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"href": "python/examples.html",
"title": "Examples",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 Basic model with static forcing\n\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nimport geopandas as gpd\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 9, 9],\n \"area\": [0.01, 1000.0] * 4,\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0] * 4,\n }\n)\n\n# Convert steady forcing to m/s\n# 2 mm/d precipitation, 1 mm/d evaporation\nseconds_in_day = 24 * 3600\nprecipitation = 0.002 / seconds_in_day\nevaporation = 0.001 / seconds_in_day\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [0],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [evaporation],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [precipitation],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\nstatic = static.iloc[[0, 0, 0, 0]]\nstatic[\"node_id\"] = [1, 3, 6, 9]\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static)\n\nSetup linear resistance:\n\nlinear_resistance = ribasim.LinearResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [10, 12], \"resistance\": [5e3, (3600.0 * 24) / 100.0]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup Manning resistance:\n\nmanning_resistance = ribasim.ManningResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"length\": [900.0],\n \"manning_n\": [0.04],\n \"profile_width\": [6.0],\n \"profile_slope\": [3.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up a rating curve node:\n\n# Discharge: lose 1% of storage volume per day at storage = 1000.0.\nq1000 = 1000.0 * 0.01 / seconds_in_day\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4, 4],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n \"discharge\": [0.0, q1000],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup fractional flows:\n\nfractional_flow = ribasim.FractionalFlow(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [5, 8, 13],\n \"fraction\": [0.3, 0.6, 0.1],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [7],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.5 / 3600],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [11, 17],\n \"level\": [0.5, 1.5],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [15, 16],\n \"flow_rate\": [1e-4, 1e-4],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [14],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin,\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: ManningResistance\n (2.0, 0.0), # 3: Basin\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (3.0, 1.0), # 5: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, 2.0), # 6: Basin\n (4.0, 1.0), # 7: Pump\n (4.0, 0.0), # 8: FractionalFlow\n (5.0, 0.0), # 9: Basin\n (6.0, 0.0), # 10: LinearResistance\n (2.0, 2.0), # 11: LevelBoundary\n (2.0, 1.0), # 12: LinearResistance\n (3.0, -1.0), # 13: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, -2.0), # 14: Terminal\n (3.0, 3.0), # 15: FlowBoundary\n (0.0, 1.0), # 16: FlowBoundary\n (6.0, 1.0), # 17: LevelBoundary\n ]\n)\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_id, node_type = ribasim.Node.node_ids_and_types(\n basin,\n manning_resistance,\n rating_curve,\n pump,\n fractional_flow,\n linear_resistance,\n level_boundary,\n flow_boundary,\n terminal,\n)\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(node_id, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array(\n [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 11, 12, 4, 13, 15, 16, 10], dtype=np.int64\n)\nto_id = np.array(\n [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 12, 3, 13, 14, 6, 1, 17], dtype=np.int64\n)\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": len(from_id) * [\"flow\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n linear_resistance=linear_resistance,\n manning_resistance=manning_resistance,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n fractional_flow=fractional_flow,\n terminal=terminal,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic/ribasim.toml')\n\n\n\n\n2 Update the basic model with transient forcing\nThis assumes you have already created the basic model with static forcing.\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\nimport xarray as xr\n\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(filepath=datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\n\ntime = pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime)\nday_of_year = time.day_of_year.to_numpy()\nseconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60\nevaporation = (\n (-1.0 * np.cos(day_of_year / 365.0 * 2 * np.pi) + 1.0) * 0.0025 / seconds_per_day\n)\nrng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)\nprecipitation = (\n rng.lognormal(mean=-1.0, sigma=1.7, size=time.size) * 0.001 / seconds_per_day\n)\n\nWe’ll use xarray to easily broadcast the values.\n\ntimeseries = (\n pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 1,\n \"time\": pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime),\n \"drainage\": 0.0,\n \"potential_evaporation\": evaporation,\n \"infiltration\": 0.0,\n \"precipitation\": precipitation,\n \"urban_runoff\": 0.0,\n }\n )\n .set_index(\"time\")\n .to_xarray()\n)\n\nbasin_ids = model.basin.static.df[\"node_id\"].to_numpy()\nbasin_nodes = xr.DataArray(\n np.ones(len(basin_ids)), coords={\"node_id\": basin_ids}, dims=[\"node_id\"]\n)\nforcing = (timeseries * basin_nodes).to_dataframe().reset_index()\n\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": basin_ids,\n \"level\": 1.4,\n \"concentration\": 0.0,\n }\n)\n\n\nmodel.basin.time.df = forcing\nmodel.basin.state.df = state\n\n\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic_transient/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic_transient/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim basic-transient/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\ndf_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\n<Axes: xlabel='time'>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ndf_flow = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/flow.arrow\")\ndf_flow[\"edge\"] = list(zip(df_flow.from_node_id, df_flow.to_node_id))\ndf_flow[\"flow_m3d\"] = df_flow.flow * 86400\nax = df_flow.pivot_table(index=\"time\", columns=\"edge\", values=\"flow_m3d\").plot()\nax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1), title=\"Edge\")\n\n<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f70538cc110>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntype(df_flow)\n\npandas.core.frame.DataFrame\n\n\n\n\n3 Model with discrete control\nThe model constructed below consists of a single basin which slowly drains trough a TabulatedRatingCurve, but is held within a range around a target level (setpoint) by two connected pumps. These two pumps behave like a reversible pump. When pumping can be done in only one direction, and the other direction is only possible under gravity, use an Outlet for that direction.