera test on load up which uses raspistill to take (and then deletes) a test picture
  • Investigate a more robust way of determining serial port (currently just hard-coded)


Feel free to open an issue or send a pull request.