- New root room for full Files functionality as it's expanded to allow sharing any filetype
- Bump versions of all dependencies
- Accidentally published the package from console, not from the Github Action with all the certificates needed for the check mark on NPM. Now need to update all packages again.
- 0b6d3ab: Maintaining: dependencies updates, typo fixes, structure optimizations.
- Updated almost all dependencies, everything seems to work fine. And added manifest.json for the app to be installable. It will still be single file webapp as it may just work without loading the manifest file.
- Removed TS. Using JSDoc instead. Hope to make contributions to the code much easier
- 696d108: Fixed the bug by fixing versions of packages, no more bracket and automatic updates.
- Fix spellings and bump some deps
- Bump all deps
- All up to date and works as intended!
0.18.1 (2023-05-15)
- auto build gun-es (77d5f8f)
- better builds and exported vue (e2dbd5a)
- better projects (aad4724)
- better sidebar order (c07bf8e)
- better space (a7bb266)
- consistent cards (b536983)
- es module build - just 1 js and 1 css in the package (09eac65)
- examples private package (5f05c0e)
- explicit package manager field - for gun-es (32418f9)
- file hash calc and components list (4f794c0)
- fresh room to grow! (ae5fd86)
- give love to posts and projects (b950f25)
- Gun in a worker - OK, SEA - NOT YET (2555428)
- gun-es (c45ecd3)
- gun-es (5560b0c)
- gun-es (1880ef5)
- gun-es (fc77702)
- iframe youtube (283469f)
- more coherent readme (d61f8be)
- more isolation for gun instance (cd0c2d4)
- much better UX (9862e70)
- project form (36b7d72)
- project form getting form (b43d14e)
- relay v.0.4.2 (d746998)
- SEA in worker (89f2430)
- space statuses (cd8df69)
- store current room in storage (e5728d6)
- tauri build is in desktop folder (c077960)
- user cleanup (ba592f2)
- build script for tauri (fe0c7ba)
- builds (a289a29)
- common js? (5f7753c)
- composables exports and example.hmtl (0b31a30)
- disable declaration maps for compact types (48f03ce)
- gun instance isn't exported, useGun() instead (43e165f)
- gun-es (6544ffa)
- move tauri build to a separate repo for clarity (4225d6a)
- no shims (900060c)
- old space (6827fa6)
- pnpm (4e2cdc4)
- safe pass links (bfe1d23)
- skynet discontinued (3659cab)
- space almost fixed (2043612)
- space to be more consistent (914a048)
- usePass becomes useAuth. First stage - move (772ee7f)
- vue 3.3.2 (a68c4f0)
- vue exports (6ef0ba1)
- tauri desktop app is now in a separate package for more clear code
- Cleaned up packages and very organized repository for everyone to enjoy.
- step one version
- file hashing and components list
- Guests lists are working fine for messaging example
- Finally we hae feature updates, not just the tooling and docs!
- many small fixes add to reliability much
- more consistent use of gun - always useGun()! This makes us more aware of context when it comes to debugging and checking out code
- Gun-es based build
- Build gun-es first.
- Now we have examples folder with plain HTML files utilizing the power of different levels of Gun-Vue. And one of the newly acessible layers is Vue itself! We're using almost all the functions in the code already, so it's only 3 kB more to share the whole reactivity system with the client. Makes building apps so easy!
- Fix the composables build and add the example.html to have it testedindepentenly. Also a very inspiring minimalistic code!
- The publish pipeline is finished! Can go furthur