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+# Laboratory stand dedicated to Protectli platforms assembly guide
+## Introduction
+This document describes the assembly procedure dedicated to the Protectli
+platforms (VP2410, VP2420, VP4630/VP4650/VP4670, V1210/V1410/V1610) testing
+## Prerequisites
+The below table contains information about all elements which are needed to
+create the testing stand.
+=== "VP2410"
+    * VP2410 platform
+    * [RTE v1.1.0](https://shop.3mdeb.com/shop/open-source-hardware/open-source-hardware-3mdeb/rte/)
+    * RTE power supply 5V 2A Micro-USB
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54 mm raster
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54/2.00 mm raster
+    * Power supply for the platform: 12V 5A
+    * 2x RJ45 cable: 1 for RTE and 1 for the platform
+    * Micro-USB to USB-A male-male cable for console
+=== "VP2420"
+    * VP2420 platform
+    * [RTE v1.1.0](https://shop.3mdeb.com/shop/open-source-hardware/open-source-hardware-3mdeb/rte/)
+    * RTE power supply 5V 2A Micro-USB
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54 mm raster
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54/2.00 mm raster
+    * Power supply for the platform: 12V 5A
+    * 2x RJ45 cable: 1 for RTE and 1 for the platform
+    * Micro-USB to USB-A male-male cable for console
+=== "VP4630/VP4650/VP4670"
+    * VP4630/VP4650/VP4670 platform
+    * [RTE v1.1.0](https://shop.3mdeb.com/shop/open-source-hardware/open-source-hardware-3mdeb/rte/)
+    * RTE power supply 5V 2A Micro-USB
+    * Sonoff S20 type E (relay unused due to disruptions in power during high CPU load)
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54 mm raster
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54/2.00 mm raster
+    * USB-UART converter with 4-wire cable
+    * 4-pin header 2.54 mm raster
+    * Pomona SOIC8 clip
+    * 2x RJ45 cable: 1 for RTE and 1 for the platform
+    * Micro-USB to USB-A male-male cable for console
+    * Power supply for the platform:
+        - VP4630: 12V 5A
+        - VP4650/VP4670: 12V 7.5A
+=== "V1210/V1410/V1610"
+    * V1210/V1410/V1610 platform
+    * [RTE v1.1.0](https://shop.3mdeb.com/shop/open-source-hardware/open-source-hardware-3mdeb/rte/)
+    * RTE power supply 5V 2A Micro-USB
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54 mm raster
+    * 6x standard female-female connection wire 2.54/2.00 mm raster
+    * Power supply for the platform: 12V 4A
+    * USB-C to USB-A male-male cable for console
+    * 2x RJ45 cable: 1 for RTE and 1 for the platform
+## Pre-setup activities
+The following subsections describe the method of preparing all the
+components of the laboratory stand.
+### Platform
+The bottom cover has to be removed to connect wires and clips to the platform.
+### RTE
+RTE (acronym: Remote Testing Environment) should be prepared in accordance with
+[Quick start guide](../rte/v1.1.0/quick-start-guide.md) documentation dedicated
+to the device.
+### Sonoff
+Prepare Sonoff according to [Sonoff preparation
+instructions](../sonoff/sonoff_preparation.md) for platforms that require
+Sonoff for power control (see [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)).
+## Connections
+The following sections describe how to enable all of the following features:
+* serial connection to the platform,
+* controlling power supply,
+* enabling basic power actions with the platform (power off/power on/reset),
+* external flashing with the RTE,
+* CMOS reset circuit.
+### Serial connection
+Depending on platform connect the USB-C or MicroUSB to the platform console
+port and the USB-A end to one of the RTE USB-A ports.
+### Power supply controlling
+=== "VP2410"
+    Connect 12V power supply to RTE J13 connector, then RTE J12 connector to
+    DC connector. Do not use any DC jack adapters as these seem to introduce
+    power losses and noises, making the power connection unstable.
