While you are browsing my code, you may notices some dialog code, I was planning to support other extensions to check for updates, but I was not in the mood to do that now.
- build the dll from the source or from the release tab here: https://github.com/DeStilleGast/dnSpy-update-checker/releases
- place the dll file in the directory where dnSpy.exe is located or in a subfolder called "Extensions"
- (re)start dnSpy
- enjoy/wait for update
- Follow instructions to add references from here https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy/wiki/Extensions
- build it
- Copy "dnSpy update checker.x.dll" to your dnSpy folder location (or a subfolder named "Extensions" and place the dll in there)
- (re)start dnSpy
- enjoy/wait for update
Newtonsoft json (embedded): https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json/