Releases: DataDog/chef-datadog
Releases · DataDog/chef-datadog
4.12.0 / 2021-12-03
- [FEATURE] Added support for Chef 18+. @axl89 #822
- [FEATURE] Enabled unified mode on compatible platforms since it will be the default on Chef 18. See CHEF-33 deprecation. @axl89 #822
- [FEATURE] Include dogstatsd_port in datadog.yaml for Agent 6 and Agent 7 @brentm5 #828
- [BUGFIX] Ignore apt update failures to keep running if some sources are offline #830 @bkabrda
4.11.1 / 2021-08-24
- [BUGFIX] Support cookbook renaming #810 @lchayoun
- [BUGFIX] Use YAML.dump instead of to_yaml #813 @mbaitelman
4.11.0 / 2021-08-10
- [FEATURE] Get keys from, not Ubuntu keyserver, and other improvements to APT keys management #796 @bkabrda
- [FEATURE] Install datadog-signing-keys on Debian based platforms #804 @bkabrda
- [BUGFIX] Ensure NPM is not turned off by default when system probe is enabled #799 @bkabrda
- [BUGFIX] Integration resource notifies a restart of the Agent after installing a new version #806 @lchayoun
- [BUGFIX] On Windows, don't try to start NPM unless network_enabled is set #803 @KSerrania
4.10.0 / 2021-05-06
- [FEATURE] Support for NPM on Windows #780, #781 and #784 (@mikezhu-dd)
- [FEATURE] Implement usage of multiple GPG keys in repofiles, get keys from #782 (@bkabrda)
- [FEATURE] Enable yum repository repo_gpgcheck option for Red Hat platforms by default #789 and #793 (@bkabrda)
- [BUGFIX] Added collect_default_metrics: true to kafka.d/conf.yaml #786 (@nilskuehme)
- [BUGFIX] Set is_jmx in solr template #791 (@albertvaka)
4.9.0 / 2021-02-17
- [FEATURE] allow muting a host during an MSI install #778 @albertvaka
- [FEATURE] Kafka recipe: allow setting any conf #776 @albertvaka
- [BUGFIX] Fix fatal in error handler if
not defined #777 @albertvaka - [BUGFIX] Fix
resource being declared more than once #772 @cdonadeo
4.8.0 / 2020-12-11
options #759 @albertvaka, and #760 @nilskuehme - [BUGFIX] Fix adding new signing key for apt #761 @nilskuehme, #763 @KSerrania, #765 @albertvaka and #767 @nilskuehme
- [BUGFIX] Take site option into account in chef-handler config #762 @KSerrania
4.7.2 / 2020-11-25
- [FEATURE] (undo revert) Trust new signing key #754 @mikezhu-dd
4.7.1 / 2020-11-25
- [BUGFIX] Revert #754
4.7.0 / 2020-11-25
- [FEATURE] Trust new signing key #754 @mikezhu-dd
- [FEATURE] Add support for the systemd check #755 @nilskuehme
- [FEATURE] Add support for Mongo authentication #753 @nilskuehme
- [BUGFIX] Fix conflit with gnupg2 on RHEL8/CentOS8 #750 @haidars
4.6.0 / 2020-10-16
- [BUGFIX] Explicitly require yaml. See #749 @albertvaka
- [BUGFIX] Increase Windows MSI install timeout to 1200 seconds. See #746 @mikezhu-dd
- [BUGFIX] Network plugin yaml nesting. See #739 @swalberg
- [BUGFIX] Fix syntax issues in README examples. See #744 @jimdaga
- [FEATURE] [circlci] Add tests for Chef 16.5.77. See #741 @truthbk
- [BUGFIX] [spec] Fix hardcoded paths. See #742 @albertvaka
- [BUGFIX] Adds generated recipes for missing checks. See #730 @albertvaka
- [FEATURE] Update docs to include us3 region. See #740 @albertvaka