All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Documentation: add leakage term to the wflow_sbm figure, document external input parameter
and fix description of adding externalinflow
to the kinematic wave. - Fixed BMI functions (e.g.
) that deviated from BMI specifications (BasicModelInterface.jl), including function arguments, return types and the BMI specification that arrays are always flattened (this was not the case for variables stored as 2-dimensional arrays or as vector of SVectors). - Bump compat for NCDatasets to 0.13, 0.14.
- The solution for lake outflow as part of the Modified Puls Approach. The inflow and outflow variables are defined for period
, and not att1
(instantaneous) as in the original mass balance equation of the Modified Puls Approach. Because of this, the terms of the quadratic equation (and solution) were fixed.
- For cyclic parameters different cyclic time inputs are supported (only one common cyclic time (for example daily or monthly) was allowed).
- BMI: 1) added grid information (type and location) and whether a variable can be exchanged to metadata Structs, 2) extend model grid functions for Wflow components that store variables on
(local inertial model) withget_grid_edge_count
- Functions for loading and saving states and getting the
in Unix time format. This is convenient for coupling with OpenDA (and other external) software. The set states functionality from the initialization function has been moved to a separateset_states
function for eachModel
type, to support loading states independent of initialization.
v0.7.2 - 2023-09-27
- Water balance of modified Rutter interception model. The sum of the stemflow partitioning coefficient
and free throughfall coefficientp
could get larger than 1, resulting in an overestimation of stemflow and throughfall amounts and negative net interception amounts. And the first drainage amountdd
, controlled by a change over time in canopy storage capacitycmax
, should not be subtracted from precipitation to compute net interception. - The
(net interception) computed by the modified Rutter interception model was stored asinterception
, while this should be theinterception
(interception loss by evaporation) output of the modified Rutter interception model. Theinterception
is used to compute the total actual evapotranspirationactevap
v0.7.1 - 2023-06-30
- State initialization of 1D floodplain
. In the initialization function the wrong field name of typeFloodPlainProfile
was used (area
instead ofa
v0.7.0 - 2023-06-12
now gets called on the model rather than the type, like all other BMI functions, exceptBMI.initialize
. Also it returns "s" instead of "seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00", in line with the BMI specification.- Added the
component to total actual evapotranspirationactevap
(was defined as the sum of soil evaporation, transpiration and open water evaporation).
- The time values returned in the BMI interface are no longer in seconds since 1970, but in seconds since the model start time. This is more in line with standard BMI practices.
- The
was defined one model timestepΔt
ahead of the actual model time (the initial conditions timestamp (state time)). As a consequence this was also the case for the current model time. To allow for an easier interpretation of Wflow time handling, either through BMI or directly, thestarttime
is now equal to the state time, resulting in current model times without an offset. - Using more than 8 threads can result in too much overhead with
. After performance testing, this has been changed for kinematic wave routing and the verticalSBM
concept to spawning tasks withThreads@spawn
for number of threads <= 8, where each task iterates over a chunk of sizebasesize
. For more than 8 threads the low overhead threadingPolyester.@batch
(including theminbatch
argument) is used. For local inertial routing the use ofThreads.@threads
has been changed to threaded loop vectorization (river and 1D floodplain local inertial momentum equation) andPolyester.@batch
- For (regulated) lakes with rating curve of type 1 (H-Q table), lake
above themaximumstorage
(based on maximum water level from the H-Q table) is spilled instantaneously (overflow) from the lake. - Added support to use
as a reducer function for csv and scalar output options.
v0.6.3 - 2023-03-01
- Removed error when
is present in the time dimension of the forcing NetCDF file. The simulation is allowed to continue with the attribute present, given that there are no missing values in the time dimension. This is checked by the code, and an error is thrown if this is the case. - Column index of daily lake rating curves. This was incorrectly based on
with a maximum of 365. The column index should be based on julian day (leap days are not counted).
version. Reading thetime
dimension of multifile NetCDF file became very slow sinceNCDatasets
v0.12.4, this issue has been solved in v0.12.11.- Store the
dimension of the forcing NetCDF file as part of the structNCreader
instead of callingdataset["time"][:]
each time step when loading forcing data.
