Data Translation
class: center,middle
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Data Translation by Richard Dunks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
- Facilitators will cover the following skills: muting themselves, stopping their video, typing in chat box, raising their hand, sharing their screen
Background in sociology --
Served in the US Army 2004 - 2009 --
DoD Contract Intelligence Analyst 2009 - 2012 --
2014 CUSP Graduate --
Intern at the Mayor's Office of Data Analytics
Started Datapolitan in June 2014 --
Developed a training program in data analytics for city employees --
Delivered over 250 learning events involving over 2,000 city employees around the US and Canada --
Provide strategy consulting and project work to government agencies and non-profit organizations --
Adjunct professor in the MPA program at Tulane University
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Facts do not speak for themselves. They speak for or against competing theories. Facts divorced from theories or visions are mere isolated curiosities.
- Thomas Sowell, A Conflict of Visions --
Data tells a story about something that's happened --
Can describe what happened directly or indirectly --
Analysis is simply the pursuit of understanding, usually through detailed inspection or comparison
Data can tell a story, but doesn't speak for itself --
Good "translation" is about telling a true and compelling story
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