With workshops week 4 we launched an Hackathon for you to build real life applications with Apache Cassandra™. Idea is also to create altogether a database of sample codes.
This is a contest that will last for 4 weeks where we expect you to code.
- Starting July 22nd, 2020
- NEW Deadline August 20th 12:00 PDT
Pick the language your are confident with.
Once done and winners announced and all source code will be open source for everyone to get it on a dedicated repository
No idea? Check this data models collection, pick one and make it fits Cassandra.
Not only you will be part of the community but all participants will get a free copy of Jeff's book Cassandra The Definitive guide> real money to win and here is the 3 first places.
We will assess :
- The data model : choices and hypothesis
- The source code : quality and best practices
- The ease of use (documentation, docker?) - should be launchable in 5 mins per docs
To review your submissions the commitee will be composed from:
- The Developer Advocates team at DataStax
- Patrick Mc Fadin, VP at DataStax
- Johnathan Ellis, CTO of DataStax, previous PMC of Cassandra project
- Jeffrey Carpenter, author of Cassandra the Definitive guide.
First you need to be registered to the Cassandra Cloud Native Workshop Series
We have created an alias for your submissions : [email protected]. You would provide code and documentations as an archive.
- Is this Mandatory to get a certification voucher ?
- Can we team up to build the application ?
Yes but the gift card will be issued to a single email, your job to share.