Delete your PDF is a set of tools to export information from your PDFs so you can delete them.
Image files can be taken in as both base64 strings or BytesIO objects
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pip install delete-your-pdf
countPdfPages: Counts the number of pages in a PDF and returns an int
from deleteYourPDF import countPdfPages
numberOfPages = countPdfPages(file="PDF_FILE_HERE")
pdfToImagePages: Convert PDF to a list of pages that are PNG images as a base64 strings
from deleteYourPDF import pdfToImagePages
# Return a list containing all pages in order as images
listOfImagePages = pdfToImagePages(file="PDF_FILE_HERE")
# Return a list containing only an image of page 7
listOfImagePages = pdfToImagePages(file="PDF_FILE_HERE", page_number=7)
imageWidthHeight: get the width and height of an image as a dictionary in pixels {width: 100, height: 100}
from deleteYourPDF import imageWidthHeight
image_dimensions = imageWidthHeight(file="IMAGE_FILE_HERE")
width = image_dimensions["width"]
height = image_dimensions["height"]
cropRotateImage: Crop and rotate an image and return a PNG image as a base64 string
from deleteYourPDF import cropRotateImage
# Returns an image of the top left 100x100 square from an image and rotates it 90 degrees to the right, the new image dimensions will match the rotation
croppedAndRotatedImage = cropRotateImage(file="IMAGE_FILE_HERE", x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100, rotation_degrees=90)
# Returns an image of the top left 100x100 square from an image and keep the original image dimensions
croppedAndRotatedImage = cropRotateImage(file="IMAGE_FILE_HERE", x=0, y=0, width=100, height=100, rotation_degrees=30, expand_for_rotation=False)
imageToText_Roboflow: Convert image to text with Roboflow OCR and returns a string
from deleteYourPDF import imageToText_Roboflow
# Returns the text from a local image file
text = imageToText_Roboflow(file="IMAGE_FILE_HERE", api_key="ROBOFLOW_API_KEY_HERE")
from deleteYourPDF import countPdfPages, pdfToImagePages, imageToText_Roboflow, cropRotateImage, imageWidthHeight
listOfText = []
listOfImagePages = pdfToImagePages(file="PDF_FILE_HERE")
for imagePage in listOfImagePages:
image_dimensions = imageWidthHeight(file=imagePage)
width = image_dimensions["width"]
height = image_dimensions["height"]
croppedAndRotatedImage = cropRotateImage(file=imagePage, x=0, y=0, width=width, height=100)
listOfText.append(imageToText_Roboflow(file=croppedAndRotatedImage, api_key="ROBOFLOW_API_KEY_HERE"))
return listOfText
Example 2: Rotate a 100x100 box in the center of page 7 90 degrees to the right on a PDF and print the text
from deleteYourPDF import countPdfPages, pdfToImagePages, imageToText_Roboflow, cropRotateImage
if countPdfPages(file="PDF_FILE_HERE") > 7:
imagePage = pdfToImagePages(file="PDF_FILE_HERE", page_number=7)
image_dimensions = imageWidthHeight(file=imagePage)
width = image_dimensions["width"]
height = image_dimensions["height"]
x = (width - 100)/2
y = (height - 100)/2
croppedAndRotatedImage = cropRotateImage(file=imagePage, x=x, y=y, width=100, height=100, rotation_degrees=90)
return imageToText_Roboflow(file=croppedAndRotatedImage, api_key="ROBOFLOW_API_KEY_HERE")
Thanks to Roboflow for sponsoring this project. Get your free API key at: Roboflow
Distributed under the APACHE 2.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Twitter: @darefailed
Youtube: How to Video coming soon
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python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload dist/*