\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin\n (1.0, 1.0), # 2: Pump\n (1.0, -1.0), # 3: Pump\n (2.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (-1.0, 0.0), # 5: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (-2.0, 0.0), # 6: Terminal\n (1.0, 0.0), # 7: DiscreteControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"TabulatedRatingCurve\",\n \"Terminal\",\n \"DiscreteControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64)\n\nedge_type = 6 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"]\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"from_node_id\": from_id, \"to_node_id\": to_id, \"edge_type\": edge_type},\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1],\n \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n }\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"level\": [20.0]})\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the discrete control:\n\ncondition = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [7],\n \"listen_feature_id\": 3 * [1],\n \"variable\": 3 * [\"level\"],\n \"greater_than\": [5.0, 10.0, 15.0], # min, setpoint, max\n }\n)\n\nlogic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 5 * [7],\n \"truth_state\": [\"FFF\", \"U**\", \"T*F\", \"**D\", \"TTT\"],\n \"control_state\": [\"in\", \"in\", \"none\", \"out\", \"out\"],\n }\n)\n\ndiscrete_control = ribasim.DiscreteControl(condition=condition, logic=logic)\n\nThe above control logic can be summarized as follows: - If the level gets above the maximum, activate the control state “out” until the setpoint is reached; - If the level gets below the minimum, active the control state “in” until the setpoint is reached; - Otherwise activate the control state “none”.\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [2] + 3 * [3],\n \"control_state\": 2 * [\"none\", \"in\", \"out\"],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0, 2e-3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2e-3],\n }\n )\n)\n\nThe pump data defines the following:\n\n\n\nControl state\nPump #2 flow rate (m/s)\nPump #3 flow rate (m/s)\n\n\n\n\n“none”\n0.0\n0.0\n\n\n“in”\n2e-3\n0.0\n\n\n“out”\n0.0\n2e-3\n\n\n\nSetup the level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [4], \"level\": [10.0]})\n)\n\nSetup the rating curve:\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": 2 * [5], \"level\": [2.0, 15.0], \"discharge\": [0.0, 1e-3]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup the terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [6]}))\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n pump=pump,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n terminal=terminal,\n discrete_control=discrete_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nListen edges are plotted with a dashed line since they are not present in the “Edge / static” schema but only in the “Control / condition” schema.\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\n\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\ngreater_than = model.discrete_control.condition.df.greater_than\n\nax.hlines(\n greater_than,\n df_basin.time[0],\n df_basin.time.max(),\n lw=1,\n ls=\"--\",\n color=\"k\",\n)\n\ndf_control = pd.read_feather(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\ny_min, y_max = ax.get_ybound()\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[:2], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[2:4], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\n\nax.set_xticks(\n date2num(df_control.time).tolist(),\n df_control.control_state.tolist(),\n rotation=50,\n)\n\nax.set_yticks(greater_than, [\"min\", \"setpoint\", \"max\"])\nax.set_ylabel(\"level\")\nplt.show()\n\n\n\n\nThe highlighted regions show where a pump is active.\nLet’s print an overview of what happened with control:\n\nmodel.print_discrete_control_record(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\n0. At 2020-01-01 00:00:00 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTT:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"out\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n\n1. At 2020-02-08 19:02:21.861000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n2. At 2020-07-05 08:56:10.319000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state FFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"in\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n3. At 2020-08-11 06:05:15.592000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n\n\nNote that crossing direction specific truth states (containing “U”, “D”) are not present in this overview even though they are part of the control logic. This is because in the control logic for this model these truth states are only used to sustain control states, while the overview only shows changes in control states.\n\n\n4 Model with PID control\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: FlowBoundary\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: Basin\n (2.0, 0.5), # 3: Pump\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (1.5, 1.0), # 5: PidControl\n (2.0, -0.5), # 6: outlet\n (1.5, -1.0), # 7: PidControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"FlowBoundary\",\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"PidControl\",\n \"Outlet\",\n \"PidControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([2, 3, 4, 6, 2, 3, 6], dtype=np.int64)\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": 5 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [2, 2], \"level\": [0.0, 1.0], \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0]}\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"level\": [6.0],\n }\n)\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [3],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup the outlet:\n\noutlet = ribasim.Outlet(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [6],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"flow_rate\": [1e-3]})\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4],\n \"level\": [1.0], # Not relevant\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup PID control:\n\npid_control = ribasim.PidControl(\n time=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 4 * [5, 7],\n \"time\": [\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n ],\n \"listen_node_id\": 4 * [2, 2],\n \"target\": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5],\n \"proportional\": 4 * [-1e-3, 1e-3],\n \"integral\": 4 * [-1e-7, 1e-7],\n \"derivative\": 4 * [0.0, 0.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nNote that the coefficients for the pump and the outlet are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. This way the pump and the outlet equally work towards the same goal, while having opposite effects on the controlled basin due to their connectivity to this basin.\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n outlet=outlet,\n pid_control=pid_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"pid_control/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/pid_control/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim pid_control/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"pid_control/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\nax.set_ylabel(\"level [m]\")\n\n# Plot target level\ntarget_levels = model.pid_control.time.df.target.to_numpy()[::2]\ntimes = date2num(model.pid_control.time.df.time)[::2]\nax.plot(times, target_levels, color=\"k\", ls=\":\", label=\"target level\")\npass"