- Show total duration of simulation in the log file (info), and show the current time at execution of each timestep (debug).
- Support for exponential decline in horizontal conductivity in the sbm_gwf concept. This can be enabled using the
setting (either "uniform" or "exponential"). If set to "exponential", it exponentially reduces thekh0
) based on the value ofgwf_f
to the actual horizontal conductivity (k
). - An optional 1D floodplain schematization for the river flow inertial model, based on provided flood volumes as a function of flood depth per river cell. See also the following sections: SBM + Local inertial river and floodplain and River and floodplain routing for a short description, and the following section for associated model parameters.
v0.6.2 - 2022-09-01
- Two issues related to reservoir and lake locations as part of local inertial model: 1) added as boundary points to the update of overland flow, 2) fixed check reservoir and lake location in update river flow.
- Limit flow (
) in local inertial model when water is not available (set to zero). - In the grid output netCDFs, don't set the
attribute, since the CF conventions don't allow it. - Glacier parameter
needs to be converted during initialization (time dependent). - The check that the sum of adaptive timesteps (
) of the local inertial model (1D and 2D) does not exceed the model timestep.
- Changed depth
for reservoir and lake locations as part of the river local inertial model frombankfull_depth
to zero.
- External inflow to the SBM + Local inertial river (1D) and land (2D) model configuration.
v0.6.1 - 2022-04-26
- Fixed an error with the log file, when writing to a folder that does not (yet) exists. Now, the folder is created prior to writing the log file.
- Fixed a MethodError for
, thrown when reading netCDF data with NCDatasets.jl 0.12.3 or higher.
v0.6.0 - 2022-04-14
- The FLEXTopo model.
- Set a (different) uniform value for each index of input parameters with an extra dimension. A list of values (instead of one uniform value) that should be equal to the length of the extra dimension can be provided in the TOML file. See also Modify parameters.
- Modify input parameters with an extra dimension at multiple indices with different
values, through the TOML file. See also Modify parameters. - Added support for NetCDF compression for gridded model output, through the option
in the[output]
section in the TOML file. The setting defaults to 0 (no compression), but all levels between 0 and 9 can be used.
- Re-organized the documentation: moved explanation of different model concepts to a model documentation section, added a user guide to explain setting up the model, added new figures to the description of wflow_sbm.
- The unit of lateral subsurface flow
is now $m^3 d^{-1}$. The unit was $m^3 t^{-1}$, where $t$ is the model timestep. Other flow variables are already stored independently from $t$, this allows for easier interpretation and to use states independently of $t$. - Changed the reference level of water depth
of 2D overland flow (ShallowWaterLand
) for cells containing a river from river bed elevationzb
to cell elevationz
- Fixed calculation of average water depth
of 2D overland flow (ShallowWaterLand
) with the local inertial approach. The summation ofh
was not correct, resulting in too low values forh_av
. For river cells of 2D overland flowh_av
was only updated as part of the river domain (ShallowWaterRiver
), this value is now also updated as part of the land domain (ShallowWaterLand
). - Fixed the following two flow width issues for 2D overland flow of the local inertial model: 1) The flow widths
were mapped incorrectly (reversed) to the flow calculation inx
direction, respectively. 2) For river cells the effective flow width for overland flow was not determined correctly: theriverwidth
vector supplied to the functionset_effective_flowwidth!
covered the complete model domain and should have covered the river domain, resulting in incorrect river widths and thus incorrect effective flow widths for river cells.
v0.5.2 - 2022-02-03
- Model types
use the same approach for the calculation of the drain widthdw
as model typesbm
. - Renamed
parameter tobankfull_depth
for consistency between kinematic-wave and local-inertial river routing. When using the old name under the[input.lateral.river]
section of the TOML file, it will work but it is suggested to update the name.
- Additional log messages and log file as output, see also Logging.
