Models assembled from reusable modules.
Modules connect with each other via gates. Modules at lowest level are Simple modules and they encapsulate model behavior. They are programming in C++ and use simulation library.
Models = Modules + Communication {gates, connections, messages}.
- Network Description File (NED)
- module type simple "Txc1"-- atomic on NED level
- module type network "TicToc1"
- C++ file
Implement the functionality of the simple module "Txc1"
- class Txc1 : public cSimpleModule{ methods }
Messages (packets, frames, jobs, etc) and events (timers, timeouts) are all represented by cMessage objects (or its subclasses) in OMNeT++. After you send or schedule them, they will be held by the simulation kernel in the "scheduled events" or "future events" list.
Modules support inheritance.
Note that because omnetpp.ini supports wildcards, and parameters assigned from NED files take precedence over the ones in omnetpp.ini.
or even
(The difference between * and ** is that * will not match a dot and ** will.)