+ "text": "1 Basic model with static forcing\n\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nimport geopandas as gpd\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 9, 9],\n \"area\": [0.01, 1000.0] * 4,\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0] * 4,\n }\n)\n\n# Convert steady forcing to m/s\n# 2 mm/d precipitation, 1 mm/d evaporation\nseconds_in_day = 24 * 3600\nprecipitation = 0.002 / seconds_in_day\nevaporation = 0.001 / seconds_in_day\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [0],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [evaporation],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [precipitation],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\nstatic = static.iloc[[0, 0, 0, 0]]\nstatic[\"node_id\"] = [1, 3, 6, 9]\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static)\n\nSetup linear resistance:\n\nlinear_resistance = ribasim.LinearResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [10, 12], \"resistance\": [5e3, (3600.0 * 24) / 100.0]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup Manning resistance:\n\nmanning_resistance = ribasim.ManningResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"length\": [900.0],\n \"manning_n\": [0.04],\n \"profile_width\": [6.0],\n \"profile_slope\": [3.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up a rating curve node:\n\n# Discharge: lose 1% of storage volume per day at storage = 1000.0.\nq1000 = 1000.0 * 0.01 / seconds_in_day\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4, 4],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n \"discharge\": [0.0, q1000],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup fractional flows:\n\nfractional_flow = ribasim.FractionalFlow(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [5, 8, 13],\n \"fraction\": [0.3, 0.6, 0.1],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [7],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.5 / 3600],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [11, 17],\n \"level\": [0.5, 1.5],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [15, 16],\n \"flow_rate\": [1e-4, 1e-4],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [14],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin,\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: ManningResistance\n (2.0, 0.0), # 3: Basin\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (3.0, 1.0), # 5: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, 2.0), # 6: Basin\n (4.0, 1.0), # 7: Pump\n (4.0, 0.0), # 8: FractionalFlow\n (5.0, 0.0), # 9: Basin\n (6.0, 0.0), # 10: LinearResistance\n (2.0, 2.0), # 11: LevelBoundary\n (2.0, 1.0), # 12: LinearResistance\n (3.0, -1.0), # 13: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, -2.0), # 14: Terminal\n (3.0, 3.0), # 15: FlowBoundary\n (0.0, 1.0), # 16: FlowBoundary\n (6.0, 1.0), # 17: LevelBoundary\n ]\n)\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_id, node_type = ribasim.Node.node_ids_and_types(\n basin,\n manning_resistance,\n rating_curve,\n pump,\n fractional_flow,\n linear_resistance,\n level_boundary,\n flow_boundary,\n terminal,\n)\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(node_id, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array(\n [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 11, 12, 4, 13, 15, 16, 10], dtype=np.int64\n)\nto_id = np.array(\n [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 12, 3, 13, 14, 6, 1, 17], dtype=np.int64\n)\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": len(from_id) * [\"flow\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n linear_resistance=linear_resistance,\n manning_resistance=manning_resistance,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n fractional_flow=fractional_flow,\n terminal=terminal,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic/ribasim.toml')\n\n\n\n\n2 Update the basic model with transient forcing\nThis assumes you have already created the basic model with static forcing.\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\nimport xarray as xr\n\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(filepath=datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\n\ntime = pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime)\nday_of_year = time.day_of_year.to_numpy()\nseconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60\nevaporation = (\n (-1.0 * np.cos(day_of_year / 365.0 * 2 * np.pi) + 1.0) * 0.0025 / seconds_per_day\n)\nrng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)\nprecipitation = (\n rng.lognormal(mean=-1.0, sigma=1.7, size=time.size) * 0.001 / seconds_per_day\n)\n\nWe’ll use xarray to easily broadcast the values.\n\ntimeseries = (\n pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 1,\n \"time\": pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime),\n \"drainage\": 0.0,\n \"potential_evaporation\": evaporation,\n \"infiltration\": 0.0,\n \"precipitation\": precipitation,\n \"urban_runoff\": 0.0,\n }\n )\n .set_index(\"time\")\n .to_xarray()\n)\n\nbasin_ids = model.basin.static.df[\"node_id\"].to_numpy()\nbasin_nodes = xr.DataArray(\n np.ones(len(basin_ids)), coords={\"node_id\": basin_ids}, dims=[\"node_id\"]\n)\nforcing = (timeseries * basin_nodes).to_dataframe().reset_index()\n\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": basin_ids,\n \"level\": 1.4,\n \"concentration\": 0.0,\n }\n)\n\n\nmodel.basin.time.df = forcing\nmodel.basin.state.df = state\n\n\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic_transient/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic_transient/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim basic-transient/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\ndf_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\n<Axes: xlabel='time'>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ndf_flow = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/flow.arrow\")\ndf_flow[\"edge\"] = list(zip(df_flow.from_node_id, df_flow.to_node_id))\ndf_flow[\"flow_m3d\"] = df_flow.flow * 86400\nax = df_flow.pivot_table(index=\"time\", columns=\"edge\", values=\"flow_m3d\").plot()\nax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1), title=\"Edge\")\n\n<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fa2a25d06d0>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntype(df_flow)\n\npandas.core.frame.DataFrame\n\n\n\n\n3 Model with discrete control\nThe model constructed below consists of a single basin which slowly drains trough a TabulatedRatingCurve, but is held within a range around a target level (setpoint) by two connected pumps. These two pumps behave like a reversible pump. When pumping can be done in only one direction, and the other direction is only possible under gravity, use an Outlet for that direction.