diff --git a/core/allocation.html b/core/allocation.html
index 8aecd4ef8..6f8d8c25c 100644
--- a/core/allocation.html
+++ b/core/allocation.html
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ <h2 data-number="4.3" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="the-optimization-constrai
 <section id="example" class="level2" data-number="4.4">
 <h2 data-number="4.4" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="example"><span class="header-section-number">4.4</span> Example</h2>
 <p>The following is an example of an optimization problem for the example shown <a href="../python/examples.html#model-with-allocation-user-demand">here</a>:</p>
-<div id="35f1682b" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
+<div id="c140f563" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
 <details class="code-fold">
 <div class="sourceCode cell-code" id="cb1"><pre class="sourceCode julia code-with-copy"><code class="sourceCode julia"><span id="cb1-1"><a href="#cb1-1" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="im">using</span> <span class="bu">Ribasim</span></span>
@@ -689,39 +689,39 @@ <h2 data-number="4.4" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="example"><span class="hea
 <span id="cb1-18"><a href="#cb1-18" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="fu">println</span>(p.allocation.allocation_models[<span class="fl">1</span>].problem)</span></code><button title="Copy to Clipboard" class="code-copy-button"><i class="bi"></i></button></pre></div>
 <div class="cell-output cell-output-stdout">
-<pre><code>Min F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)]² + F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)]² + F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)]²
+<pre><code>Min F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)]² + F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)]² + F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)]²
 Subject to
  source[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] : F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] ≤ 172800
- source_user[UserDemand #3] : F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≤ 0
- source_user[UserDemand #6] : F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≤ 0
  source_user[UserDemand #13] : F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] ≤ 0
+ source_user[UserDemand #6] : F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≤ 0
+ source_user[UserDemand #3] : F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≤ 0
  fractional_flow[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - 0.6 F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≤ 0
- fractional_flow[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] - 0.4 F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≤ 0
+ fractional_flow[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] : -0.4 F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] + F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] ≤ 0
  flow_buffer_outflow[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] : F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≤ 0
- flow_conservation[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] : -F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] + F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] - F_flow_buffer_in[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] + F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] = 0
+ flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #8] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] = 0
+ flow_conservation[Basin #2] : -F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] + F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] - F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] + F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] = 0
+ flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #9] : -F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] + F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] = 0
  flow_conservation[Terminal #10] : F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] + F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] = 0
- flow_conservation[Basin #12] : -F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] + F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] = 0
- flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #9] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] - F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] = 0
+ flow_conservation[Basin #5] : -F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)] - F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] + F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] - F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] = 0
+ flow_conservation[Basin #12] : F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] - F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] = 0
  flow_conservation[LinearResistance #4] : F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] - F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] - F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] + F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] = 0
- flow_conservation[Basin #2] : F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] - F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] + F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] - F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] = 0
- flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #8] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] = 0
- flow_conservation[Basin #5] : F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] - F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] - F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)] - F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] = 0
- F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≥ 0
