All notable changes to the file 'humanmutationTUD.bst' will be documented here.
- Function 'format.shorturl' for printing "Aufruf am:" and "Aktualisiert am:" and handling warnings if entry 'lastchecked' is missing and either 'shorturl' or 'host' are not given
- Function 'format.url' for printing "Aufruf am:" and "Aktualisiert am:" and handling warnings if entry 'lastchecked' is missing and/or 'url' is not given
- Commands 'shorturlprefix', 'hostprefix'
- Reference type 'webpage' with entries shorturl, host, lastchecked and lastrevised
- Command '\doi' providing a link to the DOI resolver for yet unpublished articles
- Function 'bbl.eprint' providing notice '[im Druck]' or '[in press]'
- Command '\doiprefix'
- Entry 'doi', add function 'format.doi'
- Reference type 'unpublished'
- Command '\urlprefix' to include a colon
- Remove \texttt from definition of command \url
- Some minor fixes.
- Description for function 'fix.language'.
- Descriptions to functions 'capitalize' and 'format.title'.
- Function '' for printing language specific abbreviations for 'Page(s)' in entries 'incollection' and 'inbook'.
- Function 'fix.language' to check for missing or empty entry 'language'. If so, the function sets 'language' to english as deflault.
Modify function 'format.title' to not to change any characters of strings given in the title entry for language 'ngerman'.
Modify 'select.language' function to enforce usage of Babel hyphenation patterns for the title either as specified by the entry language or if missing using english as default language.
Correct definition of function 'fix.language' and substitute 'language' with 'fix.language' in all 'bbl.???' functions.
- Generate 'humanmutationTUD.bst' as result of makebst utility of Patrick W Daley.