\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin\n (1.0, 1.0), # 2: Pump\n (1.0, -1.0), # 3: Pump\n (2.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (-1.0, 0.0), # 5: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (-2.0, 0.0), # 6: Terminal\n (1.0, 0.0), # 7: DiscreteControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"TabulatedRatingCurve\",\n \"Terminal\",\n \"DiscreteControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64)\n\nedge_type = 6 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"]\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"from_node_id\": from_id, \"to_node_id\": to_id, \"edge_type\": edge_type},\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1],\n \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n }\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"level\": [20.0]})\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the discrete control:\n\ncondition = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [7],\n \"listen_feature_id\": 3 * [1],\n \"variable\": 3 * [\"level\"],\n \"greater_than\": [5.0, 10.0, 15.0], # min, setpoint, max\n }\n)\n\nlogic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 5 * [7],\n \"truth_state\": [\"FFF\", \"U**\", \"T*F\", \"**D\", \"TTT\"],\n \"control_state\": [\"in\", \"in\", \"none\", \"out\", \"out\"],\n }\n)\n\ndiscrete_control = ribasim.DiscreteControl(condition=condition, logic=logic)\n\nThe above control logic can be summarized as follows: - If the level gets above the maximum, activate the control state “out” until the setpoint is reached; - If the level gets below the minimum, active the control state “in” until the setpoint is reached; - Otherwise activate the control state “none”.\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [2] + 3 * [3],\n \"control_state\": 2 * [\"none\", \"in\", \"out\"],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0, 2e-3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2e-3],\n }\n )\n)\n\nThe pump data defines the following:\n\n\n\nControl state\nPump #2 flow rate (m/s)\nPump #3 flow rate (m/s)\n\n\n\n\n“none”\n0.0\n0.0\n\n\n“in”\n2e-3\n0.0\n\n\n“out”\n0.0\n2e-3\n\n\n\nSetup the level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [4], \"level\": [10.0]})\n)\n\nSetup the rating curve:\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": 2 * [5], \"level\": [2.0, 15.0], \"discharge\": [0.0, 1e-3]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup the terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [6]}))\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n pump=pump,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n terminal=terminal,\n discrete_control=discrete_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nListen edges are plotted with a dashed line since they are not present in the “Edge / static” schema but only in the “Control / condition” schema.\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\n\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\ngreater_than = model.discrete_control.condition.df.greater_than\n\nax.hlines(\n greater_than,\n df_basin.time[0],\n df_basin.time.max(),\n lw=1,\n ls=\"--\",\n color=\"k\",\n)\n\ndf_control = pd.read_feather(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\ny_min, y_max = ax.get_ybound()\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[:2], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[2:4], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\n\nax.set_xticks(\n date2num(df_control.time).tolist(),\n df_control.control_state.tolist(),\n rotation=50,\n)\n\nax.set_yticks(greater_than, [\"min\", \"setpoint\", \"max\"])\nax.set_ylabel(\"level\")\nplt.show()\n\n\n\n\nThe highlighted regions show where a pump is active.\nLet’s print an overview of what happened with control:\n\nmodel.print_discrete_control_record(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\n0. At 2020-01-01 00:00:00 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTT:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"out\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n\n1. At 2020-02-08 19:02:21.861000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n2. At 2020-07-05 08:56:10.319000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state FFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"in\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n3. At 2020-08-11 06:05:15.592000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n\n\nNote that crossing direction specific truth states (containing “U”, “D”) are not present in this overview even though they are part of the control logic. This is because in the control logic for this model these truth states are only used to sustain control states, while the overview only shows changes in control states.\n\n\n4 Model with PID control\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: FlowBoundary\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: Basin\n (2.0, 0.5), # 3: Pump\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (1.5, 1.0), # 5: PidControl\n (2.0, -0.5), # 6: outlet\n (1.5, -1.0), # 7: PidControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"FlowBoundary\",\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"PidControl\",\n \"Outlet\",\n \"PidControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([2, 3, 4, 6, 2, 3, 6], dtype=np.int64)\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": 5 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [2, 2], \"level\": [0.0, 1.0], \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0]}\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"level\": [6.0],\n }\n)\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [3],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup the outlet:\n\noutlet = ribasim.Outlet(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [6],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"flow_rate\": [1e-3]})\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4],\n \"level\": [1.0], # Not relevant\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup PID control:\n\npid_control = ribasim.PidControl(\n time=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 4 * [5, 7],\n \"time\": [\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n ],\n \"listen_node_id\": 4 * [2, 2],\n \"target\": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5],\n \"proportional\": 4 * [-1e-3, 1e-3],\n \"integral\": 4 * [-1e-7, 1e-7],\n \"derivative\": 4 * [0.0, 0.