- F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0
- F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] ≥ 0
+ flow_conservation[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] : -F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] + F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] - F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] - F_flow_buffer_in[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] + F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] = 0
  F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] ≥ 0
- F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] ≥ 0
- F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] ≥ 0
- F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≥ 0
- F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] ≥ 0
- F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0
- F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] ≥ 0
  F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)] ≥ 0
  F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≥ 0
- F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] ≥ 0
  F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] ≥ 0
+ F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] ≥ 0
+ F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≥ 0
+ F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] ≥ 0
+ F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] ≥ 0
+ F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0
+ F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] ≥ 0
  F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] ≥ 0
+ F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≥ 0
  F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] ≥ 0
+ F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] ≥ 0
+ F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] ≥ 0
+ F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0
  F_flow_buffer_in[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≥ 0
  F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≥ 0
diff --git a/core/equations.html b/core/equations.html
index 5cf4f1bce..387070722 100644
--- a/core/equations.html
+++ b/core/equations.html
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ <h2 data-number="2.1" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="sec-reduction_factor"><sp
 <p>Here <span class="math inline">\(p &gt; 0\)</span> is the threshold value which determines the interval <span class="math inline">\([0,p]\)</span> of the smooth transition between <span class="math inline">\(0\)</span> and <span class="math inline">\(1\)</span>, see the plot below.</p>
-<div id="fa6f0e93" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
+<div id="873ed6d5" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
 <details class="code-fold">
 <div class="sourceCode cell-code" id="cb1"><pre class="sourceCode python code-with-copy"><code class="sourceCode python"><span id="cb1-1"><a href="#cb1-1" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="im">import</span> numpy <span class="im">as</span> np</span>
diff --git a/core/node/basin.html b/core/node/basin.html
index d144a4df6..61287cab4 100644
--- a/core/node/basin.html
+++ b/core/node/basin.html
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ <h2 data-number="1.5" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="area"><span class="header
 <section id="subgrid" class="level2" data-number="1.6">
 <h2 data-number="1.6" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="subgrid"><span class="header-section-number">1.6</span> Subgrid</h2>
-<p>The subgrid_level table defines a piecewise linear interpolation from a basin water level to a subgrid element water level. Many subgrid elements may be associated with a single basin, each with distinct interpolation functions. This functionality can be used to translate a single lumped basin level to a more spatially detailed representation (e.g comparable to the output of a hydrodynamic simulation).</p>
+<p>The subgrid table defines a piecewise linear interpolation from a basin water level to a subgrid element water level. Many subgrid elements may be associated with a single basin, each with distinct interpolation functions. This functionality can be used to translate a single lumped basin level to a more spatially detailed representation (e.g comparable to the output of a hydrodynamic simulation).</p>
 <table class="table">
 <tr class="header">
diff --git a/core/usage.html b/core/usage.html
index 6dc225218..8a38cb8cb 100644
--- a/core/usage.html
+++ b/core/usage.html
@@ -402,6 +402,7 @@ <h2 id="toc-title">On this page</h2>
   <li><a href="#discretecontrol---control.arrow" id="toc-discretecontrol---control.arrow" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#discretecontrol---control.arrow"><span class="header-section-number">5.3</span> DiscreteControl - <code>control.arrow</code></a></li>
   <li><a href="#allocation---allocation.arrow" id="toc-allocation---allocation.arrow" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#allocation---allocation.arrow"><span class="header-section-number">5.4</span> Allocation - <code>allocation.arrow</code></a></li>
   <li><a href="#allocation-flow---allocation_flow.arrow" id="toc-allocation-flow---allocation_flow.arrow" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#allocation-flow---allocation_flow.arrow"><span class="header-section-number">5.5</span> Allocation flow - <code>allocation_flow.arrow</code></a></li>
+  <li><a href="#subgrid-level---subgrid_level.arrow" id="toc-subgrid-level---subgrid_level.arrow" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#subgrid-level---subgrid_level.arrow"><span class="header-section-number">5.6</span> Subgrid level - <code>subgrid_level.arrow</code></a></li>
@@ -1011,6 +1012,32 @@ <h2 data-number="5.5" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="allocation-flow---allocat