+    Picture of the improper cable:
+    ![](images/bad_cable.jpg)
+    Picture of the proper cable:
+    ![](images/good_cable.jpg)
+    One has to solder the good cable with the half of bad cable to form a full
+    cable. Cut the bad cable in half and strip the isolation. Take the red wire
+    and solder it to the proper cables' white striped wire, this is the hot
+    wire with positive voltage. Isolate the connection with a tape. Take the
+    second black wire from the improper cable and solder it to the unstriped
+    wire of the proper cable. Use tape to isolate and strengthen the whole
+    connection. The cable is ready. Be sure to use plugs in the following way:
+    ![](images/cable_connectors.jpg)
+=== "VP2420"
+    Connect 12V power supply to RTE J13 connector, then RTE J12 connector to
+    DC connector. Do not use any DC jack adapters as these seem to introduce
+    power losses and noises, making the power connection unstable.
+    Picture of the improper cable:
+    ![](images/bad_cable.jpg)
+    Picture of the proper cable:
+    ![](images/good_cable.jpg)
+    One has to solder the good cable with the half of bad cable to form a full
+    cable. Cut the bad cable in half and strip the isolation. Take the red wire
+    and solder it to the proper cables' white striped wire, this is the hot
+    wire with positive voltage. Isolate the connection with a tape. Take the
+    second black wire from the improper cable and solder it to the unstriped
+    wire of the proper cable. Use tape to isolate and strengthen the whole
+    connection. The cable is ready. Be sure to use plugs in the following way:
+    ![](images/cable_connectors.jpg)
+=== "VP4630/VP4650/VP4670"
+    Connect platform power supply EU plug to Sonoff.
+=== "V1210/V1410/V1610"
+    Connect 12V power supply to RTE J13 connector, then RTE J12 connector to
+    DC connector. Do not use any DC jack adapters as these seem to introduce
+    power losses and noises, making the power connection unstable.
+    Picture of the improper cable:
+    ![](images/bad_cable.jpg)
+    Picture of the proper cable:
+    ![](images/good_cable.jpg)
+    One has to solder the good cable with the half of bad cable to form a full
+    cable. Cut the bad cable in half and strip the isolation. Take the red wire
+    and solder it to the proper cables' white striped wire, this is the hot
+    wire with positive voltage. Isolate the connection with a tape. Take the
+    second black wire from the improper cable and solder it to the unstriped
+    wire of the proper cable. Use tape to isolate and strengthen the whole
+    connection. The cable is ready. Be sure to use plugs in the following way:
+    ![](images/cable_connectors.jpg)
+### Basic power operations enabling
+Connect the RTE J11 header to the platform FP1/F_PANEL1 header using 2.54mm to
+2mm wires as described in the table:
+| RTE       | Protectli                     |
+| J11 pin 5 | FP1/F_PANEL1 pin 6 (PWR_ON#)  |
+| J11 pin 6 | FP1/F_PANEL1 pin 7 (RST#)     |
+| J15 pin 1 | FP1/F_PANEL1 pin 9 (GND)      |
+### External flashing enabling
+=== "VP2410"
+    External flashing not possible with Pomona clip, the flash chip lies under
+    the chassis, which serves the cooling purposes. One option is to drill a
+    hole in the case where the flash chip lies.
+=== "VP2420"
+    External flashing not possible with Pomona clip, the flash chip lies under
+    the SODIMM module.
+=== "VP4630/VP4650/VP4670"
+    Flash chip is socketed. One has to desolder the socket, solder the flash
+    chip in place of the socket and connect the Pomona SOIC8 clip.