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nNote that the coefficients for the pump and the outlet are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. This way the pump and the outlet equally work towards the same goal, while having opposite effects on the controlled basin due to their connectivity to this basin.\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n outlet=outlet,\n pid_control=pid_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"pid_control/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/pid_control/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim pid_control/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"pid_control/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\nax.set_ylabel(\"level [m]\")\n\n# Plot target level\ntarget_levels = model.pid_control.time.df.target.to_numpy()[::2]\ntimes = date2num(model.pid_control.time.df.time)[::2]\nax.plot(times, target_levels, color=\"k\", ls=\":\", label=\"target level\")\npass"
"objectID": "qgis/index.html",
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
"href": "build/index.html#types",
"title": "1 API Reference",
"section": "1.2 Types",
- "text": "1.2 Types\n# Ribasim.AllocationModel — Type.\nStore information for a subnetwork used for allocation.\nobjectivetype: The name of the type of objective used allocationnetworkid: The ID of this allocation network capacity: The capacity per edge of the allocation graph, as constrained by nodes that have a maxflowrate problem: The JuMP.jl model for solving the allocation problem Δtallocation: The time interval between consecutive allocation solves\nsource\n# Ribasim.AllocationModel — Method.\nConstruct the JuMP.jl problem for allocation.\nInputs\nconfig: The model configuration with allocation configuration in config.allocation p: Ribasim problem parameters Δt_allocation: The timestep between successive allocation solves\nOutputs\nAn AllocationModel object.\nsource\n# Ribasim.Basin — Type.\nRequirements:\n\nMust be positive: precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, drainage\nIndex points to a Basin\nvolume, area, level must all be positive and monotonic increasing.\n\nType parameter C indicates the content backing the StructVector, which can be a NamedTuple of vectors or Arrow Tables, and is added to avoid type instabilities. The nodeid are Indices to support fast lookup of e.g. currentlevel using ID.\nif autodiff T = DiffCache{Vector{Float64}} else T = Vector{Float64} end\nsource\n# Ribasim.Connectivity — Type.\nStore the connectivity information\ngraph: a directed metagraph with data of nodes (NodeMetadata):\n\nNode type (snake case)\nAllocation network ID\n\nand data of edges (EdgeMetadata):\n\ntype (flow/control)\n\nflow: store the flow on every flow edge\nif autodiff T = DiffCache{SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}, Vector{Float64}} else T = SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int} end\nsource\n# Ribasim.DiscreteControl — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the DiscreteControl node; these are not unique but repeated by the amount of conditions of this DiscreteControl node listennodeid: the ID of the node being condition on variable: the name of the variable in the condition greaterthan: The threshold value in the condition conditionvalue: The current value of each condition controlstate: Dictionary: node ID => (control state, control state start) logic_mapping: Dictionary: (control node ID, truth state) => control state record: Namedtuple with discrete control information for results\nsource\n# Ribasim.EdgeMetadata — Type.\nType for storing metadata of edges in the graph: id: ID of the edge (only used for labeling flow output) type: type of the edge allocationnetworkidsource: ID of allocation network where this edge is a source (0 if not a source) fromid: the node ID of the source node toid: the node ID of the destination node allocationflow: whether this edge has a flow in an allocation graph\nsource\n# Ribasim.FlatVector — Type.\nstruct FlatVector{T} <: AbstractVector{T}\nA FlatVector is an AbstractVector that iterates the T of a Vector{Vector{T}}.\nEach inner vector is assumed to be of equal length.\nIt is similar to Iterators.flatten, though that doesn’t work with the Tables.Column interface, which needs length and getindex support.\nsource\n# Ribasim.FlowBoundary — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the FlowBoundary node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flow flowrate: target flow rate\nsource\n# Ribasim.FractionalFlow — Type.\nRequirements:\n\nfrom: must be (TabulatedRatingCurve,) node\nto: must be (Basin,) node\nfraction must be positive.\n\nnodeid: node ID of the TabulatedRatingCurve node fraction: The fraction in [0,1] of flow the node lets through controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to fraction\nsource\n# Ribasim.LevelBoundary — Type.\nnode_id: node ID of the LevelBoundary node active: whether this node is active level: the fixed level of this ‘infinitely big basin’\nsource\n# Ribasim.LinearResistance — Type.\nRequirements:\n\nfrom: must be (Basin,) node\nto: must be (Basin,) node\n\nnodeid: node ID of the LinearResistance node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flows resistance: the resistance to flow; Q = Δh/resistance controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to resistance and/or active state\nsource\n# Ribasim.ManningResistance — Type.\nThis is a simple Manning-Gauckler reach connection.\n\nLength describes the reach length.\nroughness describes Manning’s n in (SI units).\n\nThe profile is described by a trapezoid:\n \\ / ^\n \\ / |\n \\ / | dz\nbottom \\______/ |\n^ <--->\n| dy\n| <------>\n| width\n|\n|\n+ datum (e.g. MSL)\nWith profile_slope = dy / dz. A rectangular profile requires a slope of 0.0.\nRequirements:\n\nfrom: must be (Basin,) node\nto: must be (Basin,) node\nlength > 0\nroughess > 0\nprofile_width >= 0\nprofile_slope >= 0\n(profilewidth == 0) xor (profileslope == 0)\n\nsource\n# Ribasim.Model — Type.\nModel(config_path::AbstractString)\nModel(config::Config)\nInitialize a Model.\nThe Model struct is an initialized model, combined with the Config used to create it and saved results. The Basic Model Interface (BMI) is implemented on the Model. A Model can be created from the path to a TOML configuration file, or a Config object.