+<section id="subgrid-level---subgrid_level.arrow" class="level2" data-number="5.6">
+<h2 data-number="5.6" class="anchored" data-anchor-id="subgrid-level---subgrid_level.arrow"><span class="header-section-number">5.6</span> Subgrid level - <code>subgrid_level.arrow</code></h2>
+<p>This result file is only written if the model contains a <a href="../core/node/basin.html#subgrid">Basin / subgrid</a> table. See there for more information on the meaning of this output.</p>
+<table class="table">
+<tr class="header">
+<tr class="odd">
+<tr class="even">
+<tr class="odd">
diff --git a/core/validation.html b/core/validation.html
index ce2fb99fd..4d3138130 100644
--- a/core/validation.html
+++ b/core/validation.html
@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ <h1 class="title">Validation</h1>
 <section id="connectivity" class="level1" data-number="1">
 <h1 data-number="1"><span class="header-section-number">1</span> Connectivity</h1>
 <p>In the table below, each column shows which node types are allowed to be downstream (or ‘down-control’) of the node type at the top of the column.</p>
-<div id="8579efab" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
+<div id="7b9fa03a" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
 <details class="code-fold">
 <div class="sourceCode cell-code" id="cb1"><pre class="sourceCode julia code-with-copy"><code class="sourceCode julia"><span id="cb1-1"><a href="#cb1-1" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="im">using</span> <span class="bu">Ribasim</span></span>
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ <h1 data-number="1"><span class="header-section-number">1</span> Connectivity</h
 <section id="neighbor-amounts" class="level1" data-number="2">
 <h1 data-number="2"><span class="header-section-number">2</span> Neighbor amounts</h1>
 <p>The table below shows for each node type between which bounds the amount of in- and outneighbors must be, for both flow and control edges.</p>
-<div id="ac69aa08" class="cell" data-execution_count="2">
+<div id="f9bf3b0f" class="cell" data-execution_count="2">
 <details class="code-fold">
 <div class="sourceCode cell-code" id="cb2"><pre class="sourceCode julia code-with-copy"><code class="sourceCode julia"><span id="cb2-1"><a href="#cb2-1" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a>flow_in_min <span class="op">=</span> <span class="fu">Vector</span><span class="dt">{String}</span>()</span>
diff --git a/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-59-output-1.png b/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-59-output-1.png
index f4ea4178f..54561750f 100644
Binary files a/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-59-output-1.png and b/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-59-output-1.png differ
diff --git a/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-60-output-2.png b/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-60-output-2.png
index bb2514247..5a0353e6c 100644
Binary files a/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-60-output-2.png and b/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-60-output-2.png differ
diff --git a/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-71-output-1.png b/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-71-output-1.png
index 2e273a56f..42dfff946 100644
Binary files a/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-71-output-1.png and b/python/examples_files/figure-html/cell-71-output-1.png differ
diff --git a/python/test-models.html b/python/test-models.html
index 8b5a39ed4..5638fb6af 100644
--- a/python/test-models.html
+++ b/python/test-models.html
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ <h1 class="title">Test models</h1>
 <p>Ribasim developers use the following models in their testbench and in order to test new features.</p>
-<div id="f0fd0657" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
+<div id="b8fb9f6e" class="cell" data-execution_count="1">
 <details class="code-fold">
 <div class="sourceCode cell-code" id="cb1"><pre class="sourceCode python code-with-copy"><code class="sourceCode python"><span id="cb1-1"><a href="#cb1-1" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="im">import</span> ribasim_testmodels</span>
diff --git a/search.json b/search.json
index d32a2c6e8..91712d878 100644
--- a/search.json
+++ b/search.json
@@ -131,6 +131,17 @@
+  {
+    "objectID": "core/usage.html#subgrid-level---subgrid_level.arrow",
+    "href": "core/usage.html#subgrid-level---subgrid_level.arrow",
+    "title": "Usage",
+    "section": "5.6 Subgrid level - subgrid_level.arrow",
+    "text": "5.6 Subgrid level - subgrid_level.arrow\nThis result file is only written if the model contains a Basin / subgrid table. See there for more information on the meaning of this output.\n\n\n\ncolumn\ntype\n\n\n\n\ntime\nDateTime\n\n\nsubgrid_id\nInt32\n\n\nsubgrid_level\nFloat64",
+    "crumbs": [
+      "Julia core",
+      "Usage"
+    ]
+  },
     "objectID": "core/validation.html",
     "href": "core/validation.html",
@@ -1311,7 +1322,7 @@
     "href": "core/node/basin.html#subgrid",
     "title": "Basin",
     "section": "1.6 Subgrid",