- Option to use the local inertial model for river flow as part of the
model type. See also SBM + Local inertial river. - Option to use the local inertial model for 1D river flow combined with 2D overland flow as part of the
model type. See also SBM + Local inertial river (1D) and land (2D).
- Model type
: the surface width for overland flow was not corrected with the river width. - Fixed use of absolute path for
in TOML file, which gave an error in Wflow v0.5.1. - Fixed a crash when glacier processes are simulated as part of the
concept (Δt was not defined). - When the surface flow width for overland flow is zero, the water level
of the kinematic wave should not be calculated, otherwise this results inNaN
values. When the model is initialized from state files,q
are set to zero for indices with a zero surface flow width. - Fixed how number of iterations
for kinematic wave river flow are calculated during initialization when using a fixed sub-timestep (specified in the TOML file). For a model timestep smaller than the fixed sub-timestep an InexactError was thrown. - Fixed providing a cyclic parameter when the NetCDF variable is read during model initialization with
, this gave an error about the size of the NetCDFtime
dimension. - Fixed CSV and NetCDF scalar output of variables with dimension
v0.5.1 - 2021-11-24
- Fixed calculation of
as part of thesbm_gwf
model type. This was based directly on groundwater head above the surface level, without multiplying by thespecific_yield
, resulting in an overestimation ofexfiltwater
. This is required since the groundwater model estimates the head by dividing the volume by the specific yield or storativity of the aquifer. So, should the groundwater table rise above surface level, the head above surface level does not represent a water column one to one. (This also means the groundwater model (slightly) overestimates heads when the head rises above the surface level. However, this water is immediately removed, and the head will be set to surface level.)
- Optional
keys in the TOML, which can be used to quickly change the path for all input or output files that are given as a relative path.
v0.5.0 - 2021-11-12
- Scaling of potential capillary rise is replaced by a common approach found in literature, based on the water table depth
, a maximum water depthcap_hmax
beyond which capillary rise ceases, and a coefficientcap_n
. See also Capillary rise. Multiplying the scaling factor with the ratio of model time step andbasetimestep
in the original approach resulted in (much) smaller capillary fluxes at sub-daily model time steps compared to daily model time steps, and is not used in the new approach. Parameterscap_hmax
can be set through the TOML file, parametercapscale
of the previous approach is not used anymore.
- Conversion of
boundaries [$m^3 d^{-1}$] as part of model conceptsbm_gwf
to $m^3 s^{-1}$ for sub-daily model time steps. For the conversion thebasetimestep
(86400 s) should be used (and not the model time step).
v0.4.1 - 2021-11-04
- The $\alpha$ parameter of the kinematic wave has a fixed value now and is not updated because of changes in water height (this could result in large water balance errors). See also Surface routing.
- Cyclic input for other structs than vertical are also now supported (for example cyclic inflow to the river).
- Moved
functions to therun
function. It is now easier to implement a customrun
function with custom loading of input data (forcing and cyclic parameters).
- Check if reservoirs and lakes have downstream nodes. Without downstream nodes is not supported and in that case an error message is thrown that is easier to understand than the previous one: "ArgumentError: Collection is empty, must contain exactly 1 element."
- For the
TOML setting we use Glob.jl to expand strings like"data/forcing-year-*.nc"
to a set of netCDF files that are split in time. - External water inflow (supply/abstractions) added to the kinematic wave
in m3/s. It is added/removed tosf.qlat[v]
before computing the newq[v]
with the kinematic wave equation. - Fixed values for forcing parameters are supported, see also Fixed forcing values.
- Option to use the local inertial model for river flow as part of the SBM + Kinematic wave. See also SBM + Local inertial river.
- River inflow for reservoirs and lakes in the kinematic wave. This inflow was based on
at the previous time step, and this has been fixed to the current time step.
v0.4.0 - 2021-09-02
- Changed length units for lateral subsurface flow component from millimeter to meter. This means that state netCDF files from previous versions can only be reused if
is divided by 10^9. - Add snow and glacier processes to wflow_sbm figure of the documentation.