\nsource\n# Ribasim.NodeMetadata — Type.\nType for storing metadata of nodes in the graph type: type of the node allocationnetworkid: Allocation network ID (0 if not in subnetwork)\nsource\n# Ribasim.Outlet — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the Outlet node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flow flowrate: target flow rate minflowrate: The minimal flow rate of the outlet maxflowrate: The maximum flow rate of the outlet controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to target flow rate ispid_controlled: whether the flow rate of this outlet is governed by PID control\nsource\n# Ribasim.PidControl — Type.\nPID control currently only supports regulating basin levels.\nnodeid: node ID of the PidControl node active: whether this node is active and thus sets flow rates listennodeid: the id of the basin being controlled pidparams: a vector interpolation for parameters changing over time. The parameters are respectively target, proportional, integral, derivative, where the last three are the coefficients for the PID equation. error: the current error; basintarget - currentlevel\nsource\n# Ribasim.Pump — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the Pump node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flow flowrate: target flow rate minflowrate: The minimal flow rate of the pump maxflowrate: The maximum flow rate of the pump controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to target flow rate ispid_controlled: whether the flow rate of this pump is governed by PID control\nsource\n# Ribasim.Subgrid — Type.\nSubgrid linearly interpolates basin levels.\nsource\n# Ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve — Type.\nstruct TabulatedRatingCurve{C}\nRating curve from level to discharge. The rating curve is a lookup table with linear interpolation in between. Relation can be updated in time, which is done by moving data from the time field into the tables, which is done in the update_tabulated_rating_curve callback.\nType parameter C indicates the content backing the StructVector, which can be a NamedTuple of Vectors or Arrow Primitives, and is added to avoid type instabilities.\nnodeid: node ID of the TabulatedRatingCurve node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flows tables: The current Q(h) relationships time: The time table used for updating the tables controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to Q(h) and/or active state\nsource\n# Ribasim.Terminal — Type.\nnode_id: node ID of the Terminal node\nsource\n# Ribasim.User — Type.\ndemand: water flux demand of user per priority over time active: whether this node is active and thus demands water allocated: water flux currently allocated to user per priority returnfactor: the factor in [0,1] of how much of the abstracted water is given back to the system minlevel: The level of the source basin below which the user does not abstract priorities: All used priority values. Each user has a demand for all these priorities, which is 0.0 if it is not provided explicitly. record: Collected data of allocation optimizations for output file.\nsource\n# Ribasim.config.Config — Method.\nConfig(config_path::AbstractString; kwargs...)\nParse a TOML file to a Config. Keys can be overruled using keyword arguments. To overrule keys from a subsection, e.g. dt from the solver section, use underscores: solver_dt.\nsource"
+ "text": "1.2 Types\n# Ribasim.AllocationModel — Type.\nStore information for a subnetwork used for allocation.\nobjectivetype: The name of the type of objective used allocationnetworkid: The ID of this allocation network capacity: The capacity per edge of the allocation graph, as constrained by nodes that have a maxflowrate problem: The JuMP.jl model for solving the allocation problem Δtallocation: The time interval between consecutive allocation solves\nsource\n# Ribasim.AllocationModel — Method.\nConstruct the JuMP.jl problem for allocation.\nInputs\nconfig: The model configuration with allocation configuration in config.allocation p: Ribasim problem parameters Δt_allocation: The timestep between successive allocation solves\nOutputs\nAn AllocationModel object.\nsource\n# Ribasim.Basin — Type.\nRequirements:\n\nMust be positive: precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, drainage\nIndex points to a Basin\nvolume, area, level must all be positive and monotonic increasing.\n\nType parameter C indicates the content backing the StructVector, which can be a NamedTuple of vectors or Arrow Tables, and is added to avoid type instabilities. The nodeid are Indices to support fast lookup of e.g. currentlevel using ID.\nif autodiff T = DiffCache{Vector{Float64}} else T = Vector{Float64} end\nsource\n# Ribasim.Connectivity — Type.\nStore the connectivity information\ngraph: a directed metagraph with data of nodes (NodeMetadata):\n\nNode type (snake case)\nAllocation network ID\n\nand data of edges (EdgeMetadata):\n\ntype (flow/control)\n\nflow: store the flow on every flow edge\nif autodiff T = DiffCache{SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64}, Vector{Float64}} else T = SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int} end\nsource\n# Ribasim.DiscreteControl — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the DiscreteControl node; these are not unique but repeated by the amount of conditions of this DiscreteControl node listennodeid: the ID of the node being condition on variable: the name of the variable in the condition greaterthan: The threshold value in the condition conditionvalue: The current value of each condition controlstate: Dictionary: node ID => (control state, control state start) logic_mapping: Dictionary: (control node ID, truth state) => control state record: Namedtuple with discrete control information for results\nsource\n# Ribasim.EdgeMetadata — Type.\nType for storing metadata of edges in the graph: id: ID of the edge (only used for labeling flow output) type: type of the edge allocationnetworkidsource: ID of allocation network where this edge is a source (0 if not a source) fromid: the node ID of the source node toid: the node ID of the destination node allocationflow: whether this edge has a flow in an allocation graph\nsource\n# Ribasim.FlatVector — Type.\nstruct FlatVector{T} <: AbstractVector{T}\nA FlatVector is an AbstractVector that iterates the T of a Vector{Vector{T}}.\nEach inner vector is assumed to be of equal length.\nIt is similar to Iterators.flatten, though that doesn’t work with the Tables.Column interface, which needs length and getindex support.