-    "text": "1.6 Subgrid\nThe subgrid_level table defines a piecewise linear interpolation from a basin water level to a subgrid element water level. Many subgrid elements may be associated with a single basin, each with distinct interpolation functions. This functionality can be used to translate a single lumped basin level to a more spatially detailed representation (e.g comparable to the output of a hydrodynamic simulation).\n\n\n\ncolumn\ntype\nunit\nrestriction\n\n\n\n\nsubgrid_id\nInt32\n-\nsorted\n\n\nnode_id\nInt32\n-\nconstant per subgrid_id\n\n\nbasin_level\nFloat64\n\\(m\\)\nsorted per subgrid_id\n\n\nsubgrid_level\nFloat64\n\\(m\\)\nsorted per subgrid_id\n\n\n\nThe table below shows example input for two subgrid elements:\n\n\n\nsubgrid_id\nnode_id\nbasin_level\nsubgrid_level\n\n\n\n\n1\n9\n0.0\n0.0\n\n\n1\n9\n1.0\n1.0\n\n\n1\n9\n2.0\n2.0\n\n\n2\n9\n0.0\n0.5\n\n\n2\n9\n1.0\n1.5\n\n\n2\n9\n2.0\n2.5\n\n\n\nBoth subgrid elements use the water level of the basin with node_id 9 to interpolate to their respective water levels. The first element has a one to one connection with the water level; the second also has a one to one connection, but is offset by half a meter. A basin water level of 0.3 would be translated to a water level of 0.3 for the first subgrid element, and 0.8 for the second. Water levels beyond the last basin_level are linearly extrapolated.\nNote that the interpolation to subgrid water level is not constrained by any water balance within Ribasim. Generally, to create physically meaningful subgrid water levels, the subgrid table must be parametrized properly such that the spatially integrated water volume of the subgrid elements agrees with the total storage volume of the basin.",
+    "text": "1.6 Subgrid\nThe subgrid table defines a piecewise linear interpolation from a basin water level to a subgrid element water level. Many subgrid elements may be associated with a single basin, each with distinct interpolation functions. This functionality can be used to translate a single lumped basin level to a more spatially detailed representation (e.g comparable to the output of a hydrodynamic simulation).\n\n\n\ncolumn\ntype\nunit\nrestriction\n\n\n\n\nsubgrid_id\nInt32\n-\nsorted\n\n\nnode_id\nInt32\n-\nconstant per subgrid_id\n\n\nbasin_level\nFloat64\n\\(m\\)\nsorted per subgrid_id\n\n\nsubgrid_level\nFloat64\n\\(m\\)\nsorted per subgrid_id\n\n\n\nThe table below shows example input for two subgrid elements:\n\n\n\nsubgrid_id\nnode_id\nbasin_level\nsubgrid_level\n\n\n\n\n1\n9\n0.0\n0.0\n\n\n1\n9\n1.0\n1.0\n\n\n1\n9\n2.0\n2.0\n\n\n2\n9\n0.0\n0.5\n\n\n2\n9\n1.0\n1.5\n\n\n2\n9\n2.0\n2.5\n\n\n\nBoth subgrid elements use the water level of the basin with node_id 9 to interpolate to their respective water levels. The first element has a one to one connection with the water level; the second also has a one to one connection, but is offset by half a meter. A basin water level of 0.3 would be translated to a water level of 0.3 for the first subgrid element, and 0.8 for the second. Water levels beyond the last basin_level are linearly extrapolated.\nNote that the interpolation to subgrid water level is not constrained by any water balance within Ribasim. Generally, to create physically meaningful subgrid water levels, the subgrid table must be parametrized properly such that the spatially integrated water volume of the subgrid elements agrees with the total storage volume of the basin.",
     "crumbs": [
       "Julia core",
@@ -1675,7 +1686,7 @@
     "href": "core/allocation.html#example",
     "title": "Allocation",
     "section": "4.4 Example",
-    "text": "4.4 Example\nThe following is an example of an optimization problem for the example shown here:\n\n\nCode\nusing Ribasim\nusing Ribasim: NodeID\nusing SQLite\nusing ComponentArrays: ComponentVector\n\ntoml_path = normpath(@__DIR__, \"../../generated_testmodels/allocation_example/ribasim.toml\")\np = Ribasim.Model(toml_path).integrator.p\nu = ComponentVector(; storage = zeros(length(p.basin.node_id)))\n\nallocation_model = p.allocation.allocation_models[1]\nt = 0.0\npriority_idx = 1\n\nRibasim.set_flow!(p.graph, NodeID(:FlowBoundary, 1), NodeID(:Basin, 2), 1.0)\nRibasim.set_objective_priority!(allocation_model, p, u, t, priority_idx)\nRibasim.set_initial_values!(allocation_model, p, u, t)\n\nprintln(p.allocation.allocation_models[1].problem)\n\n\nMin F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)]² + F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)]² + F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)]²\nSubject to\n source[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] : F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] ≤ 172800\n source_user[UserDemand #3] : F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≤ 0\n source_user[UserDemand #6] : F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≤ 0\n source_user[UserDemand #13] : F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] ≤ 0\n fractional_flow[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - 0.6 F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≤ 0\n fractional_flow[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] - 0.4 F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≤ 0\n flow_buffer_outflow[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] : F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≤ 0\n flow_conservation[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] : -F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] + F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] - F_flow_buffer_in[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] + F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] = 0\n flow_conservation[Terminal #10] : F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] + F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] = 0\n flow_conservation[Basin #12] : -F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] + F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] = 0\n flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #9] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] - F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] = 0\n flow_conservation[LinearResistance #4] : F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] - F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] - F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] + F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] = 0\n flow_conservation[Basin #2] : F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] - F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] + F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] - F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] = 