The status of a transaction can vary depending on whether it has just been submitted, confirmed or was (successfully) executed. An overview of transaction statuses is as follows:
Status | Description |
Needs your confirmation / Needs confirmations AWAITING_CONFIRMATIONS |
The transaction still requires confirmations. |
The transaction has sufficient confirmations but has yet to be executed. The requested execution was rejected by the user but it can be attempted again.* |
CancelledCANCELLED |
The transaction was cancelled. |
FailedFAILED |
The transaction failed. |
PendingPENDING * |
The transaction has been submitted and is waiting to be mined.* |
SuccessSUCCESS |
The transaction was successfully executed. |
Transaction will be replacedWILL_BE_REPLACED |
A corresponding rejection transaction has been created. |
*frontend-only statuses used for UI changes.