\nsource\n# Ribasim.FlowBoundary — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the FlowBoundary node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flow flowrate: target flow rate\nsource\n# Ribasim.FractionalFlow — Type.\nRequirements:\n\nfrom: must be (TabulatedRatingCurve,) node\nto: must be (Basin,) node\nfraction must be positive.\n\nnodeid: node ID of the TabulatedRatingCurve node fraction: The fraction in [0,1] of flow the node lets through controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to fraction\nsource\n# Ribasim.InNeighbors — Type.\nIterate over incoming neighbors of a given label in a MetaGraph, only for edges of edge_type\nsource\n# Ribasim.LevelBoundary — Type.\nnode_id: node ID of the LevelBoundary node active: whether this node is active level: the fixed level of this ‘infinitely big basin’\nsource\n# Ribasim.LinearResistance — Type.\nRequirements:\n\nfrom: must be (Basin,) node\nto: must be (Basin,) node\n\nnodeid: node ID of the LinearResistance node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flows resistance: the resistance to flow; Q = Δh/resistance controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to resistance and/or active state\nsource\n# Ribasim.ManningResistance — Type.\nThis is a simple Manning-Gauckler reach connection.\n\nLength describes the reach length.\nroughness describes Manning’s n in (SI units).\n\nThe profile is described by a trapezoid:\n \\ / ^\n \\ / |\n \\ / | dz\nbottom \\______/ |\n^ <--->\n| dy\n| <------>\n| width\n|\n|\n+ datum (e.g. MSL)\nWith profile_slope = dy / dz. A rectangular profile requires a slope of 0.0.\nRequirements:\n\nfrom: must be (Basin,) node\nto: must be (Basin,) node\nlength > 0\nroughess > 0\nprofile_width >= 0\nprofile_slope >= 0\n(profilewidth == 0) xor (profileslope == 0)\n\nsource\n# Ribasim.Model — Type.\nModel(config_path::AbstractString)\nModel(config::Config)\nInitialize a Model.\nThe Model struct is an initialized model, combined with the Config used to create it and saved results. The Basic Model Interface (BMI) is implemented on the Model. A Model can be created from the path to a TOML configuration file, or a Config object.\nsource\n# Ribasim.NodeMetadata — Type.\nType for storing metadata of nodes in the graph type: type of the node allocationnetworkid: Allocation network ID (0 if not in subnetwork)\nsource\n# Ribasim.OutNeighbors — Type.\nIterate over outgoing neighbors of a given label in a MetaGraph, only for edges of edge_type\nsource\n# Ribasim.Outlet — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the Outlet node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flow flowrate: target flow rate minflowrate: The minimal flow rate of the outlet maxflowrate: The maximum flow rate of the outlet controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to target flow rate ispid_controlled: whether the flow rate of this outlet is governed by PID control\nsource\n# Ribasim.PidControl — Type.\nPID control currently only supports regulating basin levels.\nnodeid: node ID of the PidControl node active: whether this node is active and thus sets flow rates listennodeid: the id of the basin being controlled pidparams: a vector interpolation for parameters changing over time. The parameters are respectively target, proportional, integral, derivative, where the last three are the coefficients for the PID equation. error: the current error; basintarget - currentlevel\nsource\n# Ribasim.Pump — Type.\nnodeid: node ID of the Pump node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flow flowrate: target flow rate minflowrate: The minimal flow rate of the pump maxflowrate: The maximum flow rate of the pump controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to target flow rate ispid_controlled: whether the flow rate of this pump is governed by PID control\nsource\n# Ribasim.Subgrid — Type.\nSubgrid linearly interpolates basin levels.\nsource\n# Ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve — Type.\nstruct TabulatedRatingCurve{C}\nRating curve from level to discharge. The rating curve is a lookup table with linear interpolation in between. Relation can be updated in time, which is done by moving data from the time field into the tables, which is done in the update_tabulated_rating_curve callback.\nType parameter C indicates the content backing the StructVector, which can be a NamedTuple of Vectors or Arrow Primitives, and is added to avoid type instabilities.\nnodeid: node ID of the TabulatedRatingCurve node active: whether this node is active and thus contributes flows tables: The current Q(h) relationships time: The time table used for updating the tables controlmapping: dictionary from (nodeid, controlstate) to Q(h) and/or active state\nsource\n# Ribasim.Terminal — Type.\nnode_id: node ID of the Terminal node\nsource\n# Ribasim.User — Type.\ndemand: water flux demand of user per priority over time active: whether this node is active and thus demands water allocated: water flux currently allocated to user per priority returnfactor: the factor in [0,1] of how much of the abstracted water is given back to the system minlevel: The level of the source basin below which the user does not abstract priorities: All used priority values. Each user has a demand for all these priorities, which is 0.0 if it is not provided explicitly. record: Collected data of allocation optimizations for output file.\nsource\n# Ribasim.config.Config — Method.\nConfig(config_path::AbstractString; kwargs...)\nParse a TOML file to a Config. Keys can be overruled using keyword arguments. To overrule keys from a subsection, e.g. dt from the solver section, use underscores: solver_dt.\nsource"
"objectID": "build/index.html#functions",
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@
"href": "build/index.html#index",
"title": "1 API Reference",
"section": "1.6 Index",
