In order to receive cryptocurrency assets, you must first create an account to check the address where you can receive them.
{% hint style="warning" %} When adding a cryptocurrency account to your D'CENT wallet, please make sure it is on the same network as sender's coins. If the support network is different, you will not receive coins. {% endhint %}
{% content-ref url="../mobile-app/create-account/" %} create-account {% endcontent-ref %}
D'CENT Biometric Wallet offers a convenient feature of showing the account address in the QR code.
- From the main screen select the coin account you want and press OK button to see the account info.
- Press OK button again to see the address in hex(numbers + characters) form.
- Press OK button for one last time to see the address in the QR code.
- Present the QR code to the sender to scan with the mobile camera.
- If QR code is read correctly, your address will be automatically inserted in the sender's wallet.
Run the mobile app and you will see your accounts in the My Wallet tab.
- From your coin account, click "Receive" to view your account address.
- Your account address in QR code can be scanned by the sender's camera.
- To share the hex address to your sender, use the "Copy" or "Share" function.
{% hint style="info" %} You can just run the mobile app to see the account address.
You can use it more safely if you check the address once again from the Biometric Wallet. {% endhint %}