All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Adjusted location picking icon dragging center, the dragging point is now the bottom of the icon instead of the center.
- Added support to do cascade search for coordinates by GUID, that will fetch the most up to date cascading rules.
- Added additional check for previousLocation reset, it should not be applicable to search values that are coordinates.
- Added additional check for locations with shape, they should not be Points to be added as geometry. Also added support for Position_wgs84_lat and Position_wgs84_lng, these coordinates are much preciser for locations.
- Adjusted styling of adding a result marker for locations that only have points and are not polygons.
- Fixed placement of location pin after dropping it onto the map.
7.7.3 - BORKED
- Added additional checks for locations that only have points and are not polygons.
- Added additional check for the feature related to deselecting addresses and locations from streetNameId to streetName.
- Changed the priority of showing locations their Polygon geometry instead of their coordinates. First the Polygon will be shown and if not present the coordinate will be used.
- Added support for showing MultiPolygon geometry locations when searching via searchbar.
- Fixed minor bug related to deselecting addresses from streetNameId to streetName.
- When searching for an address, do not send streetname in the query if combination streetnameid and housenumber is available for addresses in Antwerp.
- Change actual location marker color.
- Enable search for addresses linked to the selected street.
- Set marker on actual location for all addresses and locations.
- Enable search on municiplaity by comma.
- With Angular 18 update in dependent projects, there is a breaking update surrounding expressions inside [(ngModel)].
- Based on:
- Added support for vector-based layers for basemaps, currently only available for the custom basemap.
- Updated location viewer dependency.
- Added
parameter to the widget, it will be used as the center point of the buffer search area for locations and coordinates
- Added
parameter to the widget, it will be used for searches on addresses, locations and coordinates
- Fixed
what is here
icons & colors - Fixed an unwanted router trigger when selecting a location with the mouse
- Changed
to a newer version - Updated location viewer dependency
- Changed default debounce time from 200ms to 400ms for searches.
- Changed endpoints from "" (LocationPicker V2) to "" (LocationPicker V3)
- Fixed miscellaneous branding issues
- Changed
what is here
icons & colors.
- Fixed a hard dependency of location viewer
- Out of beta
- Update to Angular v. 15
- Update to Core branding v. 6
6.0.0 - 2023-02-13
- [BREAKING] Use of Location Picker API V3
5.5.0 - 2022-10-10
- Added additional circle to improve visibilty of proximity circle
- Fixed bug that loadingspinner is stuck after second click if 'trackingPosition' is enabled
- Fixed import path TrackingOptions model
5.4.0 - 2022-09-05
- Changed the functionality behind track position: will now show proximity circle and will stop after certain accuracy is reached or time has passed (position options extended)
5.3.0 - 2022-07-18
- Adds space to streetname label, so user can search for address just by adding housenumber
- Sets focus to searchfield after streetname location selection
- Show pin marker after selectedlocation is location with geometry (shapecenter)
5.2.1 - 2022-06-20
- Disables operational layer event when picking location
- Show picking marker when hovering over polygon and picking action is active
5.2.0 - 2022-02-25
- Added 'none' option to locationlayers param to disable location search
- Added 'trackPosition' parameter if enabled GPS will track user location for accurate results (ngOnChanges will listen for updates to disable/enable tracking after input change)
- Added 'positionOptions' parameter which will be used to get the device location (GeoLocation API)
5.1.0 - 2022-01-28
- Functionality to search for locations when providing address (uses the streetname)
- Issue when providing a selectedLocation, emitted an empty location on initialization
- Zooms and centers map on selectedLocation
5.0.3 - 2022-01-17
- Clears geometry when result marker (icon) is added for location or address
5.0.2 - 2022-01-10
- Show result marker (icon) when point is returned for location or address
5.0.1 - 2021-07-29
- Picker position to match cursor
5.0.0 - 2021-06-18
- [BREAKING] Upgraded the component to work with Angular 8
- [BREAKING] Use of Antwerp UI v5 components
- [BREAKING] Upgraded to core branding v5
- [BREAKING] Implemented location viewer widget (was ngx-leaflet):
- Implemented all location viewer params
- Added location viewer dependencies (geoman, esri, turf)
- Removed code that already exists in ngx-location-viewer (zoom in, zoom out & tile layers)
4.8.1 - 2021-05-10
- Added locationKeywords param with default value ['kaainummer'], if 'kaainummer number' is entered search for location instead of address
- When param addCoordinateToResultsAt is provided: only add result when search is triggered by coordinate
4.8.0 - 2021-04-19
- Updated public API (added used models and fixed CascadingCoordinateRulesType enum import)
- Added actualLocation property to tempLocation (selectedLocation on marker placement)
- Option to add used coordinate to resultlist
4.7.1 - 2020-11-26
- Fixed issue zoomlevel using locate-me: when onSelectZoom is null uses current zoomLevel.