+=== "V1210/V1410/V1610"
+    Connect the RTE SPI header to the platform using the 2.54mm female-female
+    wires as described in the table:
+    | RTE SPI header      | 6pin flash header                      |
+    |:-------------------:|:--------------------------------------:|
+    | J7 pin 1 (Vcc)      | <TBD marking> pin 1 (SPI Power)        |
+    | J7 pin 2 (GND)      | <TBD marking> pin 2 (GND)              |
+    | J7 pin 3 (CS)       | <TBD marking> pin 4 (BIOS SPI CS pin)  |
+    | J7 pin 4 (SCLK)     | <TBD marking> pin 6 (SPI Clock)        |
+    | J7 pin 5 (MISO)     | <TBD marking> pin 5 (MISO)             |
+    | J7 pin 6 (MOSI)     | <TBD marking> pin 3 (MOSI)             |
+### CMOS reset circuit
+=== "VP2410"
+    Connect the RTE J11 header to the platform JCMOS1 header using 2.54mm to 2mm
+    wires as described in the table:
+    | RTE       | Protectli                  |
+    |:---------:|:--------------------------:|
+    | J11 pin 8 | JCMOS1 pin 1 (CLR_CMOS)    |
+    | Any GND   | JCMOS1 pin 2 (GND)         |
+    Resetting CMOS is required for proper external flashing.
+=== "VP2420"
+    Connect the RTE J11 header to the platform JCMOS1 header using 2.54mm to 2mm
+    wires as described in the table:
+    | RTE       | Protectli                  |
+    |:---------:|:--------------------------:|
+    | J11 pin 8 | JCMOS1 pin 1 (CLR_CMOS)    |
+    | Any GND   | JCMOS1 pin 2 (GND)         |
+    Resetting CMOS is required for proper external flashing.
+=== "VP4630/VP4650/VP4670"
+    Connect the RTE J11 header to the platform JCMOS1 header using 2.54mm to 2mm
+    wires as described in the table:
+    | RTE       | Protectli                  |
+    |:---------:|:--------------------------:|
+    | J11 pin 8 | JCMOS1 pin 2 (CLR_CMOS)    |
+    | Any GND   | JCMOS1 pin 1 (GND)         |
+    Resetting CMOS is required for proper external flashing.
+=== "V1210/V1410/V1610"
+    Connect the RTE J11 header to the platform CLR_CMOS1 header using 2.54mm to 2mm
+    wires as described in the table:
+    | RTE       | Protectli                  |
+    |:---------:|:--------------------------:|
+    | J11 pin 8 | CLR_CMOS1 pin 2 (CLR_CMOS) |
+    | Any GND   | CLR_CMOS1 pin 3 (GND)      |
+    Resetting CMOS is required for proper external flashing.
+### Complete Setup
+After preparing all of the connections also three activities should be
+performed to enable all of the test stand features:
+1. Connect Sonoff to the mains (VP4630/VP4650/VP4670 only). For other
+   platforms, connect the platform power supply to the mains.
+2. Connect the RTE to the Internet by using the Ethernet cable.
+3. Connect the RTE to the mains by using the microUSB 5 V/2 A power supply.
+## Theory of operation
+The following sections describe how to use all of the enabled features:
+* serial connection to the platform,
+* controlling power supply,
+* enabling basic power actions with the platform (power off/power on/reset),
+* external flashing with the RTE,
+* CMOS reset.
+### Serial connection
+The method of setting and using serial connection is described in the
+[Serial connection guide](../rte/v1.1.0/serial-port-connection-guide.md).
+### Power supply controlling
+=== "VP2410"
+    Power supply controlling is performed with the relay module on RTE
+    connected to one of RTE GPIOs. Power operation should be performed using
+    the `rte_ctrl` script implemented in `meta-rte` (OS image dedicated to the
+    RTE platform).
+    To toggle the power supply use the below command:
+        ```bash
+        rte_ctrl rel
+        ```
+=== "VP2420"
+    Power supply controlling is performed with the relay module on RTE
+    connected to one of RTE GPIOs. Power operation should be performed using
+    the `rte_ctrl` script implemented in `meta-rte` (OS image dedicated to the
+    RTE platform).
