Fuzzy Interpretation of Likelihood (F.I.L.) A way to clarify ambiguous words that deal with probability. The Table of FIL x refers to the current measurement/modifier. All of these times are uncertain to a degree of +-5%. If relationship is a number that is the percentage / 100 of the likelihood. Measurement Shorthand Relationship Operator Yes Y 1 * No N 0 * Maybe M 0.5 * Potentially Po 0.15 * Definitely D 0.99 * Probably Pr 0.85 * Perhaps Pe 0.3 * Modifiers Modifier Relationship Operator Kinda 0.15 - Sorta 0.5 - Operators Operator Description * Multiply + Add - Subtract =/ Split. It creates two possible situations, both need to be taken into account. ! Override. This defines that whatever previously happened is now overriden by this operator.