- "text": "1.6 Index\n\nRibasim.Ribasim\nRibasim.config\nRibasim.config.algorithms\nRibasim.AllocationModel\nRibasim.AllocationModel\nRibasim.Basin\nRibasim.Connectivity\nRibasim.DiscreteControl\nRibasim.EdgeMetadata\nRibasim.FlatVector\nRibasim.FlowBoundary\nRibasim.FractionalFlow\nRibasim.LevelBoundary\nRibasim.LinearResistance\nRibasim.ManningResistance\nRibasim.Model\nRibasim.NodeMetadata\nRibasim.Outlet\nRibasim.PidControl\nRibasim.Pump\nRibasim.Subgrid\nRibasim.TabulatedRatingCurve\nRibasim.Terminal\nRibasim.User\nRibasim.config.Config\nBasicModelInterface.finalize\nBasicModelInterface.initialize\nBasicModelInterface.initialize\nCommonSolve.solve!\nRibasim.add_constraints_absolute_value!\nRibasim.add_constraints_capacity!\nRibasim.add_constraints_flow_conservation!\nRibasim.add_constraints_source!\nRibasim.add_constraints_user_returnflow!\nRibasim.add_variables_absolute_value!\nRibasim.add_variables_flow!\nRibasim.adjust_edge_capacities!\nRibasim.all_neighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.allocate!\nRibasim.allocation_graph\nRibasim.allocation_graph_used_nodes!\nRibasim.allocation_path_exists_in_graph\nRibasim.allocation_problem\nRibasim.allocation_table\nRibasim.assign_allocations!\nRibasim.avoid_using_own_returnflow!\nRibasim.basin_bottom\nRibasim.basin_bottoms\nRibasim.basin_table\nRibasim.config.algorithm\nRibasim.config.input_path\nRibasim.config.results_path\nRibasim.config.snake_case\nRibasim.create_callbacks\nRibasim.create_graph\nRibasim.create_storage_tables\nRibasim.datetime_since\nRibasim.datetimes\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect!\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect_downcrossing!\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect_upcrossing!\nRibasim.discrete_control_condition\nRibasim.discrete_control_table\nRibasim.expand_logic_mapping\nRibasim.find_allocation_graph_edges!\nRibasim.findlastgroup\nRibasim.findsorted\nRibasim.flow_table\nRibasim.formulate_basins!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.get_area_and_level\nRibasim.get_compressor\nRibasim.get_fractional_flow_connected_basins\nRibasim.get_jac_prototype\nRibasim.get_level\nRibasim.get_scalar_interpolation\nRibasim.get_storage_from_level\nRibasim.get_storages_and_levels\nRibasim.get_storages_from_levels\nRibasim.get_tstops\nRibasim.get_value\nRibasim.id_index\nRibasim.indicate_allocation_flow!\nRibasim.inflow_id\nRibasim.inflow_ids\nRibasim.inflow_ids_allocation\nRibasim.inneighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.inoutflow_ids\nRibasim.is_allocation_source\nRibasim.is_flow_constraining\nRibasim.is_flow_direction_constraining\nRibasim.load_data\nRibasim.load_structvector\nRibasim.metadata_from_edge\nRibasim.nodefields\nRibasim.nodetype\nRibasim.outflow_id\nRibasim.outflow_ids\nRibasim.outflow_ids_allocation\nRibasim.outneighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.parse_static_and_time\nRibasim.process_allocation_graph_edges!\nRibasim.profile_storage\nRibasim.qh_interpolation\nRibasim.reduction_factor\nRibasim.run\nRibasim.save_flow\nRibasim.save_subgrid_level\nRibasim.scalar_interpolation_derivative\nRibasim.seconds_since\nRibasim.set_current_value!\nRibasim.set_initial_discrete_controlled_parameters!\nRibasim.set_objective_priority!\nRibasim.set_source_flows!\nRibasim.set_static_value!\nRibasim.set_table_row!\nRibasim.sorted_table!\nRibasim.timesteps\nRibasim.update_allocation!\nRibasim.update_basin\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_tabulated_rating_curve!\nRibasim.valid_discrete_control\nRibasim.valid_edge_types\nRibasim.valid_edges\nRibasim.valid_flow_rates\nRibasim.valid_fractional_flow\nRibasim.valid_n_neighbors\nRibasim.valid_profiles\nRibasim.valid_sources\nRibasim.valid_subgrid\nRibasim.water_balance!\nRibasim.write_arrow\nRibasim.config.@addfields\nRibasim.config.@addnodetypes"
+ "text": "1.6 Index\n\nRibasim.Ribasim\nRibasim.config\nRibasim.config.algorithms\nRibasim.AllocationModel\nRibasim.AllocationModel\nRibasim.Basin\nRibasim.Connectivity\nRibasim.DiscreteControl\nRibasim.EdgeMetadata\nRibasim.FlatVector\nRibasim.FlowBoundary\nRibasim.FractionalFlow\nRibasim.InNeighbors\nRibasim.LevelBoundary\nRibasim.LinearResistance\nRibasim.ManningResistance\nRibasim.Model\nRibasim.NodeMetadata\nRibasim.OutNeighbors\nRibasim.Outlet\nRibasim.PidControl\nRibasim.Pump\nRibasim.Subgrid\nRibasim.TabulatedRatingCurve\nRibasim.Terminal\nRibasim.User\nRibasim.config.Config\nBasicModelInterface.finalize\nBasicModelInterface.initialize\nBasicModelInterface.initialize\nCommonSolve.solve!\nRibasim.add_constraints_absolute_value!\nRibasim.add_constraints_capacity!\nRibasim.add_constraints_flow_conservation!\nRibasim.add_constraints_source!\nRibasim.add_constraints_user_returnflow!\nRibasim.add_variables_absolute_value!\nRibasim.add_variables_flow!\nRibasim.adjust_edge_capacities!\nRibasim.all_neighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.allocate!\nRibasim.allocation_graph\nRibasim.allocation_graph_used_nodes!\nRibasim.allocation_path_exists_in_graph\nRibasim.allocation_problem\nRibasim.allocation_table\nRibasim.assign_allocations!\nRibasim.avoid_using_own_returnflow!\nRibasim.basin_bottom\nRibasim.basin_bottoms\nRibasim.basin_table\nRibasim.config.algorithm\nRibasim.config.input_path\nRibasim.config.results_path\nRibasim.config.snake_case\nRibasim.create_callbacks\nRibasim.create_graph\nRibasim.create_storage_tables\nRibasim.datetime_since\nRibasim.datetimes\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect!\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect_downcrossing!\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect_upcrossing!\nRibasim.discrete_control_condition\nRibasim.discrete_control_table\nRibasim.expand_logic_mapping\nRibasim.find_allocation_graph_edges!\nRibasim.findlastgroup\nRibasim.findsorted\nRibasim.flow_table\nRibasim.formulate_basins!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.get_area_and_level\nRibasim.get_compressor\nRibasim.get_fractional_flow_connected_basins\nRibasim.get_jac_prototype\nRibasim.get_level\nRibasim.get_scalar_interpolation\nRibasim.get_storage_from_level\nRibasim.get_storages_and_levels\nRibasim.get_storages_from_levels\nRibasim.get_tstops\nRibasim.get_value\nRibasim.id_index\nRibasim.indicate_allocation_flow!\nRibasim.inflow_id\nRibasim.inflow_ids\nRibasim.inflow_ids_allocation\nRibasim.inneighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.inoutflow_ids\nRibasim.is_allocation_source\nRibasim.is_flow_constraining\nRibasim.is_flow_direction_constraining\nRibasim.load_data\nRibasim.load_structvector\nRibasim.metadata_from_edge\nRibasim.nodefields\nRibasim.nodetype\nRibasim.outflow_id\nRibasim.outflow_ids\nRibasim.outflow_ids_allocation\nRibasim.outneighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.parse_static_and_time\nRibasim.process_allocation_graph_edges!\nRibasim.profile_storage\nRibasim.qh_interpolation\nRibasim.reduction_factor\nRibasim.run\nRibasim.save_flow\nRibasim.save_subgrid_level\nRibasim.scalar_interpolation_derivative\nRibasim.seconds_since\nRibasim.set_current_value!\nRibasim.set_initial_discrete_controlled_parameters!\nRibasim.set_objective_priority!\nRibasim.set_source_flows!\nRibasim.set_static_value!\nRibasim.set_table_row!\nRibasim.sorted_table!\nRibasim.timesteps\nRibasim.update_allocation!\nRibasim.update_basin\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_tabulated_rating_curve!\nRibasim.valid_discrete_control\nRibasim.valid_edge_types\nRibasim.valid_edges\nRibasim.valid_flow_rates\nRibasim.valid_fractional_flow\nRibasim.valid_n_neighbors\nRibasim.valid_profiles\nRibasim.valid_sources\nRibasim.valid_subgrid\nRibasim.water_balance!\nRibasim.write_arrow\nRibasim.config.@addfields\nRibasim.config.@addnodetypes"
"objectID": "python/index.html",