+    To toggle the power supply use the below command:
+        ```bash
+        rte_ctrl rel
+        ```
+=== "VP4630/VP4650/VP4670"
+    Power supply controlling (in this case: controlling the state of Sonoff)
+    should be performed based on the `sonoff.sh` script implemented in
+    `meta-rte` (OS image dedicated to the RTE platform).
+    > Note, that before using the above-mentioned script, it should be modified and
+    `SONOFF_IP` parameter should be set in accordance with obtained Sonoff IP address.
+    To perform basic power operations use the below-described commands:
+    1. Turn on the power supply:
+        ```bash
+        ./sonoff on
+        ```
+    2. Turn off the power supply:
+        ```bash
+        ./sonoff on
+        ```
+=== "V1210/V1410/V1610"
+    Power supply controlling is performed with the relay module on RTE
+    connected to one of RTE GPIOs. Power operation should be performed using
+    the `rte_ctrl` script implemented in `meta-rte` (OS image dedicated to the
+    RTE platform).
+    To toggle the power supply use the below command:
+        ```bash
+        rte_ctrl rel
+        ```
+### Basic power operations
+Basic power operations should be performed based on the `rte_ctrl` script
+implemented in `meta-rte` (OS image dedicated to the RTE platform). To perform
+basic power operations use the below-described commands:
+1. Turn on the platform:
+    ```bash
+    rte_ctrl pon
+    ```
+1. Turn off the platform:
+    ```bash
+    rte_ctrl poff
+    ```
+1. Reset the platform:
+    ```bash
+    rte_ctrl reset
+    ```
+> Note, that in order for the above commands to work properly, the platform
+should be powered up: both Sonoff and the power supply must be turned on.
+### External flashing
+The external flashing procedure should be performed based on the scripts
+implemented on the RTE platform. To perform the flashing operation reproduce,
+the below-described steps:
+1. By using `scp` put the requested Dasharo file to the RTE:
+    ```bash
+    scp <path_to_firmware>/<firmware_file> root@<RTE_IP>:/tmp/coreboot.rom
+    ```
+    Where:
+    - `path_to_firmware` - path to firmware, which should send to RTE,
+    - `firmware_file` - the name of the firmware file, which should be sent
+        to RTE,
+    - `RTE_IP` - IP address of the connected RTE.
+1. Login to RTE via `ssh` or `minicom`.
+1. Read the flash chip by executing the following command on RTE:
+    ```bash
+    ./flash.sh read tmp/dump.rom
+    ```
+1. If the reading was successful, the output from the command above should
+    contain the phrase `Verifying flash... VERIFIED`.
+1. Write the flash chip by executing the following command on RTE:
+    ```bash
+    ./flash.sh write /tmp/coreboot.rom
+    ```
+    > Do not interrupt the flashing procedure in any way (especially by
+    changing connections). It may cause hardware damage!
+1. If the reading was successful, the output from the command above should
+    contain the phrase `Verifying flash... VERIFIED`.
+### CMOS clear
+To clear the CMOS, turn off the power with Sonoff or relay and use the
+following commands:
+echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio412/value
+sleep 10
+echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio412/value
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 0789cdb914..79d447a071 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -331,6 +331,8 @@ nav:
               - 'Laboratory stand assembly guide': transparent-validation/msi-z690/laboratory-assembly-guide.md
           - 'MSI PRO Z790-P':
               - 'Laboratory stand assembly guide': transparent-validation/msi-z790/laboratory-assembly-guide.md
+          - 'Protectli platforms':
+              - 'Laboratory stand assembly guide': transparent-validation/protectli/laboratory-assembly-guide.md
           - 'Supermicro X11 LGA1151 Series':
               - 'Theory of Operation': transparent-validation/supermicro_x11_lga1151_series/theory-of-operation.md
           - 'muxPi':