The application comes bundled with a Vagrant manifest for building a fully-functioning development environment.
(You will need to install Vagrant and [VirtualBox](] for this to work))
## Clone the repository
git clone usarugbystats
cd usarugbystats
There are some additional database fixtures under the 'Development' namespace that need to be manually enabled if you want them. These will insert some test entities into the database (teams, unions, competitions)
cp config/autoload/dev_fixtures.local.php.dist config/autoload/dev_fixtures.local.php
cd vagrant;
vagrant up
After a significant period of time the VM should be up and running
Add the following to your host file
- *nix:
- Windows:
- Mac OSX:
You should now be able to access the application through the URL:
(On Mac OSX you may also need to run: dscacheutil -flushcache
- NGINX (Mainline)
- PHP 5.5.x CLI and FPM, with extensions:
- cURL
- intl
- json
- mysql
- gd
- MySQL Server (latest)
- Redis (latest)
- Git (latest)
- Supervisor
On Ubuntu this works out to be:
apt-get install nginx mysql-server redis-server php5-fpm php5-cli php5-curl php5-json php5-intl php5-mysql php5-gd git supervisor
mysql> CREATE USER usarugbystats@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'enter_the_password_here';
mysql> GRANT ALL ON usarugbystats.* TO usarugbystats@localhost;
mysql> CREATE DATABASE usarugbystats;
cd /usr/local/bin
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar composer
chmod +x composer
## Clone the repository
git clone usarugbystats
cd usarugbystats
## Configure the application
cd config/autoload
cp doctrine.local.php.dist doctrine.local.php
# Edit file to add mysql user information
## Run initial application setup
# If you want to import the extended test data fixtures, run:
bin/console data-importer run-fixtures --group=testing