- Multi-threading of vertical SBM concept and lateral kinematic wave components (overland, river and subsurface flow) of wflow_sbm model SBM + Kinematic wave.
- Improved error message for CSV Reducer.
- The TOML keys
have been replaced with the ASCII versionskv_0
, to avoid encoding issues with certain text editors. The old keys still work as well.
- Calculation of volumetric water content of vertical SBM (soil layers and root zone).
- Update of
in SBM (evaporation was only subtracted from a local variable, and not fromsbm.satwaterdepth
). - Fixed the index
. Linked lakes were not simulated correctly (flows between upstream and downstream lake). - Interpolation function
interpolate_linear(x, xp, fp)
for CSV tables lakes. Whenx
was larger or smaller thanxp
, maximum(xp
) or minimum(xp
) was returned instead of maximum(fp
) or minimum(fp
). - Fixed model timestep of reservoirs (
) and lakes (NaturalLake
) in relation to precipitation and evapotranspiration fluxes. This was set to the fixed Wflowbasetimestep
of 86400 s, and should be set to the actual model time step from the TOML configuration file. - Add
) in thesbm_gwf_model
to the overland flow component instead of the river component of the kinematic wave. - Fixed option
constanthead = false
(TOML file),constant_head
field ofGroundwaterFlow
was not defined in this case. Fixed this by initializing empty fields (Vector) for structConstantHead
. - Fixed return max(0, boundary.flux[index]) to return max(0, flux) the flux should be returned when cell is dry, no negative value allowed.
- Fixed path to initialize lake to: dirname(static_path)
- Fixed outflow = 0, when lake level is below lake threshold. Before a negative value could enter the log function and model would fail.
- Fixed the lake storage initialization. For continuation runs (
reinit = false
), this caused the lake to be reset to the initial conditions instead of the saved state.
v0.3.1 - 2021-05-19
- Ignore extra dimensions in input NetCDFs if they are size 1
v0.3.0 - 2021-05-10
- New deposition process for coarse sediment in the reservoirs with a new parameter
in the sediment model. - New variables added to the
structs in order to save more output from the sediment model. - Added variables
struct, this is convenient for the coupling with the water quality model Delwaq. - River water level (
) and discharge (q
) forced directly into theRiverSediment
struct (instead of using theOverlandFlowSediment
struct first). - Require Julia 1.6 or later.
- Modify model parameters and forcing through the TOML file (see Modify parameters).
- Run wflow_sbm (SBM + kinematic wave) in two parts (until recharge and after subsurface flow) from BMI, including the option to switch off the lateral subsurface component of wflow_sbm.
- Support more netCDF dimension and axis order variants.
- Corrected a bug in sediment deposition in the river (case when incoming sediment load is more than the river transport capacity).
- Fixed update of
fields of HBV and SBM concepts by theglacier_hbv
v0.2.0 - 2021-03-26
- Removed dependency of the
model parameter of wflow_sbm on the parameters $\theta_{s}$, $\theta_{r}$ and $M$. This approach is used in Topog_SBM, but not applicable for wflow_sbm. Thef
parameter needs to be provided as part of the NetCDF model parameter file. - Grid properties as cell length and elevation now stored as part of the
component and not as part of the vertical model components, as it is not used by these components.altitude
(elevation) should now be provided as part of the[input]
section of the TOML configuration file, and not as part of the[input.vertical]
section. - Removed parameter $\theta_{e}$ from SBM struct (not used in update). Parameters $\theta_{s}$ and $\theta_{r}$ included separately (instead of $\theta_{e}$) in
LateralSSF struct
, now directly linked to SBM parameters. - Improve error messages (NetCDF and cyclic flow graph).
- Export of NetCDF scalar timeseries (separate NetCDF file from gridded timeseries). This also allows for importing these timeseries by Delft-FEWS (General Adapter).
- Model parameter Manning's
now used during the update of thestruct SurfaceFlow
, to change the related $\alpha$ parameter of the kinematic wave for channel flow.