4.7.0 - 2020-11-26
- Made onSelectZoom property nullable. If onSelectZoom is null, zoomlevel doesn't change after location selection.
- Centers map and changes zoom level after using locate-me
- Changes picker position to match cursor
4.6.0 - 2020-10-23
- Search on streetnameid: if previous location was a street, when searching searching for address (street + housenumber) use previous selected streetId
- Zoom level on location select: adds behaviour to size map to geometry size
- Search on housenumer: changes regex for housenumbers with and adds check for seperate letter of housenumber
4.5.1 - 2020-07-27
- LocationModel: added postCode: number AND postCodes: Array
- LocationModel: renamed type postCode: number to postCodes: Array<number>
- Search by coordinates: added Lambert 72 search functionality
- CascadingCoordinateRules: added custom rules to search map servers by point
- Location selected: sets map size according to selectedGeometry
- Location deselected: removes default set view (view size and center map)
4.5.0 - 2020-07-27 - BORKED
4.4.0 - 2020-03-30
- Added debounce time for search queries
- Added proper rounding on coordinate sets (lat/lng)
- Added option to disable triggering a search when providing an initial location
- Changed notification position on leaflet
- Renamed
(now uses an array of layer names)
4.3.1 - 2020-03-24
- Fixed an AOT compilation issue.
4.3.0 - 2020-03-11
- Made the chatbot widget WCAG 2.1 AA compliant.
- [FIXED] Setting a location externally now properly cancels geolocation when still locating
- [FIXED] Setting a location externally now properly triggers a search
- [ADDED] Searching for locations that only have geometry data available will now also show a marker at the geometry center.
4.1.0 - 2019-10-10
- [ADDED] Added markers can now be dragged to a new position
- [ADDED] New option for fetching user location on Init
- [FIXED] Selected location will now be properly updated from external sources
- [FIXED] "choose selected coordinate" will no longer show for non coordinate searches
- [FIXED] 'scroll to' when selecting a location that has a geoShape.
- [CHANGED] Improved normalization of search query. Adjusting the search query after selecting a location now properly triggers a new search.
4.0.0 - 2019-09-30
- [BREAKING] Most functionality of the leaflet location picker is now merged into this one (making the other package deprecated).
- [BREAKING] Bumped Angular version to 7 (the widget now works in Angular 6, 7 and 8).
- [BREAKING] Feature layers can now be added to leaflet.
- [BREAKING] Custom icons can be set for each feature layer.
- [BREAKING] Added scroll-to-zoom.
- [BREAKING] Updated core branding version to be WCAG compatible.
- [BREAKING] Added ARIA labels.
- [BREAKING] Removed label option on input.
- [BREAKING] Added other new configuration options.
- Locations that have geometry available will now be drawn on leaflet.
- Added notification messages when things go bad.
3.0.0 - 2019-06-20
- [BREAKING] An initial location can now be set via the latitude/longitude coordinates.
- Fixed an issue where result label text was not being escaped
2.0.1 - 2018-11-23
- [BREAKING] Upgraded the widget to work with Angular 6+
2.0.0 - 2018-11-20 - BORKED
1.1.0 - 2018-11-06
- Show layer name in list entry
1.0.0 - 2018-05-18
- Initial release.