Question list
- Riven R2 range.
range = (1100-100)^2,
why there is (1100-100)^2, but not just 1100(wiki range), for -100, I think it increase hit rate, but why ^2
Riven e_q or e_w combo spell cooldown check,
local get_spell_state = function() return e.is_ready() and q.is_ready(0.150) end
I have check the E.windUpTime and E.animationTime, they'are both not equal to 0.15, so what's 0.15 means, How can I determine this number
what is game.tickID
if game.tickID ~= tickID then obj = get_nearest_minion_to_mouse() tickID = game.tickID end
is there still have items module
local items = module.internal('items')
why it need to - 80 in these places.