0\n flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #8] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] = 0\n flow_conservation[Basin #5] : F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] - F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] - F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)] - F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] = 0\n F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0\n F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] ≥ 0\n F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] ≥ 0\n F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] ≥ 0\n F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≥ 0\n F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0\n F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] ≥ 0\n F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] ≥ 0\n F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] ≥ 0\n F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] ≥ 0\n F_flow_buffer_in[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≥ 0\n F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≥ 0",
+    "text": "4.4 Example\nThe following is an example of an optimization problem for the example shown here:\n\n\nCode\nusing Ribasim\nusing Ribasim: NodeID\nusing SQLite\nusing ComponentArrays: ComponentVector\n\ntoml_path = normpath(@__DIR__, \"../../generated_testmodels/allocation_example/ribasim.toml\")\np = Ribasim.Model(toml_path).integrator.p\nu = ComponentVector(; storage = zeros(length(p.basin.node_id)))\n\nallocation_model = p.allocation.allocation_models[1]\nt = 0.0\npriority_idx = 1\n\nRibasim.set_flow!(p.graph, NodeID(:FlowBoundary, 1), NodeID(:Basin, 2), 1.0)\nRibasim.set_objective_priority!(allocation_model, p, u, t, priority_idx)\nRibasim.set_initial_values!(allocation_model, p, u, t)\n\nprintln(p.allocation.allocation_models[1].problem)\n\n\nMin F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)]² + F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)]² + F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)]²\nSubject to\n source[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] : F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] ≤ 172800\n source_user[UserDemand #13] : F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] ≤ 0\n source_user[UserDemand #6] : F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≤ 0\n source_user[UserDemand #3] : F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≤ 0\n fractional_flow[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - 0.6 F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≤ 0\n fractional_flow[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] : -0.4 F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] + F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] ≤ 0\n flow_buffer_outflow[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] : F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≤ 0\n flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #8] : F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] - F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] = 0\n flow_conservation[Basin #2] : -F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] + F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] - F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] + F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] = 0\n flow_conservation[FractionalFlow #9] : -F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] + F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] = 0\n flow_conservation[Terminal #10] : F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] + F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] = 0\n flow_conservation[Basin #5] : -F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)] - F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] + F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] + F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] - F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] = 0\n flow_conservation[Basin #12] : F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] - F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] = 0\n flow_conservation[LinearResistance #4] : F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] - F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] - F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] + F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] = 0\n flow_conservation[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] : -F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] + F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] - F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] - F_flow_buffer_in[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] + F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] = 0\n F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #8)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #5, UserDemand #6)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #5, TabulatedRatingCurve #7)] ≥ 0\n F[(FractionalFlow #9, Basin #12)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #2, UserDemand #3)] ≥ 0\n F[(UserDemand #6, Basin #5)] ≥ 0\n F[(TabulatedRatingCurve #7, FractionalFlow #9)] ≥ 0\n F[(FlowBoundary #1, Basin #2)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #2, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0\n F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #2)] ≥ 0\n F[(UserDemand #13, Terminal #10)] ≥ 0\n F[(UserDemand #3, Basin #2)] ≥ 0\n F[(FractionalFlow #8, Terminal #10)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #12, UserDemand #13)] ≥ 0\n F[(LinearResistance #4, Basin #5)] ≥ 0\n F[(Basin #5, LinearResistance #4)] ≥ 0\n F_flow_buffer_in[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≥ 0\n F_flow_buffer_out[TabulatedRatingCurve #7] ≥ 0",
     "crumbs": [
       "Julia core",