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This repository includes a number of python scripts that are useful for working with quantum Monte Carlo data generated via the Del Maestro group PIMC code which is located at


For now, we have not uploaded to pypi but the scripts can be installed directly from git:

pip install --upgrade git+

This will install the base library pimcscripts which includes the modules pimcscripts.pimchelp and pimcscripts.MCStat as well as a number of very useful helper scripts located in ./bin. These should be installed to your path and include documentation that can found via: --help

If you are upgrading after a change, it might be useful to use:

pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+

Below we describe a few useful ones.

Helper Scripts

usage: [-h] [-s SKIP] [-l HEADER_LINES] [-r] file [file ...]

Generates averages from pimc output data.

positional arguments:
  file                  File or files to average.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SKIP, --skip SKIP  How many input lines should we skip? [default: 0]
  -l HEADER_LINES, --header_lines HEADER_LINES
                        How many header lines to skip?
  -r, --repeated_header
                        deal with duplicate headers


  Performs a cumulative average plot of raw Monte Carlo data

Usage: [options] [--legend=<label>...] --estimator=<name> <file>... -h | --help

  -h, --help                    Show this screen.
  --estimator=<name>, -e <name> The estimator to be plotted.
  --skip=<n>, -s <n>            Number of measurements to be skipped [default: 0].
  --period=<m>, -p <m>          The period of the average window [default: 50].
  --truncateid=<t>, -t <t>      Truncate PIMCID to last <t> characters [default: 0].
  --legend=<label>, -l <label>  A legend label
  --period=<m>, -p <m>          The period of the average window [default: 50].
  --error=<units>, -d           Size of the error bars
  --nobin                       Don't use the binned errorbars
  --nolegend                    Turn off the legend
  --ttest                       Perform a ttest
  --hline=<val>                 Include a horizontal line at <val> in the averaged plot
  --hlabel=<hl>                 A legend label for the horizontal line.
  --title=<title>               A title for the plots.
  --savefig=<figure>            A filename for saved plots (extensions supported by active matplotlib backend).
  --quiet                       Suppress output

usage: [-h] [-T T] [-N N] [-n N] [-t TAU] [-u MU] [-L L] [-V V] -r {T,N,n,u,t,L,V,M} [--canonical] [-R R] [-s SKIP] [-e ESTIMATOR] [-i PIMCID] [base_dir]

Reduce quantum Monte Carlo output over some parameter.

positional arguments:
  base_dir              The base directory where the data files to be reduced are located.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -T T, --temperature T
                        simulation temperature in Kelvin
  -N N, --number-particles N
                        number of particles
  -n N, --density N     number density in Angstroms^{-d}
  -t TAU, --imag-time-step TAU
                        imaginary time step
  -u MU, --chemical-potential MU
                        chemical potential in Kelvin
  -L L, --Lz L          Length in Angstroms
  -V V, --volume V      volume in Angstroms^d
  -r {T,N,n,u,t,L,V,M}, --reduce {T,N,n,u,t,L,V,M}
                        variable name for reduction [T,N,n,u,t,L,V,W,M]
  --canonical           are we in the canonical ensemble?
  -R R, --radius R      radius in Angstroms
  -s SKIP, --skip SKIP  number of measurements to skip [0]
  -e ESTIMATOR, --estimator ESTIMATOR
                        specify a single estimator to reduce
  -i PIMCID, --pimcid PIMCID
                        specify a single pimcid