First, rename the file .env.dist
to .env
Afterward, fill it with the required data.
Variable | Type | Importance | Description |
BOT_TOKEN | str | True | Bot token |
ADMINS | list | True | list of admins id |
SUPPORTS | list | True | list of supports id |
IP | str | True | ip for other services |
TIMEZONE | str | True | your time zone for working with the scheduler |
MODERATE_CHAT | str | True | telegram chat where the event will be moderated |
POSTGRES_USER | str | True | username of the database owner |
POSTGRES_PASSWORD | str | True | password from the database |
DB_HOST | str | True | IP address of the database (Name of the service in the docker-compose.yml (User db )). |
DB_PORT | str | True | the database port. Usually the db running on port 5432 |
POSTGRES_DB | str | True | database name |
SECRET_KEY | str | True | secret key for django |
API_KEY | str | True | yandex api key for yandex map |
QIWI_KEY | str | True | qiwi api key for receiving payments |
PHONE_NUMBER | str | True | your phone number (need for qiwi) |
SECRET_P2 | str | True | public p2 key which allows you to issue an invoice and open a transfer form |
USE_REDIS | bool | False | Optional parameter |
Once done, run the following command:
$ docker-compose build
If you prefer not to use Docker, you can manually build the app. Before installing the DatingBot project, ensure Python is installed:
$ python -V
If Python is installed, clone the DatingBot repository:
$ git clone
Create a virtual environment:
$ python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows:
$ venv\Scripts\activate
On macOS and Linux:
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
After setting up the virtual environment, install Poetry with pip:
$ pip install poetry
Then install Poetry dependencies:
poetry install
Follow the same steps as described in the Docker section for setting up the .env file. But use localhost
To create a SECRET_KEY
, use this site - generate secret keys
and paste it into the .env
Run the following commands to set up the Django application:
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
$ python createsuperuser
$ python makemigrations usersmanage
$ python migrate usersmanage
$ python runserver
- Extract texts from files (he finds it himself)
$ pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o locales/dating.pot .
- Create a folder for English translation
$ pybabel init -i locales/dating.pot -d locales -D dating -l en
- For Russian translation
$ pybabel init -i locales/dating.pot -d locales -D dating -l ru
- Translate and compile
$ pybabel compile -d locales -D dating
- Extract texts from files, add text to translated versions
$ pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o locales/dating.pot . $ pybabel update -d locales -D dating -i locales/dating.pot
- Manually translate, then compile
$ pybabel compile -d locales -D dating